Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a "tasteless" thing that takes up space in the kitchen. In fact, according to professional calculations, dishwashers are not only more ec

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The evaluation of

dishwashers on the Internet has always been difficult to agree on. Some people say that it is a hands-free artifact, while others say that it is simply a "tasteless" thing that takes up space in the kitchen. In fact, according to professional calculations, dishwashers are not only more efficient than hand washing. It saves water, and the level of bacteria on the dishes after washing is much lower than hand washing, which means it is cleaner.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

As many as 70% of households abroad use dishwashers, but the penetration rate of dishwashers in domestic households is less than 3%. So, why are dishwashers, which are obviously cleaner and more water-saving than hand washing, not popular in China? ?

Insufficient kitchen space

First of all, it is the size of the space. In general, the kitchen space in domestic residences is not very large, and a dishwasher that can hold the whole family's tableware and pots and pans at once requires a very large volume. This is inconsistent with The situation in small-space kitchens common in China does not meet the requirements. Correspondingly, fewer people use dishwashers.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

Dishwasher price and capacity

The average price of an ordinary built-in dishwasher is generally around 4,000-5,000 yuan, and the capacity is not too large. Dishwasher with larger capacity is also more expensive. Basically It costs around 8,000-10,000 yuan, which is a considerable expense for a family.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

Parental Concepts

Many large families whose children live with their parents want to buy a dishwasher, which will also be affected by their parents’ concepts. In the eyes of parents, washing dishes in a dishwasher is a very simple matter, and they spend so much money to buy it. A machine is too cost-effective and troublesome to operate, so I don’t want to use it.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

Low dishwashing efficiency

The dishwashing efficiency of the dishwasher is also one of the reasons why many people are reluctant to choose it, because it is actually very fast to wash by hand, even if there are a large number of dishes and chopsticks, it will not take more than half an hour, while the dishwasher washes It takes more than an hour to wash the dishes at a time. Although there is a quick washing function, the time is short and the washing is not clean, which is very confusing.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

Moreover, the use of the dishwasher also requires you to deal with food residues and put all the bowls in before it can start working. In addition to washing the dishes, the kitchen stove still needs to be cleaned by someone.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

Chinese cooking habits

Another reason why dishwashers are not popular in China may be ignored by many people, that is, there are differences in cooking habits between China and foreign countries. Foreign countries tend to buy semi-finished ingredients for cooking, and the cooking method is just simple boiling. Fried and fried, it is easy to pack away.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

There are many cooking methods in our country. The equipment used in the process of frying, frying, steaming, stewing, and stewing is more complicated. Subsequent cleaning of the stove and other items also takes time, and it is not just simple washing dishes.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

So to sum up, the current dishwasher is like Ferrari 100 yuan coupon, it is indeed useful, but the degree of usefulness is very limited, and it also requires huge money and operating costs, which is not cost-effective, so it is still up to There are no conditions for popularization in the country.

Dishwasher reviews on the Internet have always been difficult to agree on. Some say it is a hands-free artifact, while others say it is simply a

However, Dong Lijun also believes that with the development of technology, the price of dishwashers will decrease and the capacity will increase. When it can reach the point where pots and pans can be stuffed in and all can be washed, the price will be affordable for all working-class families. As long as it is affordable, it will gradually become popular!

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