If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th

2024/06/0412:34:32 home 1129

If the sunshine at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle grass . This kind of plant originally grows in a cool place and does not require much light. It has many horticultural varieties and can bloom in an environment with a little scattered light.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews. Suitable areas:

In addition to Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian (southern Yunnan), etc., other areas are more suitable for planting sinewgrass, especially suitable for places without heating in winter such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

It would be particularly good if planted outdoors in the north. For potted skeletal plants, pay attention to replenishing water in time (very afraid of drought) and avoid excessive heat in summer.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews. Variety selection

Ajuga ciliata is a plant of the genus Ajuga in the family Lamiaceae. It has many horticultural varieties, and the colors of the leaves are different, including purple, yellow, dark green, black or green, etc. There are very strange markings on the leaves. The most popular variety among flower lovers is Ji Twelve Single Muscle Grass.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

The above is Ji Twelve Single Muscle Grass

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews. Growth Environment

Muscle Grass can be planted in both the north and south. It is particularly cold-resistant and can survive in an environment of minus 20 degrees.

However, it is extremely difficult to keep it in summer. It is necessary to avoid an excessively hot and dry environment. In summer, it should be kept in a relatively shaded and cooler place.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

If you are in places like Guangdong and Guangxi, the summer is too hot, which is actually not very suitable for raising this kind of plant.

The most suitable areas for planting Skeleton Grass are in North China, Northeast China and most of central my country. It is not suitable for cultivation in the western region because it does not like dryness and prefers a slightly humid environment. Cultivating in the eastern region of my country will be more moist.

4. Avoid heat

Everyone has also noticed that any of these plants that are particularly cold-tolerant are usually not very heat-tolerant, and the same is true for sinewgrass.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

If you want to buy this kind of plant (flower lovers in the north can buy it in physical stores in summer), it is recommended to buy it in autumn, so that it can be kept for at least a year without dying. If you want it to be safe through the summer , it can remain perennial and continue to reproduce. In summer, move it to the shade of a tree or other shady place.

5. Pay attention to regular watering

In the process of maintaining the skeletal grass, it is necessary to keep the soil constantly moist and not let the soil be too dry, especially in spring, summer and autumn. Once you see that the pot soil is relatively dry, you must water it thoroughly in time. .

If you are raising a relatively small potted plant and plant it indoors, when the weather is hot, especially in summer, in addition to keeping it in a cool place, you should also pay attention to watering it frequently.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

If the water loss is very fast, you can even put a relatively shallow water basin at the bottom of the flower pot and fill it with a little water. This will ensure that the soil continues to have moisture, but you must ensure that the water can evaporate quickly and the water level cannot be too high. At least The environment should be ventilated and have some light.

6. Choose the appropriate potting soil

Use smaller flower pots to plant skeletal grass, which can better avoid root rot and stuffy roots. In addition, using a smaller container can allow it to grow more lateral buds. If these small lateral buds grow stronger, they can be re-transplanted into a new small pot, so that it can continue to reproduce without fear of it growing. Being raised to death.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

The soil in the potting soil for cultivating Muscle Grass should be breathable and loose. Do not use yellow soil for potting maintenance. The fertility should not be too high at the beginning of planting.

7. Semi-aqueous culture and maintenance

If you have cordyceps plants at home or an aquarium, you can even put them on the tray of cordyceps plants and use the waist water method to maintain them, that is, soak about half of the flower pot. In the water. You can also soak about half of the bottom of the potted musk plant pot in water and use a lamp to grow it well.

Usually, you should pay attention to regularly check the status of the musk grass. If there are too many yellow and dead leaves at the bottom, clean them up in time and do not leave them on the soil surface.

8. How to make it bloom more?

Muscle grass blooms in spring and summer. It has relatively short flower spikes, the flowers are blue, there are relatively small stripes inside the petals, and there are fine hairs on the inflorescences.

If the sunlight at home is not good, or the light in the courtyard is insufficient, and you want to raise some relatively niche plants, you can try Muscle Grass. This plant originally grows in shady places and does not require much light. There are many horticultural varieties th - DayDayNews

The flower spikes sticking out look a bit like lavender and sage . If you want to make the skeletal grass bloom more, you must have an appropriate low temperature in winter, preferably a low temperature of more than 10 degrees below zero.

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