The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared "Breakdown", "Into The Wild", "Those Little Things" and "Let Romance Be the Master" four songs, and talk about the

2024/05/2017:28:42 hotcomm 1118

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Hu Guangxin

After three years, Tanya Tanya 's new album "DEPART" was launched on August 13. The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared "Breakdown", "Into The Wild", "Those Little Things" and "Let Romance Be the Master" four songs, and talk about the short stories in the creation process.

The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared

challenged one person and one guitar to record an album

"DEPART" is an album born during the epidemic. Tanya Tanya said: "Last year's epidemic came unprepared, and only me, my cat, my plants, and my guitar were left in the world. In this case, what kind of music should I make?" She laughed. Yan said that he lay on the sofa at home for half a year and finally decided to complete such an album with the concept of "One Woman Band".

Tanya Tanya said: "Today's music is all big production and very dazzling, but I suddenly don't want to write that kind of music, because there is no such lively atmosphere around me now." Even for a mature singer like Tanya Tanya Said that the production method of "DEPART" is also a challenge: "If the entire album is played and sang by myself, and if I can't communicate with other musicians, will I be able to complete an album independently?"

Although I have been debuting for many years However, Tanya Tsai's albums are rarely recorded by herself playing and singing. But in her conception of "DEPART", this album should be simple and complex, and the whole album should be completed with one guitar and one voice. She said: "It takes courage to go back to simplicity. The music of our era has a lot of 'arms', but "DEPART" is about going back to being naked, with only a guitar left. I was worried at first that only one guitar would It’s not too monotonous, but my friends gave me a lot of encouragement.”

The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared

Tanya not only composed the music and some of the lyrics for the 10 songs in “DEPART”, but also arranged and composed the entire album for the first time.Acoustic guitar played and did most of the recording in his home studio. It is worth mentioning that the current finished product retains the arrangement, performance and even vocals of Tanya Tanya's self-made demo. "DEPART" can be said to be the most original Tanya Tanya's creation.

In addition, "DEPART" also invited three lyricists from Chinese music industry - Ge Dawei, Xiao Han and Zhou Yaohui to write lyrics for the album songs. In order to let the creators better understand the meaning behind the songs, Tanya Tanya personally communicated with each lyricist about the album's main theme and creative concepts, and finally got such a complete and matching combination of lyrics and music.

"Your soul can fly anywhere"

"DEPART" is a rather "contradictory" album. It was obviously an album produced during quarantine, but it is called "DEPART"; it was obviously originally decided to be completed by one person and one guitar, but in the end it was collaborated with singers and groups from all over the world - the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra provided the album Recorded string soundtrack, the song "Into The Wild" was sung with Ayunga, and the song "Photographs" was sung with Carla Bruni, the famous French singer and former Prime Minister's wife. Tanya Tanya said: "As I was doing it, I realized that I was not alone. Suddenly, they all came to me." The production of the

album was at a special time, and cooperation had to be carried out remotely. There were many surprises that impressed Tanya Tanya. . For example, "Breakdown" was described by Tanya Chua as "the song that encountered the most obstacles." The song is accompanied by dramatic strings. Tanya Tanya revealed: "We decided to use real symphonies instead of computer-synthesized sounds." With the assistance of well-known soundtrack master Ricky Ho, the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra participated in the recording of the album. However, due to the epidemic, the arrangement of the symphony orchestra has changed. The original number of 50 people was reduced to 37, and the event was rescheduled several times for different reasons. On the day of recording, there was even a disconnection that lasted for half an hour: "When we were three-quarters of the way through the recording, the connection suddenly disconnected, and we couldn't hear the sound from the other side at all. In the end, we gave up the computer connection and just used Listening to the playback on a mobile phone is very thrilling."

The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared

Talking about the album title "DEPART", Tanya Tanya said: "For example, at the airport, we will see 'departure' when we leave the country. I want to make music that makes people feel free when they listen to the music with their eyes closed even though they are trapped in a room. That’s the spirit of this album: forget about being trapped physically and your soul can fly anywhere. "

Use music to express love for the earth.

Although the album was born during the epidemic, the emotional tone of "DEPART" is not gloomy, but full of warm and positive colors. Tanya Tanya described the creation process of this album It was like a volcano erupting: "I was also surprised. When I was writing songs, there seemed to be an energy leading me. The creation of lyrics and music was basically synchronized. After writing the melody, I wrote the lyrics directly. "In her opinion, the album "DEPART" is written for the earth: "In this album, I am thinking about 'what kind of music can make the world a better place.' I asked myself: I have written so many love songs, why have I never written a song for the earth? "DEPART" is music dedicated to Mother Earth. I want to use music to tell her that I value you very much and I want to be with you. "

The day before the album was officially released, Universal Music held an online media listening party. At the listening party held on August 12, Tanya Tanya shared

Tanya Chua herself likes "Into The Wild", a duet with Ayunga. She revealed that the song was inspired by the nature documentaries she watched during the epidemic, and invited Zhou Yaohui to fill in the poetic lyrics. Inviting Ayunga to sing a chorus: "I can't sing this song alone, and the first person I thought of as a chorus candidate was Ayunga. We collaborated on a music program in 2019, and I was very surprised by his bel canto and . "And Ayunga was also very generous. Not only did he agree, but he also said bluntly, "Sister, I will sing whatever you say." Another song "Those Little Things" by

is dedicated to Karen Carpenter A tribute. Tanya Chua revealed that the things that make her happy during the epidemic are the little things: "I will go to the balcony to touch my plants, talk to them, hold my cats, and the warmth they give me reminds me of listening to them when I was a child. Karen Carpenter, her voice comforted me in my ears, and even reminded me of the phone call I made to my mother to inform me that I was safe..." As she spoke, she suddenly choked up and burst into tears. She admitted in the interview that she wanted to fly back. Singapore Seeing her family, she booked air tickets with just one phone call. Now that they are separated, she cherishes everything in her life even more. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng faction

pictures | Respondent provided

editor | Zhu Fan

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