Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. .

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Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, Spring Plume and Little Angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but their genetic relationship is very close. They are both plants belonging to the genus Araceae Philodendron. They need to be maintained. The methods are almost the same.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

1. The difference between Spring Feathers and Little Angels:

Spring Feathers and Little Angels are large and small, and can be grown as small and medium-sized indoor potted plants. The so-called "Dragon Scale" is actually the older Spring Feather (old). pile), few gardeners can grow little angels into "dragon scales". In fact, as long as the environment is suitable, both varieties can be kept for many years.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Above is the "Dragon Scale" Chun Yu on the left, and the "Dragon Scale" cherub on the right

Some flower friends said that the so-called "Dragon Scale" is the IQ tax. What do you think? Dragon scales are not every plant species, they are just old spring feathers or little angels. Whether you like them or not depends on the individual.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews. Spring Feather (Philodendron selloum):

Araceae Philodendron

Common name: Spring Feather , Spring Rain , Feather Split Philodendron ;

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Spring Feather And "Dragon Scale" Spring Feather


When looking for information, Philodendron bipinnatifidum and Philodendron selloum are often confused. In the past, they were considered to be two separate species. However, recent studies of the specific characteristics of horticulturalists indicate that they are multiple forms of the same species.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews. Little Angel (Philodendron xanadu):

Philodendron xanadu

Common name: Fairy Feather , Little Spring Feather , Little Angel Philodendron , fairy feather philodendron

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

little angel

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews.Spring The difference between feathers and little angels:

Spring feathers are perennial herbaceous plants that can grow to more than one meter high. The stems can continue to grow taller. The old leaves at the bottom will continue to fall off, and new leaves will grow at the top of the stems. The leaves are generally heart-shaped. There are feathery cracks on the leaves and wavy wrinkles on the edges of the leaves. After the stems grow very long, the old stems look like there are many lumps (where the leaves fall off), which look like scales. Therefore, merchants give these old stems The spring feather is named "Dragon Scale Spring Feather".

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Above is Dragon Scale Spring Feather

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Above is Dragon Scale Little Angel (Fairy Feather Philodendron)

Little Angel is also a perennial herbaceous plant. The plant can also grow very high. The plant and leaves are smaller than Spring Feather, and the leaves are overall. The shape is oval, and the feathery cracks on the leaves are relatively shallow. Its bottom stem can also continue to grow taller. After the leaves on the bottom stem fall off, it can also form "little bumps" like scales. It can actually grow into small ones. "Dragon Scale Spring Feather".

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Spring Feathers in the Park

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Little Angels in the Park

In particularly suitable environments (high temperature and high humidity), Spring Feathers and Little Angels can also bloom. The bracts are buddha-shaped and have spike-like inflorescences.

2. Maintenance precautions:

Potted spring feathers or little angels cannot be maintained indoors. Usually, they are replaced with larger pots immediately after buying them home. There is too much soil in the pots. After watering, the soil never dries, or the original soil clumps are The newly added soil is too different, causing the soil mass to be unable to absorb water (or remain wet), forming sandwich soil. In addition, the environment is not suitable for their growth. It is best to provide an environment with high temperature, high humidity and ventilation.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews. Pot soil selection

It is very simple to maintain potted spring feathers (little angels). Provide loose and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil and try to be as breathable as possible. If the environment is not well ventilated or lacks light, use a smaller pot.If it is planted in a place where there is no frost all year round, it can be planted directly on the ground and grow into a large green plant.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Above is the little angel

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews. Watering and fertilizing

Chunyu is afraid of exposure to the sun, likes sufficient scattered light, and can tolerate semi-shade. During the maintenance period, pay attention to keeping the pot soil dry and watered thoroughly. In excessively cold seasons, pay attention to water control, and maintain the minimum maintenance temperature. Above 5 degrees.

It can grow rapidly in a warm and humid environment all year round (20 degrees to 28 degrees). During this period, you can add a thin water-soluble fertilizer every one or two weeks, such as using 1500 times Huaduoduo No. 1 solution. Spray the leaves and irrigate the roots.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews. Prevention of pests and diseases

When growing indoors, the pot soil should be kept from being constantly moist, and moisture should not always remain on the leaves. The most taboo is an environment with excessive shade and lack of ventilation. If the environment is too poor, it will not grow new roots at all. If there is too much water, it will easily grow. Infection with root rot and is the reason why many people fail to raise spring feathers.

Flower lovers often confuse the two plants, spring feather and little angel. Their leaves and plant sizes are slightly different, but they are very closely related. They are both plants of the genus Philodendron in the family Araceae, and their maintenance methods are similar. . - DayDayNews

Little Angel (Old Zhuang)

In an environment with particularly poor ventilation and extremely dry air, you must find ways to increase the humidity, avoid dry air, increase ventilation, and provide more scattered light, otherwise both Chunyu and Little Angel will easily provoke Starscream . Don't leave too much dust on the leaves. Clean the leaves regularly. You can wipe the back and surface of the leaves with a damp soft cloth. Or move the potted plants into the bathroom and use the shower head to wash them (you can also spray them with a pressure spray bottle for cleaning).

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