Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was.

2024/05/1110:03:32 home 1297

Aunt Lin’s son bought a new house some time ago and it was recently renovated, so he brought Aunt Lin to live there for a while so that she could enjoy the blessings.

Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was. But when visiting the bedroom, Aunt Lin stared blankly and asked her son: "Why is your bed facing east? This is not a good sleep quality and is unlucky!" Seeing Aunt Lin's serious look, her son I don’t know what to say at the moment?

I believe that both young people and the older generation have heard the saying "Don't sleep with your head facing east and your feet facing west" more or less. Most families will choose to follow customs to avoid causing any "bad things". So from the perspective of modern science, is this statement reliable?

Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was. - DayDayNews

You cannot sleep with your head facing east and your feet facing west. ?Will it have any impact on health?

The reason why people say that you can't "head and feet" while sleeping is probably related to folk superstition. The ancients believed that the west represented the meaning of death, and there has always been a saying "going west on a crane".

The head is where our yang energy and energy are concentrated. Turning your head to the west when sleeping means "bringing disaster and actively seeking death" in the eyes of the ancients, which is considered unlucky.

Ancient Feng Shui believed that the house should be "facing north and south", with the south facing yang and the north facing yin. When sleeping, it should face north and south to ensure balanced nutrition and health and longevity. If the head is facing east and the feet are facing west, it does not match the yin and yang of heaven and earth, so it is not suitable.

To sum up, this is ancient folk and Feng Shui understanding of "head facing east, feet facing west", but these are superstitions and have little to do with health. Therefore, no matter where your head is facing Sleeping will not affect your health. However, some friends prefer to believe in Feng Shui and try to avoid the taboo of head facing east and feet facing west. This is understandable. Personal preferences are different, there is no need to rise to the level of health.

But some "stubborn" friends may not be happy to say this. Many people think that "you can't sleep with your head wandering" has a scientific basis, specifically related to the earth's magnetic field . Is this true?

Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was. - DayDayNews

Sleeping with your head east and feet west violates the earth's magnetic field? Will it reduce the quality of sleep?

The earth's magnetic field is oriented north-south. If we sleep with our heads and feet facing the east-west direction, it is indeed contrary to the earth's magnetic field.

However, this does not mean that it will reduce the quality of our sleep . The impact of the earth's magnetic field on people is very small. Even if it conflicts, almost no one can feel it, let alone affect our sleep. Therefore, sleeping with your head in the east and feet in the west will violate the earth's magnetic field, which is actually a "pseudoscience".

However, uses the earth's magnetic field to improve the quality of sleep. This approach has traces.

In 2021, China Confidence Communications Research Institute Thiel Laboratory confirmed for the first time the role of static magnetic fields in deep sleep through static magnetic mattresses. positive effects of the stage.

Professor Wu Tongning of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Professor Wu Tongning said that by monitoring the sleep of 41 college students for 4 consecutive nights, and manually intervening with a group of static magnetic fields, the third stage of deep sleep period was extended by about 4% and improved. A certain sleep efficiency is achieved.

It can be seen that if scientific methods can be used, perhaps can actually use magnetic fields to improve sleep efficiency in the future. But for now, the earth's original magnetic field has minimal impact on the human body. Just make a rational judgment and have reasonable expectations.

To sum up, "head facing east and feet facing west" will not have any impact on health. Just choose a comfortable sleeping position according to your own preferences.If you want to improve the quality of sleep, you cannot rely on these "mysterious" things. The correct approach is to adopt reasonable sleep adjustment methods based on science.

Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was. - DayDayNews

If you want to improve your sleep quality, you might as well try 2 scientific methods

Method 1: Do some exercise before going to bed

If you want to enter deep sleep, fatigue is an important part. When the body feels tired, the body will secrete calmness ingredients, thereby accelerating falling asleep and improving sleep quality.

Therefore, it is a very good choice to do some exercise during sleep, such as sit-ups, yoga, aerobics and so on. But be careful not to exercise too much. Excessive exercise will make the body and nerves active, which will affect sleep.

Method 2: Massage acupoints

To improve the quality of sleep, falling asleep as soon as possible is the key. By massaging acupoints before going to bed, it can have a certain calming effect, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

For example, the Baihui point on the top of the head, the Wangu point behind the ears, and the Zhaohai point on the feet , etc. When you can’t sleep, massage them appropriately to put your body and brain into a relaxed state as soon as possible, and improve the quality of your sleep. improve.

Aunt Lin was naturally very happy about her son's filial piety. She followed her son to her new home and looked at the modern decoration in front of her, not to mention how satisfied she was. - DayDayNews

Sleep is very important. Whether your head is facing east or your feet are facing west, just sleep comfortably and healthily. But if you want to improve sleep quality, you must rely more on scientific methods. Developing a good habit of regular work and rest is the foundation of health.


[1]: "Why can't you sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? What is the scientific basis? Doctors tell the truth" Health Times, 2022-4-30

[2]: "Sleep problem! Scientific supplements" "Magnet" helps good sleep" China Xiaokang Daily, 2022-6-20

[3] Zeng Hui, Wang Ping, Kang Jiaxun. The effect of acupoint massage training on improving sleep quality and cognitive function in the elderly [J]. Chinese Nursing Magazine , 2012, 47(9):4.

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