When your yang energy is in a solid and secret state, you can achieve a healthy state of yin, yang and secret. All the organs of the human body, the food eaten, and various nutrients belong to Yin. Insufficient Yang Qi makes you susceptible to 5 kinds of ailments.

2024/05/2317:11:33 hotcomm 1112

Traditional Chinese medicine believes: "Wherever yin and yang are important, yang secretion is the key." When your Yang Qi is in a solid (full) state, you can achieve a healthy state of Yin, Ping and Yang.

All organs of the human body, food eaten, and various nutrients belong to Yin. Therefore, Yang Qi can only be nourished but cannot be replenished.

When your yang energy is in a solid and secret state, you can achieve a healthy state of yin, yang and secret. All the organs of the human body, the food eaten, and various nutrients belong to Yin. Insufficient Yang Qi makes you susceptible to 5 kinds of ailments. - DayDayNews

Insufficient yang energy is susceptible to five ailments

1. Cold hands and feet

Yang deficiency results in external cold. The biggest characteristic of people with yang deficiency is cold hands and feet. This is because the ends of the limbs do not receive the warmth of Yang Qi and have poor blood circulation.

The more severe the deficiency, the lower the temperature of the hands and feet. People with severe symptoms will feel cold below the knees and below the elbows.

2. Afraid of cold and wind

If Yang Qi is sufficient, the body's functional status will be full. If Yang Qi is insufficient, the heat produced by the deficiency will be insufficient, and the ability to withstand external cold will also be poor.

People like this usually wear more clothes than others, are heat-resistant but not cold-resistant, and have low body temperature all year round.

They are afraid of wind blowing on their heads and cold backs, but they rarely get sick. High fevers are often low-grade fevers. They feel very uncomfortable when the temperature reaches 37°C, and it is not easy to take antipyretics.

3. Frequent colds and coughs

There is a saying in "Huangdi Neijing": "When evil winds come, they are as fast as wind and rain." This means that when the unhealthy energy of the four seasons invades the human body, it is as fast as wind and rain, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

When people with sufficient yang energy get sick, their symptoms may seem serious, but they come and go quickly; while people with yang deficiency have mild symptoms and recover slowly.

4, Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis, also called allergic rhinitis in Western medicine. It usually manifests as sneezing continuously in the early morning, ranging from a few to more than a dozen, and sneezing at any time after exposure to allergens.

What's even more embarrassing is that these people will have a lot of watery nasal discharge when they don't have a cold, and sometimes they may drip from their nostrils unconsciously.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this is insufficient righteousness, cold evil invading the surface, and stagnation in the nose. It is mainly related to the deficiency of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. The inducement is mostly the excessive use of air conditioners.

5, Stomach cold , Stomach pain , Diarrhea

Some people are particularly prone to feeling cold in the stomach. When they catch a cold or eat something cold, they get stomach pain , diarrhea, and usually have unformed stools. This is caused by yang deficiency and insufficient spleen yang.

The spleen and stomach are the "logistics department" of the five internal organs. If the spleen yang is insufficient and the ability of transportation and transformation is poor, the qi of the spleen and stomach cannot continuously support the five internal organs, and eventually the yang qi will become increasingly deficient.

Therefore, you should not be greedy for cold, eat too much cold food, and do not use antibiotics indiscriminately, as this will damage Yang Qi.

People with yang deficiency constitution will be afraid of the cold even in midsummer. To improve the symptoms of cold sensitivity, in addition to conditioning the body and increasing the amount of exercise, the seasoning cinnamon can be appropriately added to the daily diet and cooking.


When your yang energy is in a solid and secret state, you can achieve a healthy state of yin, yang and secret. All the organs of the human body, the food eaten, and various nutrients belong to Yin. Insufficient Yang Qi makes you susceptible to 5 kinds of ailments. - DayDayNews

Cinnamon comes from the dried bark of the Lauraceae plant, which is peeled off in autumn and dried in the shade. Those peeled from April to May are called spring osmanthus and are of poor quality, while those peeled in September are called autumn osmanthus and are of good quality.

Cinnamon produced in Thanh Hoa, Vietnam and Guangxi, my country is the best, with fine surface, thick and heavy skin, not broken, oily, strong aroma, strong sweetness but slightly pungent, and less chewing residue.

Cinnamon powder : Powder made from the medicinal material cinnamon. It is a common seasoning spice. Cinnamon is also a commonly used food and medicine ingredient.

Cinnamon has many aliases, such as Mu Gui " Shen Nong's Materia Medica ", Zi Gui "Medicinal Properties", Da Gui "Tang Materia Medica", La Gui "Ren Zhai Zhi Zhi Fang", Gui Pi "Compendium on Materia Medica", Yu Gui "Tang Materia Medica" "Compendium of Materia Medica Seeking the Original" and so on.

Its medicinal use has a long history. It was recorded as early as in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", which said that it "has a pungent taste and is warm. It is mainly used for coughing and reversing Qi, congested qi, throat numbness, spitting and aspiration, and is good for the joints. Buzhong and Qi ".

" Famous Doctors " records that cinnamon tastes sweet and pungent, is hot and poisonous, mainly warms the middle, helps the liver and lung qi, cold and heat in the heart and stomach, cold diseases, cholera , Zhuanjin , headache, low back pain, sweating , relieves irritability, relieves spitting, coughing, and stuffy nose, can induce abortion, strengthen joints, unblock blood vessels, and promotes hundreds of medicines without fear.

Who is suitable for eating cinnamon?

1, People with kidney yang deficiency , people who are afraid of cold, cold hands and feet

2, people who often suffer from cold pain in the lower back and knees

3, women with Chong Ren deficiency, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to cold coagulation and blood stagnation

In addition, for those who are chronically ill and deficient in qi and blood, a small amount of cinnamon can be added to the qi and blood replenishing prescription, which has the effect of warming yang qi and encouraging the growth of qi and blood, such as Shiquan Dabu Decoction " Heji Bureau Prescription ".



Cinnamon is a pungent and hot medicine. The herbal medicine has been recorded as "slightly poisonous", so the dosage should not be too large. It has been reported that after taking one or two ounces of cinnamon powder, toxic reactions such as dizziness, dizziness, eye swelling, astringent eyes, cough, oliguria, thirst, high pulse rate, etc. occurred. After switching to cold and cooling medicines, It will gradually disappear after 1 to 2 weeks.

It is not suitable for those with Yin deficiency and excessive fire , or if there is excess heat in the body. It is not suitable for those with blood-heat disorder, bleeding tendency, and heavy menstruation. Cinnamon is very popular and can easily cause abortion, so it is not suitable for pregnant women. It is not suitable to be used together with red stone . Not suitable for consumption in large quantities.

Spiced beef

Ingredients: 200 grams of beef, half a teaspoon of Sichuan peppercorns, 2 star anise, 1 piece of cinnamon, 45~6 pieces of sand ginger, 41 grass fruits, half a teaspoon of fennel, rock sugar, soup, wine Appropriate amount of each.

Method: Put the brine ingredients (except wine) in a deep bowl and cook over high heat for 15 minutes. Then wash the beef, put it into the brine, add wine, and cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes. Finally, take out the beef, let it cool and cut into thin slices before eating.

Note: Cinnamon should not be consumed in large amounts, usually 1 to 5 grams per time is appropriate. People who usually have dry throat, upset and irritable, tinnitus and deafness , bleeding gums , those with yin deficiency and excessive fire and excessive heat in the body should not take it. People with bleeding tendencies and pregnant women should use with caution.

Cinnamon mutton soup

When your yang energy is in a solid and secret state, you can achieve a healthy state of yin, yang and secret. All the organs of the human body, the food eaten, and various nutrients belong to Yin. Insufficient Yang Qi makes you susceptible to 5 kinds of ailments. - DayDayNews

Cinnamon mutton soup

Ingredients: 100 grams of lean mutton, 10 grams of cinnamon. 15 grams each of cooking wine and starch, a little minced chives, and an appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Wash the lean mutton, cut into slices, mix well with cooking wine and starch and sizing. Put the cinnamon into the pot, add appropriate amount of water and cook for 20 minutes. Add the mutton slices, spread them out, skim off the foam when boiling and add salt to taste. Pour the mutton soup into a soup bowl, sprinkle with chopped chives and serve. Eat with meals, meat and soup.

Efficacy: Cinnamon and mutton are both good for warming the body, dispersing cold, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, and mutton can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and nourish qi and blood. Regular consumption of this soup is very beneficial to those with weak spleen and kidney yang qi, asthenia and cold, and flaccidity.

Suitable people: People with impotence, cold pain in the waist and knees, abdominal pain due to cold deficiency, and diarrhea caused by spleen and kidney yang should eat it regularly. People with weak constitution, weak limbs, mental fatigue, loss of appetite, cold and cold hands and feet, and insufficient qi and blood should eat more. It is suitable for those suffering from cold, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and uterine cold. Best for winter consumption.


Special note:

Cinnamon and mutton are both hot ingredients. They should not be consumed by people with excessive yang, excess heat, yin deficiency and internal heat, patients with fever, patients with febrile venereal diseases, those with bleeding tendencies, and pregnant women. Not suitable during the hot summer season.

Source: Appointment with Famous Doctors

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