Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower

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Asparagus is not well maintained because it is not done well in 4 aspects. Please correct it quickly.

Asparagus has a beautiful posture and green branches and leaves. It is beautiful and full of vitality when placed on the windowsill or desk. It is loved by many flower friends. However, when asparagus is maintained, the branches and leaves will always turn yellow, the root system will rot, and the entire plant will wither seriously. This kind of plant has very high requirements on the growth environment. Normally, it is difficult to raise asparagus, and the main four aspects are not done well. As long as the maintenance method is corrected, these problems can be avoided.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Don’t water too frequently

When we grow asparagus, the most common thing we encounter is yellowing of leaves, and there are many reasons for yellowing leaves. Among them, improper watering is more likely to cause yellowing leaves. It is a fleshy root system. Moreover, the branches and leaves are slender, and the plant requires very little water. Especially if it is maintained indoors, water evaporates slowly. When maintaining, do not water too much.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

If you water too frequently, the soil in the flower pot will always be moist and not dry, and the root system will not be able to breathe normally, and absorption will also be affected. Over time, root rot will appear, and the leaves will gradually turn yellow. , it will dry out in severe cases.

In fact, you don’t need to water Asparagus too frequently or too frequently. It does not require much water. Wait until the soil in the pot is dry before pouring water into the flower pot. If it is not dry, you don’t need to water it. You can pour water around it. Spray with water mist to keep the branches and leaves greener.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Fertilization must be done at a good concentration

When growing small foliage plants such as asparagus, there is no need to fertilize them too much during the maintenance period, because they do not require much nutrients. Fertilizing too much or too frequently will be easy. Burning its fleshy roots will also cause the leaves to turn yellow and the roots to rot.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Of course, growing asparagus does not mean that you don’t need to fertilize it at all. If you don’t fertilize it for a long time, the branches and leaves of the plant will turn yellow, lose a sense of vitality, and it will not be easy to grow new branches and leaves. During the growth period, you still need to use some thin fertilizer appropriately.

If you are using those quick-acting compound fertilizers, don’t apply too much at one time. You can apply less, so as to achieve "thin fertilizer and frequent application". It is best to pour thin liquid fertilizer, such as various flower and plant nutrient solutions, every day. Watering it once or twice a month will help it grow luxuriantly.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Don’t bask in the sun

When growing flowers at home, you must understand the growth habits of the flowers you raise. Plants like asparagus like a cool and humid environment, but are afraid of direct sunlight. It will easily dehydrate in the sun and cause yellow and dry leaves. Especially in the summer when the light intensity is too high, it will be sunburned for a few hours and the leaves will turn yellow and wither.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

When raising asparagus, it is best to place it indoors. As long as the light is bright and the ventilation is good, it can grow healthily. In winter and spring, when the light is not strong, occasionally move it to a place with weak sunlight so that it can receive some scattered light, so that its branches and leaves will grow stronger and greener.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Regularly prune dead and yellow branches

Asparagus grows very quickly when there is sufficient water and fertilizer, and some natural yellow leaves will appear. You should also prune these dead branches and leaves frequently to improve the overall ornamental appearance. sex.

For those Asparagus potted plants that grow luxuriantly and have a messy plant shape, it is necessary to prune the dense and thin branches and leaves appropriately. This can reduce the consumption of nutrients, increase the permeability between the branches and leaves, and keep the plants in a better plant shape.

Asparagus is not well maintained because it has not been done well in four aspects. Quickly correct the method. Asparagus has a graceful posture and green branches and leaves. It is placed on the windowsill or desk. It is beautiful and full of vitality. It is loved by many flower - DayDayNews

Asparagus at home is always poorly maintained, and rotten roots and yellow leaves appear. Most of them are caused by these aspects. As long as you do the above points during maintenance, you can make it grow luxuriantly and reduce the risk of root rot and yellow leaves. occur.

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