Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl

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It’s summer now, and most of the hydrangeas have already failed. We all need to prune the hydrangea . After the pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not operate it properly at this time, it will The buds will grow thin and weak, and they will not bloom well the next year, or may not bloom at all the next year. If you are a novice in raising hydrangea, you must do "4 things" when new buds grow after pruning. Only then can the new buds be thick and strong and bloom into large flower bulbs.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

1, see more light

Many people put hydrangea indoors in an environment with weak light in summer. They are afraid that the strong light in summer will burn its leaves. In fact, we cannot lack light when raising hydrangeas in summer, but only at noon in summer. Avoid exposure to the sun. The hydrangeas that Xiao Qi raises are under the sun at noon in summer, and the leaves are not scorched. As long as we ensure proper maintenance, the leaves will not be damaged by the sun. Because after its new shoots grow out, if they lack light, they will grow leggy, and the branches lacking light will grow thin and weak.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

When it blooms next year, it will either have no flower buds, or the flowers will droop, which is not good-looking at all, and the flower bulb will be much smaller. So now we need to ensure that the lighting time of and is no less than four hours. For example, it can be exposed to light before ten o'clock in the morning, and shaded at other times. It can also be exposed to light after three or four o'clock in the afternoon, or it can be placed directly under a tree. , it is possible to pull up the sunshade net to provide shade. Light is essential, lack of light will only cause it to grow weakly.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

2, wipe the buds

After the hydrangeas are pruned, if there are many buds left, almost every bud point will germinate. At this time, we should not keep too many buds, because when they are planted in the flower pot, the buds will grow If there is too much, the nutrient supply will not be enough, which will cause the buds to grow thin and weak, so at this time we have to wipe the buds. Generally, two buds on a thick branch are enough, and other buds should be wiped off as much as possible.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

The method of wiping buds is to wipe them according to the size of the buds on all the branches of our entire plant. Keep the largest buds and wipe out all the small buds at the bottom, so that two strong buds are left on each branch. , when the branches grow thick and strong, they will bloom better. If you leave too much, it will consume more nutrients and the branches will not be thick, because only thick branches will bloom in the second year, and the flower heads will be bigger and the flowers will bloom. The performance will be stronger.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

3. Fertilizer should keep up with

. After flowering, it will enter a stage of rapid growth. Fertilizer is essential at this time. If there is a lack of fertilizer, it will grow slowly, and even the seedlings will not grow. At this time, just choose a fertilizer with a balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance. For example, the universal nutrient solution we know, and ordinary compound fertilizers are all acceptable. If there is no growth after pruning, first replenish the last high-nitrogen fertilizer. We have many common flowers. No. 10 is very good. After that, use general fertilizer to ensure that it can grow new shoots quickly. The new shoots will grow thick and the root system will be developed. Use it two to three times a month. Don’t make the concentration too high.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

4, keep up with watering

Why do hydrangea leaves scorch? It is because we are short of water that the leaves are prone to scorch when exposed to light. If your hydrangea forgets to water, all its leaves will become wilted. After wilting, watering can restore it, but the leaves will become scorched. This is caused by lack of water, so it is a kind of water-loving plant. For plants, under normal circumstances, as long as the ventilation is not too poor, it is enough to water them thoroughly in time when the pot soil is about half dry.

Now that we have entered the summer, most of the hydrangeas have faded. We all have to prune the hydrangea. After pruning is completed, the hydrangea will enter the stage of growing buds. If you do not do it properly at this time, its buds will grow. If it is weak, it will not bl - DayDayNews

Growing hydrangea is very simple. You need to prune it in time after it blooms. After pruning, do these 4 things and don’t miss any of them. The new buds will be thick and strong when they grow, and enough new buds will grow. The flowering will be even better in the second year. By then, there will be large flower bulbs on each branch, and they will bloom very beautifully.

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