After entering the dog days of summer, many people have given up on managing gardenias! In fact, as someone who has been there, I don’t recommend this to everyone! On the contrary, I would like to urgently remind these people that if they still want their gardenias to bloom next

After entering the dog days, many people gave up on the management of gardenia !

In fact, as someone who has experienced this, I don’t recommend this!

On the contrary, I would like to urgently remind these people that if they still want their gardenias to bloom next year, they should remember these 4 maintenance tips after entering the dog days of summer and implement them in place!

① Lighting

Gardenias especially like a sunny environment.

Even in the hot summer, because the light intensity will continue to increase with the increase of light temperature, the direct sunlight will gradually exceed the range that the gardenia can bear, but it is still necessary to give the gardenia enough. illumination.

Generally, gardenias are placed in a location with diffuse light and maintain 4 to 6 hours of light every day.

Of course, if you don’t want to move it back and forth and add unnecessary trouble, you can also build an awning directly above the gardenia potted plant and use gauze or tree shade to reduce the light exposure. Generally, the light is reduced by 45 %~55% is enough!

"If you choose to place gardenias in a semi-shaded place indoors, it is very likely that the leaves will turn yellow due to insufficient light. At this time, we need to artificially fill in the light as soon as we discover the problem.

Use incandescent lamps or professional fill lights to fill in the light . On the premise of controlling the light intensity, provide enough light for the gardenias in a timely manner to promote the leaves to turn green as soon as possible! ”

②Water and fertilizer

Gardenia likes! It likes water and fertilizer and likes to live in a moist and fertile soil environment.

In summer, you usually need to water the soil once every three to five days, and water it in the morning or evening when the temperature is lower than 35°C.

In another month, you need to apply a compound fertilizer containing various trace elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, such as urea or Huaduoduo No. 2 , according to the appropriate concentration ratio, and dry it in advance for more than two days with sufficient tap water. After mixing evenly, you can pour it into the soil.

"If you do not prepare compound fertilizer, you can directly use rice water that has settled for more than half an hour to irrigate the soil instead of ordinary tap water, and replenish water and fertilizer simultaneously.

Remember, whether it is rice water or ordinary tap water, It needs to be exposed to dry for a period of time, and it is best to only take the solution above! ”


The main way for gardenias to obtain nutrients is from the soil.

However, due to the hot weather in rainy weather, the frequency of watering into the soil is too high, so the soil is very prone to clumping and airtightness.

Once the soil agglomerates and causes plant roots to suffocate and rot, the chances of it increasing.

Therefore, for the safety of gardenias, after entering the dog days, more methods of "soaking" should be used to replenish water in the soil. Directly put the potted gardenias that are short of water into a container filled with water, soak for 5 to 10 minutes , until the soil stops bubbling in the water, the potted plant can be taken out and drained!

In addition, when the soil is semi-dry and semi-wet, you need to use shovels and other tools in time to dredge the soil, so that the soil will be more breathable and water-permeable!

In addition, the pH of the soil will change all the time, and gardenia has a special liking for weakly acidic soil!

Therefore, in the process of daily soil care, you also need to pay attention to the changes in soil pH. From time to time, use PH test paper to insert into the slightly moist soil to detect. Once you find signs of salinization, you can use soil conditioner Come improve!

④ Pruning

In summer, because gardenias are affected by high temperature climate, they are very prone to various diseases and insect pests or yellow leaves and withered leaves.

suggested that for the safety of gardenias that often go dormant, should prune off diseased and dead branches and leaves as soon as possible when discovering them, to minimize unnecessary metabolic consumption and at the same time cut off the source of pathogen transmission! In addition, the density of branches and leaves will affect ventilation and light to a certain extent.

As we all know, gardenias are more likely to suffer from various diseases and insect pests if their living environment is poorly ventilated. In addition, the most significant climate feature in summer in most areas is hot and humid. Therefore, for the safety of your own flowers, even if the branches and leaves are If there is no problem with the condition, but it will affect ventilation, it also needs to be screened and trimmed conditionally!

suggests that for dense cross branches and parallel branches , choose the thinner one as the primary target for pruning!

Of course, if diseased branches and insect pests are found, our first pruning target should be the diseased branches and leaves.

"When pruning branches and leaves, in order to avoid increasing the wound, it is best to mark in advance and cut the branches in one go to ensure that the wound is flat!

After pruning the branches and leaves, avoid water splashing into the wound, and if conditions permit If so, try to apply some carbendazim aqueous solution on the wound to fully sterilize and accelerate wound healing. ”


Gardenia is actually not as difficult as we think, as long as the above 4 are met. With this condition, not only will the branches and leaves grow longer and greener, but they will also bloom more and more beautifully during the flowering period!