When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo

2024/06/1806:30:33 home 1557

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, I always hear people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, you will understand that watering flowers is never rigid, but needs to be adjusted according to the season, weather, pot soil conditions and plant status.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

When many novices first start growing flowers, they often waterlogge the plants because they don’t know how to water them. Then you might as well choose to plant some plants that like water. Even if you don't control it and water too much, you won't be afraid of water accumulation and root rot. When you are full of water, you will be energetic, and if you are short of water, you will be depressed. Today Fei Miao will introduce to you several kinds of "water-loving flowers". They are like "big buckets" and are easy to care for and manage. No matter how much water you pour, you don't have to worry about root rot.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

The first type, Water Bamboo

Water Bamboo is green all year round, with the elegance of bamboo . Planting a pot indoors is fresh and refined, and is very suitable for placement in the study. Water bamboo likes water very much, so it can be planted in pots or in water. The soil for potting should be slightly sticky, such as pond soil mixed with leaf mold. You can choose a flower pot with no holes at the bottom and plant it half in soil and half in water. Every time you water, let the water cover about three centimeters above the roots.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

For potted water bamboos, the soil in the pot must be kept moist. If there is a lack of water, the leaves will turn yellow, dry and crack. Water bamboo can be placed in full sun or semi-shade. In order to avoid sunburn in summer, it is best to maintain it in the shade. Water bamboo has poor cold tolerance. In order to prevent frostbite, water bamboo can be changed to soil cultivation in autumn. In winter, it can successfully survive the winter by keeping the indoor temperature above 5 degrees.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

The second type, aquatic canna

Aquatic canna is a plant with a very summer flavor. It has tall plants and green leaves. In summer, it will bloom delicate and beautiful flowers. The roots of aquatic canna are resistant to waterlogging. In some southern cities, they are planted along rivers and lakes as urban greening plants.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

Aquatic canna grows rapidly and likes a warm and humid environment with sufficient sunshine. During its growing season, the pot soil must be kept moist. Aquatic cannas like fertilizer, so remember to topdress three to four times a month. Aquatic cannas are not cold-tolerant, so be sure to move them indoors in winter. If you plant them on the ground, you can prune off the above-ground parts, dig out the rhizomes, let them dry for two or three days, then bury them in moist sand and place them indoors without watering. , and then replant the next spring.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

The third type, calla lily

Calla lily is native to southern Africa. It usually grows in swamps or beside rivers. It likes a warm and humid environment and is resistant to water and humidity, but not cold. Calla lilies are very beautiful, their flowers are pure and elegant, and they are of great ornamental value. However, as a plant of the Araceae family, calla lily is poisonous. It is not recommended to plant it if there are children and pets at home.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

Calla lilies like a semi-shady environment with some light and cannot tolerate exposure to the sun. During the growing season, they must follow the principle of "rich water and heavy fertilizer" to keep the pot soil moist and apply thin fertilizer frequently. Calla lilies will go dormant in summer and winter, and the leaves will turn yellow before going dormant. At this time, stop fertilizing and reduce watering. When the climate is suitable, it will grow back on its own.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

The fourth type, ferns

Most plants like moisture and shade. Not only should the pot soil be kept moist, but also water should be sprayed on the plants frequently to increase the air humidity. Places at home with poor lighting are suitable for placing several ferns, such as maidenhair fern, bird's nest fern, kidney fern, etc. However, ferns usually have spores, so if someone at home is allergic to spores, they should be planted with caution.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

In spring, autumn and winter, ferns can be exposed to the sun appropriately. In summer, they should still be placed in a cool and ventilated place. Most ferns like an environment with high humidity. Humidity can be increased by spraying water, turning on a humidifier, or pouring water into the tray of the flower pot. Ferns do not require fertilizer. Just sprinkle a little compound fertilizer once a month.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

The fifth type, copper money grass

Speaking of water-loving plants, we have to mention copper money grass. It can be grown in hydroponics or potted. However, it grows best in half-soil and half-water planting conditions. Copper money grass is easy to grow. , as long as there is no shortage of water or fertilizer, it will grow very luxuriantly. If it can be exposed to the sun, it will grow faster. Looking at the pot full of round "copper coins", I feel happy.

When Fei Miao visits the flower market, he always hears people asking the flower seller: How many days do you need to water this flower? People who can ask this kind of question are usually novices in flower gardening. Because after you have some experience in growing flowers, yo - DayDayNews

When maintaining copper money grass, you don’t have to worry about watering it too much. Like in summer, sometimes watering twice a day is not enough. It is very suitable for those flower lovers who can’t control it and just like to water it. Fertilizing copper money grass is also very simple. Just sprinkle compound fertilizer twice a month.

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