Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod

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Follow Huipao to help you run as light as a feather and without injury

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, such as:

☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, and the belt A series of diseases have occurred, and I talk about being anxious, but my body is slow to take action;

☑ I want to lose weight, but I am afraid of this and that. I am worried that my body will be too big and my knees will be injured when running;

☑ I saw some news about sudden death while running, They are worried that running is risky and that running for a long time will cause various injuries.


They seem to be wandering back and forth between thinking about running and not daring to run. They heard that running can bring health benefits. I want to run, but I hear all kinds of sensational cases. Running will cause injuries, running will cause sudden death, and I am afraid of running.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

No matter how much you try to persuade them, they can find various reasons to delay exercise. The fundamental reason is that they think about running too complicated.. They don’t understand running, and they have not learned running systematically. They have customized themselves too much. There are no rules and regulations, so subconsciously you feel that running is a very complicated thing.

The more complicated things become, the more afraid you are of starting.

As the saying goes: "Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be in danger."

Any change in behavior should start with "cognition".

Before you start running, understand some basic knowledge of running. You will find that running is not as complicated as you think. It can bring you many benefits, and the fun can only be experienced by yourself.

Just run, don’t be afraid. Today’s article is to provide a popular science for those runners who have been afraid to start running, answer your misconceptions about running, and help you lay a solid foundation and run healthily without injury.

Today we will talk about the top ten misconceptions about running.

(If you think this article is helpful to you or those around you who are afraid of running, please remember to share it! I hope that in 2022, they will no longer be afraid of running and can run happily and healthily with you.)

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Running Injures Knees

It is not running It hurts the knees, but the wrong kind of running hurts the knees.

Scientific running not only does not cause knee joint strain, but is beneficial to joint health. Whether running causes joint wear is largely determined by whether running is scientific.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Running correctly will not cause cartilage wear and tear, but will make the cartilage healthier.

Articular cartilage has no innervation and no blood vessels to supply nutrients. Its nutrients must be obtained from the synovial fluid of the joints.

When articular cartilage is put under pressure, the cartilage becomes thinner and the synovial fluid is squeezed out of the cartilage. When the pressure disappears, the synovial fluid is sucked into the cartilage. This is like a sponge effect, which is realized in this squeeze and suction. Provides nutrition for cartilage.

Therefore, the nutritional metabolism of articular cartilage must be achieved through moderate exercise. Only by continuously subjecting articular cartilage to moderate stress stimulation can the normal structure and function of cartilage be maintained.

Research shows: Exercise can also thicken articular cartilage, which is more conducive to absorbing, dispersing and buffering the impact on the joints.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

It is completely unnecessary to worry about running wearing away the cartilage. Running correctly will only make the joint cartilage healthier.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Losing weight only starts after running for more than half an hour

It is one of the most widespread rumors in the field of sports and fitness that fat consumption only starts after running for half an hour.

The reason is that running consumes sugar at the beginning, and fat will be consumed only after half an hour of sugar consumption. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you must run for at least half an hour.

If it is to consume more fat, it is right that runners to lose weight can extend their running time. However, it is a complete fallacy to say that running within half an hour is useless for losing weight!

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

First of all, if you really want to use up all the sugar in your body, it will take more than 5-6 hours, so it is impossible to expect to use up all the sugar for physical energy in half an hour.

The famous exercise physiology research pioneer Edward L. The increase in functionality is actually limited .

Intensity is the limiting factor that determines the energy supply ratio of sugar and fat.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

In fact, sugar and fat, the main energy supply substances of the human body (protein participates in energy supply very little, can be ignored), work in a mixed manner, which means that there is almost no certain activity that is only powered by sugar, or some activity Only powered by fat. Only the energy supply ratio is slightly different.

● During low-intensity activities, the energy supply ratio of fat is relatively high and the energy supply ratio of sugar is relatively low;

● During high-intensity activities, the energy supply ratio of fat is relatively low and the energy supply ratio of sugar is relatively high.

Therefore, we often recommend people to participate in long-term low-intensity jogging. On the one hand, it is easier to be accepted by people. On the other hand, low-intensity jogging can also effectively promote fat decomposition. But this does not matter for half an hour. As long as you start exercising, you will Will consume fat.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Sweating during exercise is to detoxify

When running, blood circulation accelerates and human metabolism accelerates.

During the process of perspiration, the body's metabolites, such as urea , lactic acid, fatty acids, etc., are excreted from the body in small amounts with sweat.

Lactic acid and fatty acids do not belong to the category of "toxic". Urea can be regarded as metabolic waste, but the amount of urea excreted in urine is much greater than sweat.

Although heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are poisons, the amount of heavy metals in the body of ordinary people is very small. Therefore, the actual effect of detoxification through sweating is minimal.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

The most important detoxification organ of the human body is the liver, and the detoxification organ is the kidney. Urine detoxification is much more reliable than sweat detoxification. Excessive sweating can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance , which is harmful to health.

Therefore, don’t believe too much in the statement that sweating detoxifies. Rather than saying that detoxification makes you healthier, it is better to say that running itself makes you healthier.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Running calves will become thicker

Girls don’t look good when running

Many girls are often afraid of running. In fact, does running really make the legs thicker?

certainly not.

If this were the case, the marathon runners who run the most would have long had elephant legs, but in fact, marathon runners have thinner legs than most of us!

Why is this?

Because they are light in weight and have a relatively low fat content, most people’s legs are thick not because they are naturally muscular, but because their subcutaneous fat content is relatively high.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Through running, you can effectively consume fat and make your legs slimmer.

Some people will say that some incorrect running postures will cause the thighs or calves to become thicker. Indeed, incorrect running postures will cause many problems, mainly leading to an increased risk of injuries.

However, there is currently not enough scientific evidence to show that a specific running posture will cause legs to become thicker. These are folk beliefs that cannot withstand scientific scrutiny.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Lose muscle by running

It is best not to run for people who want to gain muscle

Some people say that running will lose muscle, because running consumes protein, and the main substance that makes up muscle is protein, so running will lose muscle.

Does this statement make sense?

doesn't make sense.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

First of all:

The main energy supply substances during exercise are sugar and fat, and the proportion of protein energy supply is very small. Only during long-term and high-intensity exercise, a small amount of protein will be consumed.


really consumes a certain amount of protein, that is, a certain amount of muscle. You can supplement protein and repair muscles through post-exercise diet . Through this process, the muscles will become stronger and more developed;

This also explains why The first time we run a horse, the muscle reaction is great, and when we run again, the muscle reaction is significantly reduced.

Because through horse racing, your muscles are stimulated and strengthened.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Only by running more can endurance improve.

Accumulation of a certain amount of running is naturally indispensable for improving endurance. Without accumulation of amount, it is difficult to improve endurance from quantitative change to qualitative change, but accumulating running amount is equivalent to improving endurance. Thinking about running is too simple.

If you want to effectively improve endurance, you must comprehensively train your energy supply system, which includes both your aerobic energy supply system and your anaerobic energy supply system.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

You need to first lay your aerobic foundation through training below the aerobic threshold, which is what is usually understood as appropriate pile running volume;

Then you also need certain intensity training above the anaerobic threshold to increase your maximum oxygen uptake. The intensity training above the anaerobic threshold here mainly refers to interval running . It also requires a certain amount of mixed oxygen training to allow you to adapt to the intensity of the marathon and improve the body's ability to tolerate lactic acid.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Therefore, the best training to improve endurance needs to be based on aerobic training, and at the same time, anaerobic training is indispensable. In other words, you must conduct combined training at a variety of speeds to truly and efficiently improve endurance.

Four training methods needed to effectively improve endurance

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Sharpen the knife and cut the wood carefully. Only by doing a good job in all aspects of training can you ensure that you can run healthily without injury and improve scientifically and effectively.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

The correct running postures are all the same.

Running postures vary from person to person. Runners do not need to deliberately imitate a certain running posture in order to learn it.

Everyone has certain differences in height, weight, muscle strength, joint flexibility, etc. These differences will inevitably lead to everyone having their own running posture.

What's more, the running posture itself also changes dynamically with the change of speed.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Running posture is also a common thing. The commonality of running posture is to follow the basic principles of movement biomechanics .

No matter you run fast or slow, swinging your arms and legs during running must be coordinated;

Your core should be tightened appropriately and your back straight;

You should be light when landing and maintain the correct lower limb alignment. Only by avoiding buckling of the knee joint and excessive eversion of the foot can the occurrence of abnormal stress be avoided. This is a rule that must be followed in a reasonable running posture.

Runners tend to understand running posture in a one-size-fits-all way, thinking that running posture must have a specific movement pattern. In fact, running postures are different at different speeds. It is not wrong from the beginning to ask yourself to use the movement pattern of athletes. ?

What is the athlete’s pace?

What is your pace?

Therefore, running posture is not only a manifestation of technology, but also a manifestation of ability.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

There is no standard for running posture, but reasonable running posture must comply with the basic principles of biomechanics , that is, reasonable running posture should ultimately be expressed as: stable, coordinated, light these six words.

recommends runners to try the course "Zero Basic Running Development Plan for Beginners" recommended at the end of the article.

helps you lay a solid foundation and develop correct running posture ☟

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

The faster you run, the better the effect

Some runners always think that running faster is the best, but they often ignore that the best is not fast from the beginning, but also from the beginning. Start slowly to lay a solid foundation and improve your running ability.

Slowness is for the sake of getting better. If you blindly pursue speed, you will be eager for success and put yourself at risk of injury.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Therefore, we recommend that novice runners or runners who want to lose weight start with super jogging , also known as the smile running method.

Ultra jogging is running at a slow speed equivalent to walking, but without slowing down the pace.

This method is simple and easy to operate, and you will not feel tired. While running easily, you can enjoy the benefits of running and slowly improve your running ability during easy running.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

8 key points of super jogging:

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Run slowly at a smiling speed;

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Body posture, feel like a stick from the top of the head to the base of the toes (forefoot), this is the central axis of the body, keep it neutral In the state of the axis, lean the body forward;

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Lift your chin slightly, which can make breathing smoother;

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. When you first start practicing, each step should be about one foot long;

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Follow the metronome, and step Frequently reach 180-200 steps;

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Land on the sole of the forefoot (near the base of the toes);

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. After landing, instead of pressing hard on the ground, use the reaction of the ground to quickly lift the foot under the buttocks, gently lift the thigh, and move the calf naturally Swing forward, driving your torso forward.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Keep the left and right feet on two parallel tracks;


Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Smile speed is the speed at which you can run and talk normally

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Cadence is the number of steps in one minute

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews. Stride is the distance of one step

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

running You may die suddenly

In the latest review on endurance exercise and heart health published by the top scientific magazine "Nature", it is pointed out:

● Regular aerobic exercise can significantly improve the health level of the public and extend life span. At the same time, the more you exercise, , the greater the health benefits it brings;

● Regular, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise can greatly reduce the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease and other diseases;

In fact, the probability of sudden death among people who lack exercise is a regular rule More than 50 times more people exercise. Exercise forms an effective protective mechanism for the heart, while low heart function caused by lack of exercise is more like a "ticking time bomb."

Therefore, running strengthens the heart and reduces the occurrence of sudden death, while not running or exercising will lead to a decline in all aspects of the human body's functions, making sudden death more likely to occur.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

Anyone whose horse racing results do not reach 330 is a poor runner

The editor interviewed many public runners and after reporting on Huipao, I found that many runners are particularly concerned about the results of the interviewed runners.

One side believes that anyone who does not run under 300 is a poor runner and is not worthy of reporting. His results are not as fast as mine, so he might as well interview me. For runners with average results, they only look at their results and deny them. The arduous process and systematic learning methods to achieve the current results;

One side believes that as long as you start running, you will be a great person. Results cannot be a measure of whether you are a great person. As long as you keep running and do not forget the original intention of running, you will be an excellent runner.

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

In fact, the editor agrees more with the second type of runners. The editor believes that performance cannot be used as a criterion. Most runners initially run with health as their original intention. Why do runners change their original intention after running? They all have the ultimate goal of being faster and stronger, and fall into a situation where they get injured and become more and more useless as they run.

Comparing yourself with running circles is not advisable. The only way is to settle down, remember your original intention of running, and find a pace and method that suits you.

Don’t be in trouble with yourself, and don’t run faster than you can bear just for the sake of so-called face.

A wise runner will never make it difficult for himself!

So don’t think that the better your grades are, the faster you are. As long as you keep running, everyone will be the best runner, including you.

# Summary

In fact, for many first-time runners, if they don’t understand the correct running knowledge when they first start running, they often choose to give up halfway and find it difficult to persist, or they may get injured while running and are afraid of running;

But if you have a good idea about running at the beginning, Correct understanding, understanding how to run without injury, how to run correctly, I believe you will soon feel the benefits of running...

The benefits of persisting in running

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

How to be under the correct guidance from the beginning When running, avoid stepping on pitfalls and detours?

We recommend runners to learn "Zero Basic Running Development Plan" . First, learn the necessary running skills and master the correct running posture and method.

learns through Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews , Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews lessons running posture correction audio lessons and Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews lessons physical training video lessons, systematically allowing novice runners to master it correctly from the beginning Running. The

Do you have friends like this who are obviously aware of some of their own problems, but just can’t make up their minds to change them, for example: ☑ The body indicators are seriously exceeded, which brings about a series of diseases. They talk about being anxious, but their bod - DayDayNews

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