The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia "loves to sleep" and it is about to start "poor raising". It is also the hottest time of the year. Not only people cannot stand such high temperatures, but the flowers at home are also afraid of the heat. , like Clivia, if the temperatu

2024/06/2922:17:33 home 1625

The dog days of summer are here, Clivia "loves to sleep", and we have to start "poor raising"

It is about to enter the dog days of summer . This is also the hottest time of the year. Not only people cannot stand such high temperature weather, Flowers at home are also afraid of heat, such as Clivia. If the temperature of the growing environment in summer is too high, reaching above 32°C, the plants will grow very slowly, or even stop growing completely and enter dormancy mode.

Clivia plants are very weak during the dormant period. This is also the time when roots are most likely to rot, yellow leaves, or even wither. At this time, excessive watering, fertilizing, and exposure to the sun can easily cause damage to the Clivia. Therefore, when maintaining, you should also start the "poor maintenance" mode, so that it will be easier to survive the hot summer safely.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

It is not advisable to repot the plant during high temperatures

Recently, some florists saw that the condition of Clivia was not very good, thinking that the pot soil lacked nutrients, and wanted to repot it and change the soil. At this time, the temperature is high, and most Clivias begin to hibernate. It is normal for the condition to be slightly worse.

is not suitable for repotting during high temperatures. It is very weak at this time. If you repot it again, you may not repot it. If the root system is damaged, it may cause root rot.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

If the Clivia at home has not been repotted for a year or two and the soil in the pot has begun to harden, you can wait for a while. After autumn, when the weather starts to get cooler, repot it again and the plant will be able to repot. Go to the pot and resume vigorous growth.

Don’t fertilize too much

Many flower friends have a question. Some people say that Clivia will go dormant in summer and cannot be fertilized; others say that it does not go dormant and can be fertilized normally, so I don’t know who to listen to.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

In fact, whether Clivia goes dormant in summer depends entirely on the growth environment. If you put it in a cool and ventilated place with a temperature of about 25 degrees, the plant will not go dormant and will continue to grow. Of course, you can also fertilize it. Add some thin fertilizer to supplement nutrients so that it can grow more vigorously.

If you place it in a place with a higher temperature, even above 35°C, the plant will be completely dormant at this time and does not require too much nutrients. Fertilizing it again will easily cause fertilizer damage. Don't fertilize it. Just wait until autumn to resume fertilizing.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

Too much water can easily cause root rot.

Clivia has a fleshy root system. During the maintenance process, it is also particularly prone to root rot and yellow leaves. This is because it is not tolerant of waterlogging and its fleshy roots are prone to rot.

Therefore, the cultivation soil for raising Clivia must be loose and breathable. If you use soil that is too sticky, it will not dry easily after watering, or there will be water accumulation, which will easily cause root rot. Therefore, when raising Clivia, watering must be strictly controlled.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

In the hot summer, if the Clivia has gone dormant, watering should be appropriately reduced. After the plant is dormant, it does not require much water, and it is maintained in a cool place. The pot soil dries slowly, so you have to wait for the pot soil to dry each time. Then water it again. Don't water it too frequently to make the pot soil too moist.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

Do not place it in the sun

Clivia is a plant that likes semi-shade. Only in other seasons, when the light is relatively soft, you should often move it out to bask in the sun. This can increase the plant's photosynthesis and promote growth. Conducive to drawing arrows and blooming.

During the high temperature period in summer, it must not be allowed to continue to bask in the sun. If it is placed in the sun at this time, the leaves will be easily sunburned by and the leaves will turn yellow.

The dog days of summer have arrived. Clivia

During the dormant period throughout the summer, you only need to place the Clivia in a cool and ventilated environment, or with some weak scattered light. During this period, you do not need to water and fertilize too much. Let it rest for a summer, and it will grow better in autumn.

To learn more about flower cultivation, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower cultivation experience with everyone every day! (Some pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them)

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