Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer.

2024/05/2317:08:32 hotcomm 1880

Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity, prevent diseases, and even cancer.

For sports, more people will choose running. Proper running has many benefits for the body. It is said that exercise makes people young. In order to prevent aging and stay young forever, many people insist on running.

However, some people insist on running for 40 minutes every day. Although their bodies are obviously thinner, they look older. So, does running delay aging or accelerate aging?

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer. - DayDayNews

Running for 40 minutes every day, does it delay aging or accelerate it? It’s not too late to understand now

Can running for 40 minutes a day make people younger?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. Adhering to a certain amount of exercise every day can indeed make you younger. This youthfulness may be manifested in many ways. For example, people who insist on running for 40 minutes every day have younger blood vessels.

Running every day can promote blood circulation, increase metabolism, enhance cardiopulmonary function, delay the aging of blood vessels, and make blood vessels younger.

In addition, running can improve your mood. People with high mental stress can relax themselves and relieve stress by running for 40 minutes a day. Their mood will also improve, and their complexion will also improve, making them look younger.

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer. - DayDayNews

Consistent exercise can also make the bones and muscles of the human body younger. Running for 40 minutes every day can improve the loss of calcium in the bones through blood circulation, avoid muscle strength deterioration, and prevent problems such as osteoporosis etc. to protect bones.

Generally speaking, exercising can indeed make people younger and bring many benefits to the body. Why do some people feel older after running for a period of time?

Why do some people age when they run?

Scientists have done research on this issue and finally found that human cells contain a special protein called "interleukin-15". This protein can stimulate skin cells to replenish collagen and accelerate cell metabolism.

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer. - DayDayNews

However, scientists have found through follow-up studies that long-term running will cause a U-shaped increase in the secretion rate of this special protein. That is to say, if the exercise intensity is maintained within a certain range, the speed at which "interleukin-15" promotes collagen replenishment will increase. Increased, the skin will be replenished and nourished, and exercise is a beneficial behavior to delay aging.

However, if the exercise intensity exceeds a certain range, under the action of lactic acid produced by muscle strain, the promoting effect of "interleukin-15" will be inhibited, the skin elasticity will be reduced, the skin will become dull, and the skin will grow. wrinkle.

Therefore, long-term running may make you older, especially if the amount of exercise is not well controlled during running. According to World Health Organization recommendations, 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per person per week is the best Appropriately, excessive exercise is not good for the body.

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer. - DayDayNews

Therefore, wrong running habits will have the opposite effect on sports and fitness, and can easily accelerate the aging of the body. I hope everyone can correct them as soon as possible. What issues should we pay attention to when exercising


Insufficient preparation in the early stage of running

Before running, you must prepare shoes and clothes, as well as running environment and running-related knowledge points, as well as water, warm-up before running, etc. A comprehensive understanding of running-related knowledge before running can reduce the occurrence of injuries or accidents during running. Accident.

Be sure to warm up before running, choose a good running route, comfortable running equipment, and bring a water bottle. Being fully prepared is good for your health.

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health. In order to improve their physical fitness, many people insist on exercising. Exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases and even cancer. - DayDayNews

Don’t care about distance and time when running

People who have just started running should pay attention to step by step, don’t rush, don’t pay too much attention to the distance and time of running, which will eventually lead to physical and mental exhaustion and it will be difficult to persist.

If you want to keep running for a long time, you must first consider your own feelings. If you feel tired or your heart beats faster or your body is sweating slightly, you should stop immediately and increase the amount of running after you gradually adapt.

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