If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp.

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If you like tropical plants , be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the overall shape of the flower is curved, like One cooked shrimp.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

Lollipop-shaped shrimp flower (red shrimp flower)

1. Growth environment

shrimp flower is also called "unicorn spitting beads". Although it is a tropical plant, it can be grown all over the country (as a potted plant). When raising shrimps and flowers in temperate and cold zones, they must be moved indoors as soon as the temperature drops. The plant height can be controlled at 90 to 120 cm, which is very suitable for potted plant maintenance.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

Most shrimp flowers have red flowers, and there are also yellow, light green and white flower varieties. The former is the most popular, and the less common ones are the varieties with mosaic leaves.

Shrimp flower does not like to be exposed to the sun and prefers sufficient scattered light. It can be raised in the shade of trees in warm weather.

2. Maintenance skills

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews. Flower pots and soil

For potted plant maintenance, pay attention to choosing loose and well-drained sandy soil, such as compost soil, humus soil, peat soil , etc., and appropriately mix 30% of coarse sand or perlite. .

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

The container for planting shrimp flower should have more drainage holes. If the environment is not good enough (poor ventilation or lack of sunlight), try to use root control pots, new generation gallon pots, red clay pots or other containers with better ventilation and drainage. , can reduce the risk of water accumulation and root rot, and reduce pests and diseases.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews. Sunshine and pruning

In places with hot weather, it should be kept in a semi-shady place in summer. It can be kept in an east-facing position, with more sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon.

In order to make the shrimp flowers bloom more, the remaining flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to promote the growth of more branches. If not pruned, the branches will become old and the flowers will bloom less and less. Pruning after flowering can also help the plant grow evenly and neatly.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews. Watering and fertilizing

Before each watering, be sure to check the dryness and wetness of the pot soil. If the surface soil is particularly dry, water it thoroughly. Do not let the pot soil continue to be wet. Try to use rainwater for watering, or leave it for a few days. Tap water is mainly used to prevent the pot soil from being too alkaline, or to regularly pour acidic fertilizer (the temperature is between 18 and 30 degrees, it can be given every 2 to 3 months), and general-purpose fertilizer can be added every 1 to 2 weeks. water-soluble fertilizer .

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

4. Environment and temperature

Shrimp flower potted plants are best placed on a well-ventilated windowsill or balcony. Do not place them in a closed environment or next to an air conditioner or heater. When the temperature is higher than 33 degrees, you must shade and avoid exposure to the sun. The maintenance temperature in winter should be kept above 7 degrees.

3. How to promote more flowering?

Shrimp flowers bloom on new branches at the top of the plant. If the branches grow too long, they need to be pruned to encourage more branches to bloom more.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

Another key to promoting flowers is to provide more sunlight, in addition to appropriate shade when the temperature is high in summer and autumn. In winter and spring, when the temperature is not high and the light is not strong, try to get as much sun as possible. During the growth period, add potassium dihydrogen phosphate or other flower-stimulating fertilizer every one or two weeks.

4. Propagation skills

If you want to propagate shrimp flower, it is best to propagate when the temperature is 18 to 25 degrees. Trim the branches for cuttings. Do not choose branches that are too old or too tender. Generally, choose those that have been growing for about half a year. Each section of the branches is about 12 centimeters. Cut off the leaves at the bottom of the branches and place the cuttings in the potting soil. Keep the potting soil slightly moist, maintain humidity, and have two to three hours of scattered light every day. The soil should be clean and water-retaining vermiculite and perlite for cuttings.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

5. Pests and diseases:

Maintenance of potted summer flowers is rarely infected with pests and diseases, but when maintaining indoors, the soil must be kept moist, otherwise it is easy to breed mold and be infected with root rot.

If you like tropical plants, be sure not to miss Justicia brandegeana (scientific name: Justicia brandegeana). It is a small tropical shrub. The bracts of the flowers are segmented, and the shape of the flower is curved as a whole, like a cooked shrimp. - DayDayNews

Be sure to check the dryness and wetness of the pot soil before watering. If the soil surface is extremely dry before watering again, if the environment is well ventilated and watered properly, there will be very few diseases and insect pests, which is relatively worry-free. Plant ornamental flowers.

If the air is particularly dry and the ventilation is poor, care should be taken to prevent red spider and increase the environmental humidity.

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