Nowadays, many decoration companies claim to be "one-stop decoration", and owners believe it. So the entire decoration process was handed over to the decoration company, and I became the hands-on shopkeeper. I thought the same way at first, but the first house was pretended to be

2024/06/2506:34:32 home 1771

Many decoration companies now claim to be "one-stop decoration", and owners believe it. So the entire decoration process was handed over to the decoration company, and I became the hands-on shopkeeper.

I thought the same way at first, but the first house was pretended to be destroyed. I learned my lesson during the second decoration. I rushed to the scene during the decoration and focused on these four places. The workers on the side did not dare to be lazy and even called "this is an expert". So what areas should you focus on when monitoring work? Let me tell you about !

Keep an eye on the materials entering the market

Nowadays, many decoration companies claim to be

The first thing to keep an eye on is the materials entering the market, because some unscrupulous decorators will dump your materials, and decoration materials not selected well may also cause indoor pollution.

For example, tiles, you can tell the authenticity through the outer packaging. Half of the outer packaging of ceramic tiles will have the brand logo, weight and grade printed on it.

Another example is latex paint, which can be verified through the query code on the barrel, and the authenticity can be identified at a glance.

Pay attention to bathroom waterproofing

Nowadays, many decoration companies claim to be

The second thing to pay attention to is bathroom waterproofing. After all, if the waterproofing is not done well, not only will you suffer, but the neighbors downstairs will also suffer. There are two things to pay attention to when it comes to waterproofing

: First, the waterproof height of is . The waterproofing height must be 1.8m, because the height of the shower head is only 1.8m. Those who say the waterproofing only needs to be 30cm are probably trying to cut corners.

The second is closed water test . After waterproofing, a closed water test must be done for 48 hours. After finishing, ask the owner downstairs if there is any water leakage. If not, it is considered qualified.

Keep an eye on water and electricity construction

Nowadays, many decoration companies claim to be

The third thing to keep an eye on is water and electricity construction, because water and electricity construction is directly related to the convenience of your water and electricity.

Hydropower construction: First, pay attention to and . Although the water and electricity roof is convenient for maintenance and will not seep into the downstairs, the cost is relatively high and a suspended ceiling is required. Therefore, the water and electricity in the bathroom and kitchen are on the roof, and the water and electricity in other locations are on the ground.

The second thing is to pay attention to slotting . The grooves on the wall need to be horizontal and vertical, and the grooves on the wall cannot be load-bearing.

Focus on finished product protection

Nowadays, many decoration companies claim to be

After the decoration is completed, it is necessary to protect the finished product. This is to prevent subsequent decoration from destroying it.

For example, after the floor tiles are laid, they need to be protected with a finished protective film so that subsequent construction will not stain or damage the tiles.

Not only does the finished product need to be protected with a protective film, but also cabinets, wooden doors, and bathrooms need to be protected to avoid unnecessary rework.


The decoration inspection mainly focuses on the arrival of materials, bathroom waterproofing, water and electricity construction and finished product protection, so that the masters do not dare to be lazy.

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