Explanation of the words in "The Eater's Gua": Clear punishments and laws - whether it is as large as a country or as small as a unit, if it is not based on laws and regulations or systems, it is easy to get into chaos. Humans have both divine and demonic natures. Regulating peop

2024/06/1021:22:33 constellation 1037

" bite the hexagram " word explanation:

clear punishment and edict law - as large as a country, as small as a unit, if there is no basis for regulations or systems, it is easy to get into chaos. Humans have both divine and demonic natures. Regulating people's words and deeds is to curb the demonic nature. If someone violates laws and disciplines, they should be dealt with accordingly and must not be tolerated.

屦学狠之 - If you make a small mistake, you will be thrown into prison immediately. It is so harsh, and probably no one will agree with it; if you make a big mistake, you will only be given a slight punishment, and no one will agree with it. Therefore, appropriate sentencing is a reasonable behavior. For first-time offenders, appropriate punishment is given to avoid making big mistakes again. It is not only for personal education, but also responsible for society.

Eat the skin and destroy the nose - During the trial of a case, unexpected situations often occur, and it is easy to encounter external resistance and interference. Especially the defendant, who always wants to absolve himself of guilt, and it is difficult to do so. The only way Get a fair verdict.

Eating bacon, encountering poison - the complexity of the case determines the difficulty of the trial. The greater the crime committed, the greater the backlash. However, in order to maintain social stability, even if the prosecution and defense are at loggerheads, the authority and fairness of the law must still be reflected and the society should be restored to peace.

He Xiao Mie Er - If you commit a heinous crime and receive severe punishment, you will undoubtedly deserve it. Poor people must be hateful. We should no longer sympathize with those who pity them, but should think about why they are here and learn from them. A truly smart person will not commit a crime, let alone make fun of his own dignity and life.

Everyone has the root of wisdom, and the author is willing to be a ferryman, carrying you to the other side of wisdom!

original article: Wei Zhonghua

Explanation of the words in

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