The five major events in life are: eating, drinking, sleeping, and toilets alone account for two. It can be said that it is a place that everyone must go to every day, so people are very familiar with toilets, but many people are confused. Is it necessary to cover it? If it is no

Five major things in life: eating, drinking, sleeping, toilets alone account for two of them. It can be said that it is a place that everyone must go to every day, so people are very familiar with the toilet. But many people I’m wondering, is it necessary to close the toilet seat? If it is not covered, can the bacteria inside be killed by a scavenger?

Today, will talk to you about whether it is necessary to cover the toilet after flushing, and what will be the impact if not?

Let’s first look at the experiment

1 and the CCTV experiment

Before that, CCTV related programs did an experiment on the number of bacterial colonies with the toilet lid open and closed , In the first round of experiments, bacteria were added to a sterile room, and Towels, showerheads and other common daily items were placed in petri dishes . staff flushed the toilet without covering the lid and checked the bacteria in the culture. They found that 2 to 5 of the bacteria in the five petri dishes were different. Wait for .

During the second round of experiments, the toilet was flushed with the lid closed. Although bacteria were detected, only 1 and 2 were found in two of the five petri dishes.

For the rigor of the experiment, the experimenters increased the number of petri dishes to 10 , The results showed that the number of colonies flushed with the lid open was more than twice the number of toilets flushed with the lid , Although the lid was opened and closed All experiments have tested bacterial colonies, but the number of colonies flying out when flushing the toilet with the lid closed is significantly lower than that with the lid open.

2 and other related experiments

Before Beijing Normal University also did an experiment. poured a solution containing E. coli into the toilet, and set sampling points every 25 cm away from the toilet. The results found that, Two hours after flushing, colonies and colonies were concentrated about 1 meter around the toilet.

Through related image analysis, water droplets when flushing the toilet will be sprayed 60 centimeters away, and bacteria will also be sprayed far away.

Should you close the toilet seat after flushing the toilet?

According to experimental analysis, covering the toilet when flushing can reduce the spillage of bacteria and viruses. But are these microorganisms and bacteria harmful to the human body?

Actually, even if we go to the toilet with the toilet open, the impact on the body will not be that big , Because there are many microorganisms in the air itself, and there are also many microorganisms and bacteria in the objects we come into contact with. Although there are pathogenic bacteria, most of them Most are harmless.

Even if there are pathogenic bacteria, we don’t have to worry too much, because our immune system is very strong, and many pathogenic bacteria cannot escape our immune system.

Although leaving the lid open is not very harmful to the human body, it is still recommended that everyone close the lid when flushing the toilet, Because the sink in most of our homes is not far from the toilet, and the towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes on it are It is easy to be invaded by bacteria. Closing the lid can still greatly reduce the contact with pathogenic bacteria. If your immunity is low, you will be easily affected.

Things you need to pay attention to when using the toilet

1. Regular cleaning and disinfection

Regardless of flushing the toilet lid or not, many bacteria and microorganisms gather in the toilet. If we do not clean and disinfect for a long time, we will be exposed to more of pathogenic bacteria, this hazard is more serious than whether the toilet seat is closed or not.

2. Clean the water tank regularly

Although the water tank is at the back, it is also a place where dirt is easy to hide. The dirt inside should be cleaned with detergent and hot water.

3. The waste paper basket should be replaced frequently

You can choose a smaller closed waste paper basket near the toilet. Especially it should be replaced frequently in the summer. The waste paper basket is easy to be cross-contaminated with the toilet and will produce more bacteria.

4. Rinse clean after using the toilet.

The toilet is easily stained with urine stains and residual feces. It is easy to remain even after flushing. Use a toilet brush to clean it in time, and place the toilet brush in a clean environment.

5. Pay attention to opening windows for ventilation and ventilation

The toilet is the place with the most microorganisms in the home. Pay attention to opening windows for ventilation and ventilation after defecation to prevent odors from drifting into other rooms.


The toilet is the place with the most microorganisms, bacteria and viruses in the home. It must be disinfected and cleaned regularly. When flushing the toilet, try to cover it with a lid. This can reduce the growth of bacteria and is more beneficial to your body.

Finally, do you have any other opinions? Welcome to leave a message and let's explore new knowledge together.