[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg

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[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Customization designers was held at the Weiyi Customization New City Plaza O2O decoration store in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Weiyi customized in-depth strategic cooperation.

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

As a high-end AI technology home appliance brand, COLMO has been engraved with the genes of "AI technology" and "rational aesthetics" since its birth. Every time a new product is launched, it attracts countless fans for its beautiful appearance and technological content. At the event site, many design experts from the industry had a deeper understanding of the appearance and connotation of the COLMO brand and its products, and at the same time showed great concern and great recognition of the brand's products.

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

At the private meeting, Mr. Lan Jianfeng, general manager of Beijing Weiyi, spoke highly of the COLMO brand and promised to provide great discounts to high-quality customers who customize COLMO products. He showed great sincerity for the cooperation between the two parties and was well received by those present. A warm welcome from designers and COLMO brand representatives.

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

Mr. Lan Jianfeng, General Manager of Beijing Weiyi

Beijing Weiyi Customized Midea Front Decoration Store is the first cooperative home decoration company store in Beijing. Mr. Lu Jian, General Manager of Washing Machine Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center, General Manager of Refrigerator Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center Manager Ms. Wang Xin and General Manager of Smart Small Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center Mr. Qu Hongkai gave an in-depth explanation of its COLMO brand washing machines, refrigerators and smart small products, expressing great expectations and enthusiasm for the in-depth strategic cooperation between the two parties. .

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

Mr. Lu Jian, General Manager of Washing Machine Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

Ms. Wang Xin, General Manager of Refrigerator Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

Mr. Qu Hongkai, General Manager of Smart Small Products of Midea Group Beijing Operation Center

Finally, both Weiyi Customization and COLMO The leaders held up the giant ship carrying friendship and dreams and took a group photo with all the designers present to celebrate the successful completion of this strategic cooperation!

[Daze Technology SHOW] On July 15th, a private meeting for COLMO & Weiyi Custom Designers was held at the O2O decoration store of Weiyi Custom New City Plaza in Beijing. COLMO brought its full range of products to the Weiyi Customization and launched a Customized in-depth strateg - DayDayNews

This in-depth cooperation between Weiyi Customization and Midea's high-end home appliance brand COLMO is based on the high degree of agreement and consistency between the COLMO brand and Weiyi Customization in terms of concepts and pursuits. Founded in 2003, Weiyi Customization is a whole-house customized home furnishing brand that has grown rapidly relying on the innovation of information technology and integrates design, manufacturing and service. COLMO Home Appliances, which pursues the concept of evolution, has adhered to the concept of evolution since its birth. Inspire every aspect of life with innovative AI technology, lead the evolution of high-end life with rational aesthetics, and provide elite users with future-oriented sets of high-end home appliances. In the future, COLMO will definitely continue to refresh consumers' new expectations for home life and open a new era of enjoying life!

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