"The dew washes the whole body white, and the sinking water smells like the fragrance of rebirth." In the hot summer, the flawless white jasmine blooms, exuding a rich and charming floral fragrance, which makes people feel extremely happy. It is the peak blooming period of jasmin

2024/05/2421:06:33 home 1904

"The dew washes the whole body white, and the sinking water smells like the fragrance of rebirth." In the hot summer, the flawless white jasmine flowers bloom, exuding a rich and charming floral fragrance, which makes people feel extremely happy.

It is the peak blooming period of jasmine. Many friends have already seen the first bloom of this year. However, many plants have bloomed "clown flowers", which are small, yellow and have no fragrance. It makes people feel very unpleasant. If you want fragrant and white flowers to bloom, do these three things quickly.

First, sufficient light

The light in summer is very strong and the days are long. If you place jasmine in a sunny environment for maintenance, many friends will worry about the plant being sunburned , so move it indoors to a place with poor light. Location maintenance. If the plant does not receive sufficient sunlight for a long time, it will enter a poor growth state, which will be manifested as elongated branches, smaller flowers, weak fragrance, etc.

Sunshine is the source of life, and all green plants need its light. What's more, jasmine is a flower that likes full sunlight and is very taboo about staying in a poor light environment for a long time. Therefore, if you want jasmine to bloom white and fragrant flowers, you must place it in a sunny location, such as a south-facing balcony. After being exposed to sufficient sunlight, jasmine flowers continue to carry out photosynthesis , thereby producing chlorophyll, aromatic factors, etc. The flowers emitted in this way must be large, white and fragrant.

Second, keep it moist

In summer, the light is strong and the temperature is high, and the water evaporates faster, especially the jasmine flowers placed in the sun for maintenance. However, many flower lovers are particularly concerned about whether frequent watering will cause water accumulation in the soil, so they always maintain a dry maintenance environment. Jasmine flowers in their peak blooming period inherently need more water. If it is in a dry state for a long time, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow, which will affect the flowering period.

Life is inseparable from water, and all plants need moisture, especially jasmine, which likes humid environments. If you want jasmine to bloom into fragrant, white and large flowers, you must maintain a moist growing environment, including soil and air humidity. Of course, standing water in the soil can also cause root rot. Therefore, pay attention to the method of watering. For example, when you see that the soil is dry, you should immediately use tap water to irrigate the soil, and usually use a watering can to spray the leaves, so as to maintain a good moist environment.

3. Reasonable fertilization

Summer is the flowering and growth period of jasmine, which requires a lot of nutrients. If jasmine is not fertilized and maintained, the plant will enter a state of malnourished growth, manifested by yellowing of leaves, failure to bloom, weak floral fragrance, etc. Even if it barely blooms one or two flowers, the ornamental value is not high.

Fertilizer is the soul of the growth and flowering of flower plants. All plants cannot do without it, including fertilizer-resistant jasmine. How to fertilize more reasonably? First, the interval is about 10 days. Second, use water to mix the fertilizer. Third, use comprehensive nutritional fertilizers, appropriately add nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer , so that the flowers grown in this way will be whiter and more fragrant. Remember, fertilizing cannot be done in an environment with high temperatures and strong light. It is recommended to do it in the evening.

Summary, jasmine enjoys the reputation of "the best fragrance in the world". The flowers that bloom are white and flawless, and the flowers are rich in fragrance, which makes people put it down. However, in order to maintain a better condition, it is necessary to provide a maintenance environment with sufficient sunshine, humid environment and sufficient nutrition. In addition, timely pruning and shaping are needed to maintain the beauty of the plant and avoid excessive consumption of nutrients.

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