Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl

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Planting potted plants is a necessary embellishment in home life. It is beautiful.

Turn the living room, fresh air, happy and nourishing.

There are many benefits to growing some flowers and plants at home.

recommends 2 kinds of flowers to flower friends today, flowers that last 12 months. Easy to maintain and can be maintained by novices!

1. Desert Rose

Desert rose is also known as Tianbao flower , so named because its flowers are very similar to roses. It is a woody pulp plant native to Kenya, Tanzania and other places in eastern Africa. Because of its beautiful appearance, it has now developed into an ornamental plant . It has a variety of horticultural varieties and has been widely introduced and popular all over the world.

Its flowers look like small horns, as red as red roses , and the color is very bright. The flowering period is very long, and the natural flowering period is from May to December, which lasts for half a year. It can be grown as an indoor potted plant with sufficient light and can bloom continuously throughout the year.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

Desert rose is very adaptable. Although they are trees, they can be enjoyed in pots. Plant them in loose soil with good drainage and adequate nutrients and they will survive. They can also be propagated by cutting or grafting with good material. Different varieties can be grafted onto one rootstock, and a tree with colorful flowers will emerge.

maintenance is as follows:

1. Desert rose likes a dry environment and should not be watered too much. If it is left as a fruit for a long time, it will cause water accumulation in the pot soil, causing root rot, and branches will easily overgrow, destroying the original ornamental value.

2. Likes to grow in high temperature, dry climate, and sunny environment. Desert rose is afraid of cold, so it is best to keep it indoors in the sun behind a window to keep it dry in winter.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

3. Desert rose is drought tolerant and should not be watered too much each time. Too much moisture can easily cause root rot , and the branches will become overgrown with weeds, making pruning troublesome.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

4. Desert rose prefers phosphorus and potash fertilizer , which is usually supplemented once a month or so. During the peak growth period in summer, sufficient fertilizer and water are needed to make the flowers lush and bright. In addition, in conjunction with changing the pot once a year, some long-lasting base fertilizers can also be appropriately applied in the pot, such as decomposed bean cakes, bone meal, etc.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

2. Feihua Jade

Feihua Jade is a perennial herb of Cactaceae Gymnocalyx genus. Its spherical body is oblate, 10 cm in diameter, with many short thorns and no thorns; the flowers are terminal, and the diameter of the flowers can reach 5 cm. The flowering period is uncertain. It blooms when the conditions are suitable, and up to 20 flowers bloom at the same time; the colors are colorful, including red and pink. ,White and green.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

The maintenance is as follows:

1. Feihuayu has a strong habit, which does not mean that it does not like fat. Another thing is that it likes alkaline soil. Therefore, when breeding Feihua Jade, you can use a mixture of river sand, bone meal and common garden soil.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

2. The flower pots required for home cultivation of Feihua Jade must have good air permeability. So, you can use either a mud pot or an earthen pot.

When the Feihuayu ball grows up, it needs to be repotted, which can not only help its root system grow, but also make it grow bigger; it can also change the soil at the same time and increase the nutrients in the soil.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

3. I don’t like water. Watering can easily cause rot. Spraying should be done once a week. However, do not spray if the air is humid. Water every two weeks. Do not water thoroughly when watering. If the potting soil is damp, do not water.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

4. Feihuayu likes sunshine and can tolerate short-term semi-shade. It is necessary to give Feihua Jade sufficient light. If there is not enough light, overgrowth may occur. But in summer, we need to pay attention to shading and not expose to strong light, otherwise the product will deteriorate.

Planting potted plants is an essential embellishment in home life. It can beautifully transform the living room, fresh air, and nourish happiness. There are many benefits to growing flowers and plants at home. Today I recommend 2 types of flowers to flower lovers, 12-month-old fl - DayDayNews

As a conscientious representative in the flower art world, Feihua Jade is easy to maintain. Once planted, it will bloom in a year. It is worth having in potted plants.

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