At the beginning of the war, many people did not expect that the war with Ukraine would end like this. In people's imagination, the Russian army should be "powerful" and "a hot knife cuts butter", easily pacifying Ukraine.

2024/05/2318:57:33 hotcomm 1346

At the beginning of the war, many people did not expect that the war with Ukraine would end like this. In people's imagination, the Russian army should be

At the beginning of the war, many people did not expect that the war with Ukraine would end like this. In people's imagination, the Russian army should be "powerful" and "a hot knife cuts butter", easily pacifying Ukraine. As a result, "cutting the mess with a quick knife" turned into "killing the chicken with a dull knife", and the " blitzkrieg " turned into scorched earth wars, positional wars, and street battles. The process of the war was greatly prolonged, and the conflict became "more cruel." ”, both sides of the war were suffering.

According to a report from Shangguan News on March 7, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine issued an emergency notice that morning, calling on Chinese compatriots in Ukraine to "leave" Ukraine as soon as possible because the local situation "is still deteriorating" and there are " A sharp rise in temperature." It can be seen from the wording of the Chinese Embassy that the situation is not optimistic. After the short-term "ceasefire", there will soon be a "big war". The scale of the conflict will be larger, more cities will be destroyed, and it will be more bloody and It's scary. At present, most Chinese and their families have evacuated. The remaining compatriots must seize the time and leave immediately.

Just before the Chinese Embassy issued this "urgent" notice, according to a report by Peninsula Chinese Network on March 7, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett quietly flew to Moscow on Sunday to meet with Russian President Putin had a secret conversation for 3 hours, and the content of the conversation was not released. After the secret talk with Putin, Bennett immediately had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky. Then he did not stop in Moscow, but immediately flew to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Scholz. According to reports, Bennett's trip was to mediate the war between Russia and Ukraine, but his mediation "failed to prevent the war there."

At the beginning of the war, many people did not expect that the war with Ukraine would end like this. In people's imagination, the Russian army should be

In terms of national strength alone, Israel does not have the ability to "mediate", and Israel does not intend to use its national strength to try to influence Putin. The basis for Israel's mediation is its status as the closest ally of the United States. Therefore, Israel can represent the United States and it is a high-quality "mouthpiece", and the United States is the "general director" of this Russia-Ukraine crisis. To put it bluntly, Prime Minister Bennett's trip to Moscow is likely to bring the conditions of the United States to see if Putin can be made to "stop", but it is obvious that the "mediation" has failed, and a "war" may soon break out.

Bennett's failure in mediation was not the fault of him and Israel. The fundamental reason was that the two sides "could not reach an agreement." As far as the United States is concerned, according to our previous analysis, the United States only wants one thing, and that is for Russia, led by Putin, to turn to the United States, or (to put it more nicely) to the West and cooperate with the West in containing China. When the heads of state of the United States and Russia met in June last year, Biden hinted at this day, and also gave a "timetable", that is, Putin has "half a year to a year" to consider. Half a year later, the "Russia-Ukraine crisis" " broke out, and Biden rang the "rewind" bell.

Today, China's GDP has reached 77% of that of the United States. In 2021, China's GDP will grow by 8.1%. This year's conservative estimate (taking into account all factors) is also 5.5%. If there are no accidents (such as the Taiwan Strait War), China will It will surpass the United States in the next 5-10 years and become a global economic superpower. With the rise of China, the global hegemony of the United States will inevitably loosen, and the RMB will gradually assume the status of a "global currency", seriously threatening the foundation of American hegemony - the hegemony of the US dollar. I dare not say that China will replace the United States, but "many The advent of "polarized world" seems to be "unstoppable".

At the beginning of the war, many people did not expect that the war with Ukraine would end like this. In people's imagination, the Russian army should be

It is conceivable that in a multi-polar world, the United States can no longer "cover the sky with one hand", and Russia will be "like a fish in water". With its strong military power and vast territory, as long as it gets rid of Western sanctions, Russia will develop rapidly, and China will The rise of is a "historic opportunity" for , the fighting nation of . Now, the United States wants Russia to turn to the West and the United States, which is tantamount to asking Putin to "cut himself off from his ancestors" and completely give up the hope of Russia's rise and become a "submissive citizen" of the world order built by the United States. But the Russians are a fighting nation. , "A fighting nation will never be a slave!" Therefore, it is impossible for Putin to agree. After the

"mediation" failed, all parties are preparing for the worst-case scenario.As far as Russia is concerned, after learning from the experience and lessons learned some time ago, the fighting nation has begun to exert its strength, and it is likely that it will no longer care about civilian casualties, because Ukraine is unwilling to evacuate civilians and does not want to allow people to leave through humanitarian channels. This is Zelensky and the "talisman" of the Ukrainian Nazis. They deployed troops and heavy weapons to civilian areas with complete disregard for the life and death of the people. It would be best if they could be forced to "resist Russia" together. If this is not possible, civilians can also be used as cover. , but Russia is now red-eyed and can’t take care of it.

As far as the West is concerned, according to a report by CCTV News Client on March 7, US Secretary of State Blinken said that NATO countries are allowed to provide fighter jets to Ukraine. The United States, Britain and other countries also plan to support Zelenskiy to establish a "government-in-exile" in Poland after the fall of Kiev and let him command the " guerrilla warfare " in Ukraine. British Deputy Prime Minister Raab admitted that the United Kingdom has 22,000 armed forces have been trained for Ukraine, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may "last for months or even years." A large-scale and bloody conflict is about to begin. Those who can escape should do so.

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