When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice: "Why don't you flush the toilet when you get into the queen's room? It's also full of smoke. The shared toilet is where you smoke! The smell of smoke is so strong every day!" When Lao Liu heard this, he quickly

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When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice: "Why don't you flush the toilet when you get into the bathroom? It's also full of smoke. The bathroom next to the bathroom is where you smoke! The smell of smoke is so strong every day!" "As soon as Lao Liu heard this, he quickly turned back and pressed the flush button. A large amount of water poured out from the edge of the toilet, forming a whirlpool and taking away all the filth inside!

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Just after flushing the toilet, my wife roared even louder: "Do you usually flush the toilet like this? Why don't you close the toilet seat? How many bacteria did this splash out? Hurry up and clean it with detergent!"

When Old Liu heard what she said, he immediately became unhappy: "Are you looking for trouble? Isn't this how you usually flush the toilet?" "You should close the lid, you didn't read " CCTV News , people say that if you flush the toilet without closing the toilet lid, the surrounding bacteria will be splashed several meters away, and maybe your toothbrush will be covered with bacteria." His wife answered him.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Liu felt that his wife was being alarmist, so after cleaning the toilet reluctantly, he went online to search for information about flushing the toilet, covering it? Or not cover it? knowledge, I didn’t expect that I really need to close the toilet seat, otherwise bacteria will splash everywhere! From then on, he always closed the toilet lid before flushing.

Recently, people are discussing this topic on the Internet. Some people say that there is no need to close the toilet seat. After all, the toilet seat has not been closed for decades before, and no problems have been seen. Some people are also worried that if the toilet seat is not closed, dirt will be brought into the bathroom when flushing, polluting the environment. What's more, if many people simply press the water gate when flushing the toilet, it is likely that a lot of bacteria will fly to you when you flush the toilet.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Does need to close the toilet seat when flushing the toilet? Let's take a look at

Flush the toilet, cover it? Or not cover it?

Toilet, people use it many times every day, but if you don't pay attention, it is likely to become the source of disease. A doctor from New York University once pointed out that if the toilet seat is opened and flushed, the highest instantaneous cyclone in the toilet can carry germs or microorganisms up to 6 meters in the air and suspend them in the air for several hours. , allowing those bacteria to settle on walls and items.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Most household toilets are curved in design, so when people don’t use the toilet or flush the toilet, they don’t feel any obvious unpleasant smell without closing the toilet lid. However, if you always do not close the toilet seat after using the toilet, it is very likely to affect the indoor air quality.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that after using the toilet, the toilet lid must be closed when flushing . Because when the toilet is flushed, a relatively large cyclone will be generated, leaving relatively fine suspended particles in the air. Many of them are bacteria and viruses that are invisible to our eyes. If it is not cleaned for a long time, it is likely to cause Other items in the bathroom are contaminated with bacteria .

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Not to mention that in many families nowadays, toileting, washing, and showering are all done in the bathroom. Toothbrushes, towels, mouthwash cups, etc. are all in the same room as the toilet, and they are easily contaminated by bacteria. Therefore, after using the toilet, you must develop the habit of closing the toilet seat when flushing.

In addition, when cleaning the toilet, you must pay attention to the cleanness and dryness of the toilet brush and toilet seat. Do not let them become a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms, and prevent them from easily becoming a source of pollution in the home. After using the toilet brush, rinse it first, soak it in disinfectant, and hang it to dry. Toilet seats should also be cleaned and disinfected regularly. If the toilet seat is made of cloth or other materials, it should be washed and disinfected frequently. After all, the toilet is also our "personal belongings".

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Then some people may say, oh my, every time I go to the bathroom, I flush directly. If you say it’s bad for your health, then is it really bad for your health? As for the evidence, is there any experiment? After all, experiments give true knowledge! Not to mention, many institutions and research institutes have done experiments on .

Various experiments tell us that it is best to cover the toilet.

Beijing Normal University School of Environment once conducted an experiment: randomly select an ordinary family bathroom and follow the conventional microbiology standard inspection method. First, pour the solution containing E. coli into the toilet, set an air sampling point every 25cm above the toilet, and divide the experiment into two groups. The A group is the distribution of microorganisms when the toilet seat is closed , and the B group is the distribution of microorganisms when the toilet seat is opened . The detection time of

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

is 3 minutes, and the detection results of are as follows: : The first time is 3 minutes, and the experimental result is that the total number of open colonies is 34, and the total number of closed colonies is 60; the second detection is 6 minutes, and the experimental results show that the total number of open colonies is 34, and the total number of closed colonies is 60. The total number of colonies on the cover is 40, and the total number of colonies on the cover is 59.

After this experiment, Zhu Jianrong, professor of environmental microbiology at the School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, said: Most of the feces in the toilet are sucked away through siphon. After the water comes down, the siphon effect produced by the toilet is much larger than The water flowing out will disturb the air, but it does not mean that it has no effect on the air at all. It will still bring microorganisms and bacteria into the air.

There is a reason why the number of microorganisms in the bottom air is lower when the lid is opened than when the lid is closed, because some bacteria have been dispersed into the air or attached to other items in the bathroom.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

appeared on a CCTV program "Come on!" "Toward the Future" also demonstrated this issue. used experiments to explore "whether there is any difference between opening and closing the toilet lid when flushing the toilet" . In this experiment, researchers from the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences used some luminescent "fluorescent bacteria" to act as human excrement , and set up 5 collection boxes for collecting bacteria, which were placed on toothbrush holders , towels, tissue box , etc., then let it sit and wait for 48 hours.

The first set of experimental results show: The researchers tested the bacteria in 5 collection boxes. found that when flushing with the lid open, bacteria will really splash out of the toilet , and the closer the toilet is to the petri dish In , the number of bacteria is greater. The test results of the second set of

experiments are also very surprising. When the toilet seat is closed and flushed, some bacteria will be sprayed out of the toilet. However, compared with opening the lid and flushing, the number of bacteria flying out will be significantly reduced.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

We learned from the above experiment that the toilet itself is not completely sealed. Bacteria may be sprayed out when flushing the toilet with or without the lid. However, flushing the toilet with the lid closed will indeed allow bacteria to come out more easily. less, thereby reducing certain potential risks. To sum up, it is safer to flush with the toilet seat closed!

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Some people may have questions, flushes the toilet and sprays out so many bacteria, is it harmful to the human body? Should separate the washroom and bathroom to make it safer? Friends, be patient and continue reading!

There are so many bacteria sprayed out when flushing the toilet, are they harmful to the human body?

If you want to know what bacteria will be sprayed when flushing the toilet, we must first know what bacteria are in the stool!

There are many bacteria in the colon, 70% of Escherichia coli, 20% of anaerobic bacteria, as well as Connectococcus, Proteus , Staphylococcus , Lactobacillus , Spore and Yeast . In the feces excreted by the human body, 1/3 to 2/3 of the solid content is intestinal bacteria , a quarter is water , and the rest is mostly protein, fat, dietary fiber, and excretion from the intestines. cells and various bacteria.

Of course, there are also bad pathogenic bacteria, bacteria that are harmful to humans, such as Clostridium aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. This kind of bacteria can easily cause infectious diarrhea.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

Although there are indeed some harmful substances in feces, and these things can also cause harm to the human body, there is no way to harm the human body by simply relying on airborne flushing the toilet.Many terrible diseases and harmful microorganisms are mostly transmitted through the fecal-oral route, such as hepatitis, typhoid, cholera , norovirus , polio, E. coli, rotavirus and so on.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

So we don’t have to worry so much. We only need to develop healthy and good living habits, such as cleaning the living room environment frequently, washing hands frequently after using the toilet, and disinfecting the toilet bowl frequently, etc., so that we can stay away from these dangers as much as possible. Generally speaking, the germs brought by flushing the toilet do not cause much harm to the human body, and there is no need to talk about the discoloration of the toilet! Now I will teach you a few more ways to make the bathroom more "clean" and reduce bacteria using ! Everyone must learn !

How to reduce the number of bacteria in the bathroom, we can start from several aspects

1. Pay attention to disinfecting the door handles of the bathroom

Most people will not clean/disinfect the door handles when cleaning, door handles are used by everyone Ignoring , especially the inner door handle of the bathroom, has caused it to become one of the main loopholes in home hygiene.

In fact, there are especially many bacteria on door handles, which are exposed to different people coming and going. The key is that if someone does not have the habit of washing hands after using the toilet, then the bacteria on door handles are unimaginable and can easily lead to diarrhea or even enteritis. etc. Usually we can dilute Dettol disinfectant , 84 and other disinfectants with water, scrub them frequently, and pay attention to cutting nails and washing hands frequently.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

2. Clean the bathroom drains

Household drains and drainage pipes can easily become a "breeding ground" for germs and insect pests. There is often a large amount of hair accumulated in the bathroom drain, which can even block the pipe. Moreover, hair is not easy to rot and can hide dirt. A survey shows that drainage pipes breed up to 18 million bacteria per 3 square centimeters, causing diarrhea, food poisoning, pneumonia and other diseases in the family, and endangering human health.

There are many ways to clean the drain. You can choose a special drain cleaner to remove oil stains, and the effect is very obvious. You can also mix caustic soda and hot water in a proportion, and then slowly pour it into the sewer to gradually wash away the oil stains. You can also boil grapefruit peels in water, and then pour the boiled water into the sewer. You can clean the oil in the sewer in about ten minutes.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

3. Clean the dead corners of the bathroom

The bathroom is a very humid place. All countertops that may accumulate water should be kept dry and clean, especially the dead corners of the bathroom. A dry bathroom can keep mosquitoes and bacteria away from us. I would like to remind everyone: if there are waste paper baskets, anti-slip mats, and other items in the bathroom, they must be cleaned in time. After bathing, you should frequently open doors and windows or use exhaust fans to keep the environment ventilated, dehumidified, and deodorized.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

4. Toilet cleaning

The toilet is a channel for discharging dirt. If the hygiene of the toilet is not done well, a lot of pathogenic bacteria will accumulate over time, threatening the health of your family. Cleaning the toilet is also a knowledgeable . Here are several simple methods for you.

In addition to the direct use of detergents, methods such as "vinegar + water soaking", " baking soda + hot water soaking", "pour cola into the toilet and soak" can all have the effect of descaling and decontaminating the toilet. After flushing the toilet, you can spray white vinegar on the inner wall of the toilet and flush it away together when you use it next time. It can also disinfect and deodorize , which is really good!

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:

5. Do not put fragrance in the bathroom

Nowadays, many families like to put a box of fragrance in the bathroom, trying to make the bathroom environment fresh and pleasant. However, these fresheners are actually chemical compound . If you buy a bad freshener, it is very likely to induce physical diseases. It is recommended not to place deodorants in the bathroom. If you want to keep the air fresh, just open the window or use an exhaust fan frequently. Ventilation is the key.

Disinfectant water is not recommended to be placed in the bathroom, because after they evaporate, they may accumulate a large amount of harmful gases in the room, which may cause illness if inhaled for a long time. Especially when taking a bath with hot water in the bathroom, the toxicity is even greater. Some inferior disinfectants also contain dichlorobenzene, which can irritate the respiratory tract, cause cell mutation, and induce leukemia, lung cancer, etc.

When Lao Liu came out of the toilet, he heard his wife's angry voice:


The final suggestion to everyone is that when flushing the toilet, you must develop the habit of closing the toilet seat, and disinfect and clean the toilet regularly to keep the toilet clean and hygienic. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the blind spots in the bathroom, and often open windows for ventilation to keep the bathroom clean and dry, which is better for your health.


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