When many people choose doors and windows, they are actually blindly following the trend. Those with money buy all the configurations and all the configurations they can afford; those without money keep waiting and wondering, and they can't tell which configurations they need. Pl

2024/05/2311:56:33 home 1434

When choosing doors and windows, many people are actually blindly following the trend. Those with money buy all the configurations and all the configurations they can get; those without money keep waiting and wondering, and they can't tell which configurations are in the fog. Which configurations should be added and which configurations should be discarded? All this stems from not understanding what the real demand for doors and windows is?

When many people choose doors and windows, they are actually blindly following the trend. Those with money buy all the configurations and all the configurations they can afford; those without money keep waiting and wondering, and they can't tell which configurations they need. Pl - DayDayNews

Different needs determine different configurations, and different configurations determine different performance of doors and windows. Choosing the configuration that suits you according to your own needs can make real use of our modest decoration budget, so determining your own needs is the first step in choosing doors and windows!

today will talk about how to determine your door and window needs according to the regional climate, so as to choose the right doors and windows!

You must know that our country is vast. A Qinhuai River divides China into the south and the north, and the climate difference between the north and the south has always been a topic that everyone talks about.

Naturally, this also indirectly leads to different choices of doors and windows between people in the north and the south. After all, the north is cold and windy and sandy; the south is hot and rainy. Suitable doors and windows must be able to perfectly cope with such climate differences.

1, About the North

When many people choose doors and windows, they are actually blindly following the trend. Those with money buy all the configurations and all the configurations they can afford; those without money keep waiting and wondering, and they can't tell which configurations they need. Pl - DayDayNews

Speaking of the North, people’s first impression is the cold, and thermal insulation is the first factor in the demand for doors and windows. House types in the north generally have large depths, flat, small, but numerous windows.

In terms of window opening method, it is more suitable to use inward-opening and inward-turning windows with better thermal insulation and better sealing. When

profile is configured, be sure to look for PA66 nylon insulation strips. The wider the insulation strips, the better the thermal insulation performance. Choose a multi-cavity structure and insulation cotton .

glass configuration should use multi-layer glass, plus warm edge strips and low-e coating process, and the middle of the glass should be filled with argon gas.

2, About the South

When many people choose doors and windows, they are actually blindly following the trend. Those with money buy all the configurations and all the configurations they can afford; those without money keep waiting and wondering, and they can't tell which configurations they need. Pl - DayDayNews

Summer in the South is humid, hot and rainy, with sufficient sunlight, so the waterproofing and heat insulation of doors and windows should be considered. Winter is humid and cold, there is no heating, and the only insulation comes from doors and windows, so insulation is particularly important.

Doors and windows in the south should not only consider thermal insulation, but also sun protection in summer.

Residents in the south prefer outward-opening windows and large glass in terms of window opening methods. Because outward-opening windows are more waterproof than inward-opening windows and do not occupy indoor space, be sure to install an anti-fall rope. Also, pay attention to the thickness of the glass because of the irregular size of large glass.

In terms of window frame profile configuration, the south requires a moderate width of insulation strips.

However, in terms of glass configuration, due to exposure to the sun, the south needs the thermal insulation effect of low-e technology more than the north.

3. Regarding the special circumstances of other regions

we also need to add configurations accordingly

For example, the northwest region has a lot of wind and sand, so the sealing and stability of doors and windows must also be improved. For example, you can choose pin + glue injection technology to increase the number of doors and windows. Stability, with high-quality hardware accessories and multi-channel sealing design, can effectively prevent air leakage, sand leakage, vibration, shaking, wind noise and other phenomena from doors and windows.

Where is your home? Tell me in the comments section and I’ll teach you how to choose doors and windows!

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