Welcome to Ewha Music Station, I am Lori Tang, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute. Unconsciously, the epidemic has entered its third year. Do you remember what your life was like before the pandemic? In the past, it was very simple to just leave. As long as you make an app

2024/05/2017:25:32 hotcomm 1761

Welcome to Ewha Music Station, I am Lori Tang, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute. Unconsciously, the epidemic has entered its third year. Do you remember what your life was like before the pandemic? In the past, it was very simple to just leave. As long as you make an app - DayDayNews

Welcome to Ewha Music Station, I am Lori Tang, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute.

Unconsciously, the epidemic has entered its third year. Do you remember what your life was like before the pandemic? In the past, it was very simple to just leave. As long as you make an appointment with a few friends and simply pack your luggage, you can set off at any time. But now, let alone traveling, some places require you to apply for a pass even to leave the community. The arrival of the epidemic has slowed down our pace and given us more time. But we can only stay where we are and can't go anywhere.

The same goes for Tanya Chua, who loves traveling. She used to travel whenever she had free time, but now she is forced to stay at home. For more than half a year, Tanya Tanya didn't know what to do and often just slumped on the sofa. But this kind of idleness made Tanya gradually understand the happiness of being alone. She found that although her body was trapped, her mind became freer.

The album "DEPART" was born under such circumstances. This album is Tanya Tanya's dialogue with herself. She recorded all her feelings during the epidemic, and through music, she allowed her soul to go wherever it wanted to go. Today I want to share with you a few songs from this album.

In this album, Tanya Tanya was responsible for all arrangement and composition, guitar and instrument playing. Most of the tunes and lyrics were created using her original inspiration, and even the vocals in the demo were completely retained in the finished product. Not only that, Tanya Tanya has also regained her original intention of creation through this album. She did not use computer technology to produce as before, but presented the original timbre of the instrument, allowing the music to return to itself to the greatest extent. With this album, Tanya Tanya received 18 nominations for this year's 33rd Golden Melody Awards, becoming one of the artists with the most nominations this year.

The song I want to share today is the first song in this album "Bluebirds" . Bluebirds means bluebird, which represents the desire to have a good heart and pursue happiness. Tanya Tanya used the image of bluebird to express her will to have hope even if the surroundings are full of unknowns, to have the courage to break through the status quo and fly to the vast sky without hesitation. Just like life under the epidemic, everyone feels that they are being squeezed and unable to breathe. But if you fly to the height of the sky and look down, you will find that although everyone is very small, they have never given up their persistence and hope.

uses a simple acoustic guitar as the tone for this song, paired with the plucked instrument mandolin, which makes the whole song sound very rhythmic and reminds people of deserts, oasis and sunsets. But the most special thing is that near the end of the song, there is a half-minute of pure music. This part is composed of majestic string music and melodious ocarina, which reminds people of the grandeur and desolation of "the solitary smoke is straight in the desert, and the sun sets over the long river". But it is not tragic. Instead, it has a picture of "the sky is high and birds can fly". After listening to it, people feel that their minds have become broader and their body and mind are full of energy. In the 5-minute long song, you can hear Tanya Chua's lazy singing voice, and when we listen to the song, we seem to have gone to a symphony live. Another song shared by

next is "Runaway" , which is also a song with the same name as the album.

This song starts with a relatively pleasant melody. The simple acoustic guitar, paired with the lively quartet, outlines a yearning picture. The song keeps repeating "Let's go, walk, walk", as if someone is in your ears, urging you to get out of bed quickly. Even if you don’t know where you are going, even if you don’t have enough money, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are happy and free. Just like the arrival of the epidemic, although it disrupted our plans and made it impossible to travel as we wished, as long as we are still alive, there is still the possibility of departure. Listening to this song and imagining the scenes above, no matter where you are, you feel like you are being healed.

This album is like a bowl of pure home-cooked white rice, without any fancy skills or a big production.But it records every feeling during the epidemic, and also expresses everyone's loneliness in isolation, giving these personal emotions a place to heal.

Actually, running away is not something that can only be achieved by relying on the body. The time brought by the epidemic is the best opportunity, allowing us to step away from our busy lives and tired bodies, and stand on the opposite side to see our true hearts. I hope that after listening to these two songs, you can view yourself from a different perspective, find your purest self, and regain your original dreams. I believe that such a departure is actually a return to the original intention.

Thank you for listening to Ewha Music Station. This program is produced by Ewha Education. I am lori tang, the host of Ewha Sound Training Institute. Welcome to listen next time.

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