According to folklore, the master "Sanguanren" enshrined in a Chaoshan village was originally a barber in a certain village in Chaoshan in ancient times. He was enthusiastic and provided considerate service, and won the trust and favor of the villagers. If the neighbors needed he

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Chaoshan proverbs related to "Master"

Chaoshan people refer to all gods, whether male or female, as "Master". Every village in Chaoshan has a Laoye Palace, which is a spiritual place for people in the village to pray for blessings and eliminate disasters. The master is closely related to the daily life of Chaoshan people, so there are many Chaoshan slangs and idioms related to the master, and some are even made fun of the master.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

The old man has no pestle (drilling). This sentence is used to describe a person who goes his own way and completely ignores other people's calls or evaluations of him. This is because the Chaoshan wooden statue only carves the outer part of the master's ears, without drilling the ear holes in the middle.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

The old man's intestines and stomach "don't know" the same. Many people may not have thought that there are "viscera" inside the wooden statues of gods. People call the "viscera" of the statues "the intestines and belly of the master". The master's intestines and stomach are different from the liver, gallbladder, intestines and stomach of ordinary people. During the carving process of the first batch of statues of the Donglong Palace in 1985, the author saw with my own eyes that the carver made a small hole more than 10 centimeters square on the back of the statue and put in a miniature version of the "Master's Intestine" : A small abacus, a small ruler with graduations, a small scale beam, a few coins of that era, and maybe a piece of red paper for writing (the birth certificate of the god). I heard that the statues of gods destroyed during the land reform also had these "viscera", and there were also many Qing Dynasty copper coins inside.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

(Three officials are on patrol)

The master's "objects" are scattered. According to folklore, the master "Sanguanren" enshrined in a Chaoshan village was originally a barber in a certain village in Chaoshan in ancient times. He was enthusiastic and provided considerate service, and won the trust and favor of the villagers. If the neighbors needed help, he would The three officials are all enthusiastic and helpful and have very good popularity. Sanguan people have always been single, but I heard that their abilities in that area are very strong. In ancient times, if rural people had been married for many years without conceiving a child, it meant that they would have no heirs. There were three types of unfilial piety, the most serious of which was to have no heirs. Therefore, giving birth to offspring and inheriting the incense of ancestors was the top priority of the ancients. In ancient times, when the husband lost his fertility (called "heaven eunuch" in ancient times), "borrowing seeds" to give birth to children occasionally happened. The Sanguan person is also a barber who is willing to help others, so this kind of thing of "helping others and making yourself happy" falls on the Sanguan person. Any woman in the village who was infertile after marriage borrowed a seed from this helpful Sanguan man and became pregnant with her husband's consent. Later, Sanguanren passed away. After his death, he often showed supernatural phenomena and often entrusted his dreams to the villagers. Gradually, he was worshiped as a sex god by the villagers. Later, he carved a wooden statue and invited it to the temple. Therefore, he became the god of enjoyment in the village temple and became a real sex god. The simplest ancient process of "human beings becoming gods" has been completed. In fact, God was created by the human heart. There is an old saying: People think that they will become gods, and heaven will also make them gods. This means that God's will is fully realized in people's hearts. The original statues of Sanguan people were carved with soft bodies and wore divine robes. Because he is a sex god, he wanted to highlight the key points. He specially carved a big penis and hung it under the master's body, and wore a divine robe to cover it. According to folklore, after Sanguan became a god in the village, infertile women would secretly reach into the god's robe and touch Sanguan's "little thing" when they went to the temple to worship the master, and they would be able to conceive a child. Therefore, this master's "object" cannot be touched randomly.

According to folklore, the master

(Uncle Wu)

According to folklore, the master

The master’s signature tube is wet. The lotus tubes in the temple are shaken every day, which is called "lunkuanshi", and they make a sound similar to "lunklunnao". "Luluannao" means that nothing has been accomplished and it's very bad. The same idiom is "Xiucai reads string poems - six or six feet".

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

(raw pork in front of Mr. Tiger’s sedan)

The master feeds silkworms - palace (meridian) insects. Jing worm means lazy. Here I borrow the homophony of the word "gong" to criticize people who are lazy and "careful".

According to folklore, the master

(Great Sage)

innocent heart,

According to folklore, the master


According to folklore, the master

reads the third tone of the word "美". It means that an upright person does not need to be afraid of gods and ghosts.It has the same meaning as another saying: "Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

("Master Zhang Palace" of Donglong Palace)

Believe it or not, he is the master. The statues of gods are all carved from wood. After being "consecrated", the spirit of a certain master is invited to settle in, and they become gods worshiped and worshiped by people. But for those materialists, it is just a wooden idol.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

(Wind and Rain Saint)

Anbu Master’s big details. It is about two beggars. One of them has a big foot and the other a small one. One day, it started to rain. One of the beggars went to a ruined temple to take shelter from the rain. He sat down and fell asleep. He dreamed that he saw Master Anbu. The master smiled and said: "I will make your two feet the same size." The beggar woke up and was surprised to find that his two feet had turned into a pair of small feet. He happily told his companions about this, and they hurried to the ruined temple. As soon as they sat down, they also fell asleep. They also dreamed of Master Anbu and hurriedly expressed their wishes. The old man touched his beard and said, "Okay, I'll give you a pair of feet of the same size!" He woke up and found that his other foot had also become bigger and turned into a pair of big feet. He angrily scolded the old man, "An." Mr. Bu’s details.”

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

(Emperor Baosheng)

The master laughs, but the pig has no life. The "master" here originally did not refer to gods, but to officials. Later, this sentence also came to mean killing pigs for the gods to please the master. The original meaning is that the superiors are happy and the subordinates are worried. It is said that one day, a villager named A Zhu was caught digging sweet potatoes and was brought to see Chen Bao by officers and soldiers. Chen Bao saw A Zhu kneeling on the ground, shaking all over. It was very funny and he couldn't help laughing. A Zhu When I heard this terrible laughter, I was even more frightened to death, and I couldn't help crying loudly. Chen Bao asked strangely: "I haven't interrogated you yet, why are you crying?" A Zhu said: "Sir, I heard people say, 'When the master laughs, he will kill people.' This time the master laughed, and A Zhu died. It's just that my mother stole some sweet potatoes because she was poor. She should be killed. Please have mercy on me." When Chen Bao heard this, he punished A Zhu and spared his life. He went home and this saying has stuck with him ever since.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

(Provided by Chen Junqiang of Xianshi Girl’s Palace)

Xianshi girl shows her hometown. This saying is only spread in the eastern part of Chenghai . Xianshi Village is located on the edge of Hanjiang River in the south of Chenghai River. There is the ancient temple of Xianshi in the village, which the villagers call the "Girl's Palace", which enshrines the soft statue of a young girl. Due to the soft body carving, the robe needs to be changed every once in a while. Different from the soft-bodied gentlemen in other places in Chaoshan, this girl wore clothes of the Qing Dynasty during the Qing Dynasty, clothes of the Republic of China during the Republic of China, and now wears clothes of contemporary women. Faithful men and women from other villages in the east of Chenghai often go to the fairy market to worship the girl god, and if their wishes come true, they will give the girl new clothes. The girl holds a handkerchief in her hand, and young women from outside the village often buy new handkerchiefs and exchange them with the girl, forming a custom that is quite close to the people.

According to folklore, the master

(Uncle Wen)

The old man has a beard, and people do things. Most of the statues of gods have "bearded beards". No one has ever seen whether the gods had beards or how many beards they had when they were alive. Except for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which describes Guan Gong as the "beautiful bearded man" with his five locks of beard, other lords are based on people's opinions. Imagine giving him a beard.

According to folklore, the master

(Statue of Sanbao Gong Zheng He)

Tangshan Master Xianjiao. This sentence must come from overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries. Through the master's "tongji" (tongshen), he teaches people to arrange sacrifices and worship, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating disasters and solving problems, which is called "teacher".

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

Yanzao Laoye Queba (due to delay). Yanzao dragging the gods is a very unique folk activity in Chenghai, which is famous far and wide. The masters there like to be dragged and have fun with the people. The more they drag, the more prosperous they are, so there is this saying.

According to folklore, the master

Mr. Shi is lying, his head is full of food and his head is frightened.According to folklore, there is an old custom in Woshi Village outside the city of Chaozhou . After worshiping the gods, they would pull down their statues and drag them on the ground to play with them. This is similar to the Yan Kitchen God. Therefore, people imagine that the master must be enjoying the rich offerings, but at the same time he is worried about being dragged into suffering. Later, this proverb was used to describe people enjoying something while worrying at the same time.

According to folklore, the master

The old man’s surname is Lei, and he plays the role of thumping. Marshal Tian is the drama god of the theater troupes in eastern Guangdong and southern Fujian. The theater troupes also use his sacred authority to discipline the "actors" (child actors). There is a jargon saying: "My surname is Lei, and actors should be beaten." "Being beaten" means that they must be severely punished and disciplined. In the past, when child actors entered the class, they had to hold a teaching ceremony in front of the tablet of the play god. If a child actor commits a foul or makes a mistake while learning an art, she is often punished by having to kneel down in front of the opera god to repent.

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

According to folklore, the master

The great God is here. Before the master bows, Anu rubs it first. During the season, we make rice cakes to worship the master. It is the blessing of the gods to allow us to taste the cakes before we steam them. There is a common saying among the people in Chenghai: If the master is still there, but the master does not worship, Anu rubs it first. However, the sacrifices used for Pudu Shigu must not be tasted first. This can probably be understood as the gods and ghosts have different tastes. (Some pictures are from the Internet)

Statement: This article is reprinted to convey more Chaoshan culture. If you have any questions, please send a private message!

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