Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a

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Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches and colorful flowers. When in full bloom, the flowers bloom like brocade and are lively and unrestrained. It and a string of red are both festive holiday flowers.

Many pot friends like bougainvillea, but there will be few new shoots, only a few flowers blooming, and no flower buds will be formed after blooming. To sum up, we have not understood the habits of bougainvillea, and the maintenance of bougainvillea is too diligent and cumbersome, and we are not sure about the key points, resulting in less flowering. In fact, it is very simple to make bougainvillea bloom more. If you do these 3 things and find out the reason 1, you can ensure that it blooms prosperously.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Old piles should be fertilized, Figure 1

1. Get more sun

Bougainvillea is a pure flower bud, which likes high temperatures and strong sunlight, so potted bougainvillea should always be placed in a sunny location, no less than 8 hours a day. illumination. Like jasmine, sunflower , periwinkle , bowl lotus , fragrant vine , hibiscus , succulent category, Milan, geranium, gardenia , honeysuckle , golden marbles This type of flowers and trees are also plants that like light and ventilation.

Spend more time in the sun, which is beneficial to vegetative growth and reproductive growth. After a long period of strong sunlight, bougainvillea has short internodes, rich tissue, large number of flowers, deep color and long flowering period.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Bougainvillea welcomes guests to spend more time in the sun, Figure 2

2. Prune more

Many flower friends know that bougainvillea needs to be pruned more. Some flower lovers say that they have already pruned, but the new shoots are weak and have no flowers. In fact, they did not correctly judge the tree's condition and adopted the wrong pruning method and pruning time. Weak seedlings and strong seedlings need to be pruned in different ways and at different times.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Weak old piles are repotted, climbing branches are planted, Figure 3

① Weak seedlings. First, turn the pot and change the soil, increase the fertilizer and water supply, increase the light and strengthen it. When the base of the germinated branches is lignified, the length will be about 20-30cm. At this time, such branches should be topping and controlled in April to May.

If it is a newly planted seedling, when it grows 6-8 leaves, the top buds should be removed in time and the lower 5-6 leaves should be retained; the newly sprouted branches should be topped again when they grow 6-8 leaves. Repeat this three times. About half of the branches of the whole plant will form flower buds, the crown will be plump, and there will be no shortage of preparation branches.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

multi-cut, Figure 4

② strong seedlings. For strong seedlings after the Spring Festival, do not miss individual flower buds. Use the one-stem-three-branch pruning method to prune the entire plant. Specifically, repot before and after rain, thin out dense branches and weak branches, shrink and prune leggy branches, and leave 3-4 buds short on the remaining branches.

The second pruning should be done after the flowers have faded. Flower lovers should pay attention to choosing medium and short cuts during the growing season and do not use heavy short cuts to avoid wasting nutrients. Cut off the top tips of the retained branches at 15-20cm, and then cut all the side branches short to promote the formation of more new branches and the formation of more flower buds. Remember that the side branches to be pruned must be lignified. For old and weak piles, do not prune them without repotting them, do not prune them due to lack of light, or do not prune them after the autumnal equinox.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Weak piles cannot control water and need to grow branches, Figure 5

3. More water control. Anyone who raises bougainvillea knows to control water. However, some flower lovers control water and fertilizer right after pruning. This is completely wrong. Water control and fertilizer control cannot be used casually. When should we control water? It depends on the time of pruning and the growth of the branches.

For example, if we repot and prune in early spring, by April to May, the newly sprouted branches will be about 25cm, and water can be controlled at this time. Water once, then water again after the leaves droop. Control water continuously for two weeks. Flower buds will form between the leaf axils of the branches, and then resume normal watering. Controlling water limits vegetative growth and gives Bougainvillea a sense of survival crisis, thereby promoting reproductive growth and forming flower buds for the purpose of reproducing offspring.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Weak piles should be short-cut with strong branches, Figure 6

4. Reasons for dumb buds.Some florists have bougainvillea flowers with many differentiated flower buds, but the flower buds cannot open normally and are shriveled, shrunken, and wrinkled. These are dumb buds.

The main reason for dumb buds is that they are worried that watering before flowering will cause buds to fall. If the water is heavy and the water is high, dumb buds will inevitably occur. For the bougainvillea that is about to bloom, do not withhold water before flowering. Just water it thoroughly when it is dry or wet.

Bougainvillea is a semi-evergreen climbing shrub. It likes a warm and humid climate and has poor cold tolerance. It needs sufficient light during the growing season. As long as the pot soil is fertile, loose and breathable, it will grow with luxuriant branches, colorful flowers a - DayDayNews

Choose short sections with strong buds to enlarge the crown width, Figure 7

Conclusion: Bougainvillea bonsai, do these 3 things well, find out 1 reason, and the flowers will bloom prosperously and unrestrainedly. Bougainvillea must be flowered frequently, not only because there are 3 more than 1 reasons, but also because there is not enough fertilizer.

Some gardeners use a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer to create the frame shape of bougainvillea, which makes them grow lush and green, but no flowers bloom no matter how much water is controlled. Therefore, we use nitrogen fertilizer in small amounts and multiple times. It is best to top-dress after the nitrogen fertilizer in the pot soil is consumed. Nitrogen fertilizer must not be used as base fertilizer.

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