Marshal Zhu De and His Lantern Poems

Zhu De (December 1, 1886-July 6, 1976), the word Yujie, formerly known as Zhu Daizhen, formerly known as Zhu Jiande, a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, political He is one of the main founders and leaders of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Republic of China. The top ten marshals of the People's Republic of China.

Marshal Zhu De has served the country and the people throughout his life, constantly making progress; firm conviction, unwavering; bravery and fearless, carrying danger as barbarian; arduous, simple and clean; modest and prudent, indifferent to fame and fortune; seeking truth from facts, being honest ; Generous and charitable, approachable; taking into account the overall situation, persevering and bearing the weight. Therefore, it is deeply loved and supported by comrades in the party and the people of the whole country.

Marshal Zhu De has served his entire life with a magnificent, civil and military strategy, worrying about the worries of the revolution, taking pleasure in the happiness of the people, loyal to the country, and fighting for the rejuvenation of the nation. Marshal Zhu De is strategizing and decisively winning thousands of miles. He has spent his entire life in the army, marching and fighting. Apart from self-sufficiency in production, he loves orchids. Not only did he grow orchids by himself, he also cultivated Zhu Desu, a famous Jianlan product that is very popular among the public.

Marshal Zhu De cultivated orchids and chanted orchids, leaving behind many famous poems about chanting orchids. From 1959 to 1964, Zhu De wrote nearly 40 poems about chanting orchids. Lanhua's poems fully express his love for orchids, and they are also left to future generations unforgettable stories. Zhu De, who lived in the army and horse, is just like the orchids he cultivated. The immortal fame will always be green all over the land of China, and will always be in the hearts of the people. Most of these poems were improvised, without modification, sincere, and easy to understand.

In the autumn of 1961, Zhu De took advantage of the Lushan meeting to pick orchids in the fairy cave, and once inscribed a poem:

An orchid under the fairy cave,

to find a return According to Xiao Taoism.

adopts the new name Sanwuke,

take a rest in front of the cave to see the red clouds.

In the late autumn of 1961, Zhu De once wrote "Ying Lan", describing the fun he had in hard work:


绿叶Sing Cong Cinema Stage.

Chu Fanghongyingzhu dew pendant,

Xiangying appeared in court in ten steps.

On March 3, 1961, Zhu De visited Guangzhou. He saw hundreds of flowers in full bloom in Yuexiu Park, among which there were many orchids. An impromptu poem:

Yuexiu Park Huamulin,

Hundreds of flowers bloom and each compete for spring.

Only orchid fragrance is just right,

is a precious Wuyang City at one time.

Later, after he was in Cailan, Peng County, Sichuan, in order to praise the achievements of the hard-working Cailan people, he wrote a song of "Crane Yin Song":

to find a famous mountain in Peng County Live,

Comrade Zhixin asked the village father.

Overcome the thorns and thorns Le Fangjun,

Where can I control the wind and rain.

In 1962, at the beginning of the new year, after Zhu De visited the orchid exhibition in Beijing Zhongshan Park, he wrote three poems, one of which is:


is still from the roots of the grass.

Even if no one sees and appreciates it,

still has its own fragrance.

In the spring of 1962, Zhu De chanted one of the five best poems in "Hangzhou Miscellaneous Poems" and wrote down an interesting story about planting orchids with the people around him:


Everyone likes it.

Everyone planted three pots on


In January 1963, after picking orchids in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, he wrote one more poem to express his joy:

Orchid, ancient woods on Jianfengling In the edge of the rotten tree.

Multi-fee experts are diligent, and new species are moved out of Renren.

In 1963, Zhu De went to Du Fu's Thatched Cottage in Chengdu again. He was full of enthusiasm and he was endowed with more than 10 poems of "The Thatched Cottage". Among them, one of chanting orchids, thinking of ancient songs, can be called a swan song:

Youlan is weak and curled out of the valley, moved to the cottage and wished to bend down.

Channel Fangzi was confused, and accompanied the Ministry of Industry to issue a new note.

In February 1964, in the face of the thaw and blooming Chunlan, Zhu De told the things and expressed his affection, and wrote a poem "Chunlan":

Oriental thaw and send new buds, Fangrui welcomes the Spring Festival and sees Wuhua.

Lightly dressing the original national color, who is Qingfang wins orchid.

Marshal Zhu De once said: "Orchid’s nature is noble and stubborn. It hates thick and fat water, hates fiddle with nicknames, hates the entanglement of noisy smoke.... So its fragrance is elegant and remote. , It is unparalleled, the ancients called it "Xiang Zu", "The Fragrance of the King". "

We don't know if Zhu De is talking about orchids or himself, maybe it's both. Zhu De, who has spent his life in the army, is just like the orchids he cultivated, with immortal fame everywhere, always greening the land of China, and always keeping in the hearts of the people.

Marshal Zhu De is the son of the earth and the people. The whole party and the people will always miss him!