Everyone knows that baking soda is useful, but where can it be used? How about using baking soda to easily solve life’s problems? Today Xiaoxi has sorted out the many clever uses of baking soda in life. Come and learn about it~ Baking soda is an acid salt formed after the neutral

Everyone knows that baking soda is very useful, so where can it come in handy? How about using baking soda to easily solve life’s problems? Today Xiaoxi has sorted out the many clever uses of baking soda in life. Come and learn about it~

Baking soda is an acid salt generated after the neutralization of a strong base and a weak acid. When dissolved in water, it shows a weak Alkaline, it can neutralize acidic oil stains; it can also neutralize the sour smell of garbage and shoes, thereby deodorizing it.

It is this characteristic of baking soda, determines that it is a good tool for cleaning!

and soda ash can be decomposed naturally, is non-toxic, does not pollute the environment, and does not irritate the skin. It is a purely natural substance and can be safely used for food and household cleaning. It is a universal tool!

Let’s take a look at the versatile uses of baking soda~

1. Remove stains

. Clean the bathroom

Prepare the work first: Add water to baking soda to make a paste, and dip it with a wet sponge or rag.

① Clean the tiles or toilet: If the toilet is old and dirty, you can use baking soda powder and sprinkle it evenly on the toilet, then spray it with white vinegar and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, use a long-handled brush to remove the dirt and rinse with water. It can be cleaned; you can also use a brush or rag to clean the dirt in the gaps between tiles, and use baking soda and white vinegar water to clean the toilet tiles, which also has the effect of preventing mildew.

② Washing machine cleaning: Soak a towel with 200 ml of white vinegar and put it in the washing machine to spin dry. The towel will be sprayed evenly on every corner of the inner barrel to sterilize. Then let it sit for 1 hour, and the white vinegar will soften the stains;

Mix 50 grams of baking soda with 500 ml of water, pour it into a washing machine filled with water, run it for 5 minutes, and then let it sit for two hours, and stains will appear. After rinsing and emptying the washing machine, soak the towel with white vinegar and repeat the above steps until clean water is discharged from the washing machine, and the cleaning process is complete.

Cleaning scale: Wash basins, bathtubs, faucets, mirrors, etc. are all high-risk areas for residual scale. Just use a slightly damp rag dipped in baking soda and wipe around, then wipe with a dry rag and the scale will disappear.

. Kitchen cleaning

①Clean the sink: First wet the entire sink with water, and evenly sprinkle baking soda on the surface; then wipe it with a sponge in a circular motion, allowing the alkaline baking soda and acidic oil to fully neutralize. ; Finally rinse with water, the sink will become shiny immediately!

②Cleaning kitchen appliances: Mix two spoons of table salt + an appropriate amount of dishwashing liquid + an appropriate amount of baking soda + two spoons of white vinegar, then use a few spoons of warm water to stir evenly , then dip a rag or disposable mask into the solution, and evenly apply it to the oily area, Wait for it to soften for 5 minutes before wiping it, and the oil stain will fall off easily.

③ Save oxidized tableware: White tableware will naturally oxidize after being used for a long time. Soak it with baking soda powder and water for half an hour, rinse it and dry it, and it can return to whiteness.

④ Clean the chopping board: Sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the chopping board, and then scrub it with a brush. It can not only remove stains on the chopping board, but also deodorize.

If conditions permit, you can also cut a lemon in half and rub it back and forth. After rubbing, rinse with water and let it dry naturally.

⑤ Clean burnt pots: in When the bottom of the pot is burnt or the body of the electric pot is yellow, you can pour some edible baking soda powder into the pot, add some water, mix it until it becomes slightly thick, and boil it over low heat. Or heat the electric pot with pressure, turn off the heat and let it sit overnight, and then you can easily clean it without any effort.

⑥Remove pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables: Baking soda powder can remove residual pesticides from fruits and vegetables and chlorine in tap water. Soak a tablespoon of baking soda powder in water, wait until the water turns slightly yellow, then put the fruits and vegetables in and soak for 2-3 minutes, then rinse them thoroughly with water.

2. Eliminate odor

. Deodorize the bathroom

① Toilet or sink: Put some baking soda powder in a cup, add a few drops of essential oil, sprinkle it in the toilet, and scrub it. Baking soda powder has deodorizing properties, and essential oils can emit natural aromas, giving the toilet a naturally fresh smell compared to using air fresheners.

② Sewer: What should I do if there is always a peculiar smell in the bathroom sewer? Prepare a small bowl, pour [baking soda] + [toilet water] + [beer], stir with hot water and pour it into the drain.

. Kitchen deodorization

① Trash can: When replacing a new garbage bag, first sprinkle an appropriate amount of baking soda powder at the bottom of the trash can, which can effectively prevent and absorb odors and reduce the generation of odors.

② Inside the refrigerator: First wipe the refrigerator with white vinegar, then wipe it clean with water, and then put a little baking soda in the refrigerator to remove the odor from the refrigerator!

③ Remove the fishy smell: Within 1 hour before cooking the fish, apply baking soda (similar to pickling) to the fish to remove the fishy smell.

Remove the odor from the sink drain: Baking soda paste can clean the extremely dirty sink drain, no less than various detergents. It also has a good deodorizing function. Cleaning and deodorizing can kill two birds with one stone.

. Deodorizing shoes and carpets

First, make a cup of baking soda:

Put an appropriate amount of baking soda into a container (either a plastic cup or a measuring cup ), cover the mouth of the container with a drainage net or a thin cloth, and then use Wrap a rubber band or string around the mouth of the cup and you're done.

① Put it in shoes: Before wearing shoes, sprinkle some baking soda powder inside the shoes. Not only can it remove the odor, but the inside of the shoes will also become easier to clean.

②Sprinkle on the carpet: directly sprinkles baking soda powder on the carpet, vacuum cleaner can directly take away the odor on the carpet.

③ Put in the shoe cabinet: Baking soda can absorb moisture, and it can also absorb moisture when placed in the shoe cabinet. When it absorbs the moisture, it will harden. The hardened baking soda after use can also be used for secondary cleaning and recycling. Acidic odors are also neutralized, so they can also neutralize the odor of sweat, thereby deodorizing.

Japanese bloggers also suggested adding a few drops of aromatic oil or peppermint oil to baking soda to purify the airtight air in the cabinet.

3. Clear the blockage

Usually leftovers accumulate along the water flow, and the sewer outlet is always sticky. When you find that the water cannot flow for a long time, the blockage is already serious! At this time, using only baking soda has no obvious effect. Just use "baking soda + vinegar" to get rid of the most annoying sewer in 3 steps.

1. Sprinkle baking soda: Open the cover of the drain (if there is one), remove the obvious hair and residue, and sprinkle 15 grams of baking soda powder inside.

2. Pour vinegar: Then pour vinegar on the baking soda. When the two begin to react, they will bubble.

3. Rinse and wipe: After the bubbling stops, sit patiently for 2-3 minutes and all the dirt will come out. Rinse with the faucet and scrub with a waste toothbrush, and you're done.

4. Things you must read

. Distinguish the types

Baking soda powder is divided into edible and industrial uses:

Edible baking soda powder - moderately priced, suitable for cooking, personal cleaning, beautification, and cleaning of eating cups and dishes .
industrial baking soda - cheap, suitable for mopping, laundry, and household cleaning.

The pH value of industrial baking soda is as high as 11, which is highly alkaline. Improper use will directly harm the body. Most of what Aubao sells is edible baking soda in small bags. Generally speaking, for home use, recommends just buying edible baking soda directly!

2. Wear a mask and gloves when using

It is recommended that when using baking soda powder for cleaning, you should wear gloves and a mask to avoid irritating the hands and respiratory tract, and it is best to use it in a ventilated place.

. Not everything is suitable for baking soda

Keep in mind items that are not suitable for baking soda:

① Aluminum products: Compared with other metals, aluminum has more active properties. Baking soda soaks on the surface of the pot for too long. , will cause the aluminum pot to oxidize and turn black. Therefore, aluminum pots and aluminum products cannot be cleaned with baking soda.

② Tatami mat/straw mat: Tatami containing protein will turn yellow when exposed to baking soda.

③ Marble surface: baking soda is only moderately abrasive, but long-term use may wear the sealant on the marble surface. It is best to use marble cleaner for cleaning.

④ Gold-plated jewelry: gold is a soft metal, and the hardness of 4K gold is only 2.5 (iron is between 5 and 10). Therefore, cleaning with abrasive baking soda may scratch the surface of gold-plated jewelry and affect its appearance.

Baking soda not only cleans, deodorizes and removes blockages, it also decomposes naturally, is non-toxic, and does not irritate the skin. The most important thing is that will not pollute the environment . What other clever uses for baking soda do you know? Qingxi Home, fully self-operated, non-intermediary, more professional.