Many flower friends agree with this saying: "Most of the reasons for keeping flowers to death are due to watering." We dug deeper and found that this is probably the result. If you water too much, the roots of flowers will rot. I didn’t know how to deal with it, and then the flow

Many flower friends agree with this saying: "Most of the reasons for keeping flowers dead are due to watering." Let's dig deeper, and this is probably the result. If you water too much, the flowers will rot. The roots are gone, I don’t know what to do with them, and the flowers are left to die. If you water too much, the roots of the flowers will rot. This sentence is true, but there is a premise, that is, if you water too much, you cannot drain the excess water in time. This water will be in the pot soil, which will cause hypoxia in the root system, root congestion, and finally root rot. If we water too much and we drain out the excess water in a timely manner, then root rot will not occur.

Being able to discharge excess water in a timely manner requires two efforts. One is good ventilation, which can quickly increase moisture, and the other is having a loose and breathable pot soil to allow water to drain away quickly. The permeable holes in the bottom of the basin drain quickly, but over time, the soil in the basin becomes somewhat hardened, and the drainage function is greatly reduced. Therefore, we'd better add some "material" between the drainage outlet at the bottom of the pot and the pot soil, so that it can drain water quickly without being affected by the pot soil. And this kind of "material" is used now, and it is very good. 5 types, the rest are unreliable.

. Screen (plastic gasket)

Screen is a very common screen. Every household will have a screen. After the screen has been used for a certain period of time, it must be eliminated and replaced with a new one. At this time, we can replace the old screen with a new one. Cut a few large pieces on the screen window and put them away. Every time you repot and change the soil, and when new seedlings are potted, you can cut a piece and put it on the bottom of the flowerpot, which can have a good effect. The main function is not to close the hole or allow the soil in the flower pot to leak out, so that excess water can be drained out quickly.

A kind of mesh plastic gasket is a product that has only been available in the past two years. It is usually given with the flowerpot when you buy it. Its main function is similar to that of the gauze. To talk about the difference, It might look better and make people feel a little taller. However, this kind of small plastic gasket is not very effective for some flowers with high water requirements, and some of the following good "materials" must be used.

. Tiles (flower pot fragments)

Tiles are a good "material" used by many gardeners to pad the bottom of pots. When they first started growing flowers, they went out to look for tiles, not the kind that can be used to cover the roof. Instead of large tiles, they are small tiles on the roof of old houses, a kind of semi-circular tiles. Nowadays, we don’t see many of them anymore. Later, I asked a friend to find some in the suburbs and brought them back. Because this kind of tile is semicircular, after knocking off chopsticks of appropriate size and placing it on the bottom of the basin, it will have a certain arc, so that the water can flow out more quickly.

If you accidentally break a flower pot, remember not to throw it away in a hurry. You can keep it at home for planting flowers. It has the same purpose as tiles. However, when growing flowers at home, it is rare to encounter broken flower pots. But in the flower market, there are so many. Some flower market owners even knock off one or two old flower pots when they have nothing to pad the bottom of the pot, and use the fragments of the flower pot to pad the bottom of the pot. Therefore, if you are in need and cannot find tiles, you can go to the flower market and ask the flower market owner for a few tiles, and they will probably give them to you.

, foam

Foam was not very common in the past, unless you bought some big electrical appliances. When I was a child, I even used foam to make lifebuoys, boats, etc., and played in the river. It is very common now. Whether you are shopping online or buying fruits or other things, many of them are in foam boxes. These things not only take up space, but also get in the way. I always want to throw them away as soon as possible. As everyone knows, they are also a good "material" for growing flowers, and they are perfect for using as the base of flower pots.

Especially some flowers that need to be planted shallowly but need deep-mouthed pots. The more typical ones are tiger orchid . Due to the flower shape of tiger orchid, the leaves are relatively upright and straight, so it is better to use a deep-mouthed flower pot. Beautiful, but tiger orchid has horizontal roots, so it is more suitable for shallow planting. The best way is to half-way up the deep-mouthed flower pot, and then plant it. In the past, it was filled with stones, which worked well, but it was really too heavy and difficult to move at all. Now break the foam into a suitable size and put it in, then fill it with soil for planting. It’s very good.

. Charcoal ( cinder )

is very ordinary charcoal or bamboo charcoal . It doesn’t matter the category, as long as it is charcoal, such as the charcoal used for barbecues, the bamboo charcoal package used in cars and home decoration . etc., can be used to pad the pelvic floor. You must know that charcoal or bamboo charcoal has a porous structure, which is not only loose and breathable, but can also effectively lock in fertility nutrients, help flowers, and play a role in sterilization and sterilization of root rot caused by water accumulation. Generally speaking, charcoal or bamboo charcoal can not only be used as a pad on the bottom of the pot, but can also be crushed and mixed into the pot soil for use.

Coal briquettes are rarely known to people nowadays. Only people of a certain age or those in rural areas know that briquettes are used when using coal stoves. After the briquettes are completely burned, only cinders remain. This kind of cinder is usually useless, but it is a good material for growing flowers. Its function is similar to that of charcoal and bamboo charcoal. Large pieces can be placed at the bottom of flower pots to act as a drainage layer. Small grains or fragments can be mixed into the potting soil, which can play a very good role in loosening and breathing.

, ceramsite

person said that his favorite "material" for growing flowers is not only cheap, but also reusable and has multiple functions. First of all, it has different specifications and can be suitable for flowers of various sizes. Not only can it be used as a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, but some deep-mouthed pots can also be raised with ceramsite. After all, ceramsite was originally used as a building cushion, so raising flower pots is a trivial matter. Secondly, ceramsite can also cover the surface of flowerpots to moisturize, insulate, beautify, prevent weeds from growing, etc., which is very useful.

Ceramsite can be used together with gauze, etc. A layer of ceramsite is placed on the bottom of the pot, which can better make the flowers loose and breathable, and can also reduce the unnecessary consumption of pot soil, such as the price of some special flower plant materials. It’s not cheap. If it is filled into a large flower pot without any meaning, it is really a waste. At this time, adding a certain amount of ceramics to the bottom of the flower pot can reduce the amount of planting material and can also Save a lot of money. I believe all flower lovers can figure this out.

is written at the end:

Of course, there must be many other "materials" that you have heard of that can be used to pad the bottom of the pelvic floor, such as nut shells, pine cones , pine bark , loofah pulp, etc., I have them all. I have used them, but I personally prefer the above 5. If you use any better material to pad the pelvic floor, remember to tell me, thank you, I am Xiaogui!