Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that "life lies in stillness." Many people said to him, isn’t it good to rest at home when you are older?

2024/05/2223:17:33 hotcomm 1542

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that "life lies in stillness."

But Lao Wang knows a brother G who is an exception. Since retiring at the age of 60, he insists on jogging for 30-60 minutes every other day, with almost no interruption. .

Many people said to him, isn’t it good to rest at home when you are older? If you run in the morning, you will feel cold, and if you run in the evening, you will feel yin. In short, it is not good. But Brother G just didn’t believe in that evil and kept running. It has been five years this year. Brother

G said: I believe them. I have been running for 5 years and have received a lot of benefits. I am the best proof. Life is all about sports. Among sports, I like running the most, and it is jogging.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

First of all, running is to lose weight. Before he retired, Brother G had a bit of a beer belly. Although it was not very big, the fat accumulated in his abdomen could be clearly seen. Because he is obese, he also suffers from mild fatty liver and hyperlipidemia.

After retirement, Brother G also started jogging for health. He does not pursue speed. He only has one requirement for himself: not to give up, not to give up halfway, and to keep running.

just ran slowly like this, covering more than 100 kilometers every month. After a year of running, he lost a lot of weight. Mild fatty liver and hyperlipidemia also improved to a certain extent.

Secondly, because he insists on jogging, Brother G's heart rate is relatively stable . Many older adults have irregular heartbeats, and the risk of heart disease increases with age.

Jogging can improve the cardiovascular system and regulate blood pressure. Denmark A long-term cardiovascular study shows that jogging reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by 44%.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Third, smooth bowel movements and healthy gastrointestinal health. There are many elderly people. As age increases, intestinal peristalsis slows down and they are more prone to gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation.

Muscle activity during running will also stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Jogging is actually a way to promote intestinal peristalsis, which can help improve bowel habits, prevent digestive tract diseases, and constipation can be cured without medication.

Finally, Brother G said that after running, he felt more open-minded and met many runners with similar interests. In addition to jogging together, they will also travel, party, and compete in competitions together, which makes his retirement life colorful and full of vitality.

There are many young people running together, and I feel a lot younger when I am with them. I feel full of energy after every run, and I feel that my physical fitness and energy are much better than before I retired.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

If you are also running, then I believe you must have the same experience as Brother G.

The benefits brought by running are real and there are no routines. As long as you think about it, you don't need to apply for a card or hire a personal trainer. If you get a reliable pair of running shoes, you will definitely benefit from running.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Research has found that jogging can prevent 7 types of cancers. American scientific research data shows that people who can exercise for 7.5 to 15 hours a week have a significantly reduced risk of cancer.

Among them, it can not only reduce the probability of breast cancer , ovarian cancer, rectal cancer and early liver cancer, which are high-incidence cancers, but also include kidney tumors , bone marrow cancer , lymphoma these rare types.

Scholars have found that running brings a considerable amount of metabolism, which is more beneficial to health than physical exercises such as cycling and climbing stairs. If you have a good habit of running, you will surely enjoy many benefits.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Running can not only exercise the body, but also benefit the brain a lot.

When running, the body's blood flow increases, which directly affects the brain and makes it work better. That's why you'll feel more focused, clearer, more productive, and have better memory after exercise.In the long term, it will stimulate new brain cells and help prevent Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Having said so much, there must be some people who have different opinions from Brother G. In fact, some elderly people are afraid of problems while running because they have arthritis or chronic diseases.

In fact, for general chronic diseases, if it is not in the sudden period, doctors will also recommend appropriate exercise during other stable periods, rather than staying at home for a long time.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

Moderate exercise can help improve the blood circulation system in the human body. It is also beneficial to maintaining bones and joints, slowing down the degeneration of bones and joints, and stimulating the secretion of joint fluid.

But you need to find the amount of exercise that suits you, so Brother G’s point of view is to jog and never pursue speed.

Lao Wang also suggested starting with jogging for 10 minutes and proceeding step by step. When you start running, don't set a running distance for yourself, or rush to pursue running speed. Don't worry about the time. Just run for 10 minutes. If you can't run anymore, leave. Do it at a speed that allows you to speak normally while running.

Such intensity can prevent joint damage , and can also prevent the elderly from affecting their bodies due to their poor physical condition, resulting in a large amount of exercise consumption.

Although many elderly people attach great importance to health preservation, they just don't like to exercise. They would rather believe that

For the elderly, they should pay more attention to the heart rate when running. Do not exceed 70% of the heart rate (220-age), or run at a rate not exceeding (180-age). An excessively high heart rate will also increase Stress on the body can cause problems easily.

If you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, joint pain, etc. while running, you should slow down and rest immediately. Blindly following the trend in pursuit of speed and running volume will only increase the risk of exercise for the body, which will not achieve the effect of health care.

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