Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some "dessert", the leaves will be lush green and no yellow leaves! Asparagus is a very popular foliage flower now. The leaves are evergreen all year round, slim and lush, and have high ornamental value. Choose an exquisite flowerpot to pl

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Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some "dessert", the leaves will be lush green and no yellow leaves!

Asparagus is a very popular foliage flower now. The leaves are evergreen all year round, slim and lush, and have high ornamental value. Choose an exquisite flowerpot to place on the table. It has an elegant temperament and can add a scholarly atmosphere, especially nice.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

Asparagus is a climbing plant that can climb along the wall. Some asparagus enthusiasts will also make it into an arch. It is very novel and unique, no worse than the rose flower arch. oh.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

The vitality of asparagus is relatively strong. Even if the leaves turn yellow, if you cut off the yellowed leaves, new buds will grow from the bottom and re-pop the pot, giving it a completely new look. This kind of flower is particularly difficult to grow. If you want to keep it vigorous, feed it some sweet treats frequently.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

For example, during the growth period of asparagus, add a spoonful of sugar when watering, fully dissolve it in water and pour it into the flower pot. This can activate cell activity, replenish energy, and promote plant growth. Use it once a month to keep the leaves green and green. Bright and sprouting.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

If you don’t have white sugar, you can also use honey. Honey water can also promote plant growth, make the cells more active and grow faster. If used regularly, the seedlings can grow into small trees and become a large branch. Leafy bonsai.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

What issues should we pay attention to when raising asparagus in summer?

When the temperature is high in summer, more water will be lost from the leaves, which will cause the leaves to become dry and yellow. Therefore, the placement in summer is very important. Do not place it in a place with particularly strong sunlight. , it is best to place it in a place with very soft lighting, or place it in a place with bright and scattered light.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

When the temperature is very high, spray water on the leaves more at noon. This can effectively prevent the loss of water in the leaves. Even if the water is replenished, the leaves will become watery and full of vitality.

In summer, when the temperature is too high, you should not fertilize. For example, when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, fertilization will easily cause fertilizer damage, causing root rot and yellowing of leaves.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

Asparagus has very high requirements for air quality. If there is a lot of dust and smoke in the air, it will be very difficult to clean if it falls on the leaves. It will also affect the respiration of cells and accelerate the yellowing of the leaves. Therefore, it cannot be placed in the kitchen. If the dust is very large, spray water on the leaves frequently to wash away the dust.

Do you know how to raise asparagus? Feed some

You can put it outdoors in the summer, soak it in the rain properly, add elements, and adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. It will definitely grow longer and become more beautiful.

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