#giveoneselfalittle红花# I first met the European carnation flower on the green path next to the road. The contiguous dianthus are like lawns, with bright red flowers blooming on them. Although they are not stunning, they are still very attractive. Dianthus is beautiful and easy to

2024/05/2622:05:32 home 1089

#giveoneselfalittle红花# I first met the European carnation flower on the green path next to the road. The contiguous dianthus are like lawns, with bright red flowers blooming on them. Although they are not stunning, they are still very attractive. Dianthus is beautiful and easy to - DayDayNews

The first time I met the European carnation was on the greenway next to the road. The contiguous dianthus are like lawns, with bright red flowers blooming on them. Although they are not stunning, they are still very attractive. Dianthus is beautiful and easy to grow. It is much more beautiful than planting it directly on the lawn.

Dianthus dianthus is a perennial evergreen ground cover herbaceous plant with a height of no more than 8 cm and can be used as a lawn.

Dianthus dianthus has strong vitality and can grow freely as long as there is sufficient land. When not blooming, from a distance, it looks lush and green, like a green lawn.

Dianthus has a long flowering period, blooming in spring, summer and autumn, which can last for more than 200 days. The flower colors include pink, red, purple and other colors. After blooming, it is fresh and elegant, with a pastoral freshness.

Dianthus dianthus is very pungent, not too delicate, and its flowers can be trampled upon. It has strong cold resistance, withstanding cold resistance of -15 degrees Celsius, high temperature resistance of 43 degrees Celsius, resistance to drought and barrenness. There are almost no pests or diseases. Invest once and reap long-term benefits. However, it is easy to die when there is no ventilation and high temperature and humidity.

I bought two boxes from a nursery this year. After planting in the ground, the survival rate was over half. In order to make up for the vacancy and build a lawn with flowers blooming all the time,

ordered 400 more seedlings from the Internet. It is expected to arrive on Saturday and Sunday, just in time to plant.

is looking forward to a lawn with blooming flowers in the yard.

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