Dragon Claw Sophora is gone! Daxinggong Primary School and Jiangning Weaving House

"Things are masters, people are guests"? Not all


In the Jiangning Weaving Museum, I was looking for the locust tree from the Daxinggong Primary School in Nanjing, which is also the home of Cao Xueqin’s house.

The current location of the Jiangning Weaving Museum is the former site of Daxinggong Primary School. The only ancient symbolic tree of Cao's Mansion has been standing next to the flag pole of the campus, raising the national flag and paying the Young Pioneers salute. We all stood and watched it.

Daxinggong Primary School is located in the Daxinggong in the center of the main city of Nanjing. This area is named after the palace in Jiangning Mansion during the Kangxi and Qianlong tour of the Qing Dynasty. When Emperor Kangxi visited the Jiangnan six times, he lived in the Jiangning Weaving Mansion four times. Therefore, the location of Jiangning Weaving Mansion was called Daxing Palace. Daxinggong Elementary School was identified as part of Cao Xueqin’s former residence-the West Garden Site of Jiangning Weaving Mansion. It originated in the mid-1980s. Nanjing archaeological experts discovered a pile of Taihu Lake stones and a pile of rocks in the southeast corner of the construction site of the Daxinggong Elementary School. The batch of dyed dyes and the bottom of the porcelain bowl with the words "Yongzheng Year of the Qing Dynasty" and other cultural relics have been identified by archaeological experts and confirmed that this is the site of the Jiangning Weaving Department. It is inferred that this place should be the residence of the Cao family.

That Long Claw Sophora tree is very old. Teachers often mention the relationship between "Dream of Red Mansions", Cao Xueqin, Grand View Garden and it in class. It is a cultural narration and a cultural heritage. A small step in history, after many years, may become thousands of miles away, and culture is always recorded, spread and integrated with specific events, and then mutated and sublimated, and lasted forever.

The trunk of Longzhao tree is gray-brown, very rough, full of folds, rubbing its lines, so rough that makes people feel numb; there are many small branches on the trunk, which are curved It grows towards the ground, like a crisscross maze, and like a dragon's claws, spreading teeth and dancing, arrogant; the leaves are densely packed in clusters, and the branches are plump. A light breeze blew by, and the leaves nodded slightly, in a high-spirited and humble manner. It is an indispensable content in our essays every year.

People’s memories are very wonderful. Even though many people I have seen and many things passed by, as the years go by, many of them will gradually fade away, but there are also some things that remain in my mind forever in. For example, the old tree on the campus. I think Longzhaohuai is a memory that our teachers and students in Daxinggong Primary School can't erase.

In the early 1990s, the West Garden Site of Jiangning Weaving Mansion was listed as a cultural relic protection unit in Nanjing. After entering the new millennium, Academician Wu Liangyong of Tsinghua University designed the main building of the current Jiangning Weaving Museum. After that, Daxinggong Primary School, the long-established Chinese famous Quyuan Restaurant and its surrounding buildings, which enjoyed a high reputation among generations of old Nanjingers and enjoyed authentic Hunan cuisine, and its surrounding buildings were all demolished , Established the current Jiangning Weaving Museum.

On May 1, 2013, Jiangning Weaving Museum was officially opened to the public. When the park opened, I moved slowly with the crowd and entered the ticket gate. Tourists flocked to the exhibition hall. I walked straight into the outdoor garden in the middle of the building. I studied at Daxinggong Elementary School for 6 years. I am very familiar with its location. When the familiar tree shadow of Longclaw Sophora leaped into my eyes, my eyes lit up, and my heart was warm. There is no national flag and flagpole around it, and an extra nameplate shows its noble origin. After all the wind and rain, everything around has changed, it is still there, its appearance has not changed, it is still the same! Although I feel that its aura is somewhat inconsistent with the surroundings, it turns out that it is the only tree in the middle of the playground, receiving the attention of the teachers and students of the school, but in the museum it is surrounded by various newly planted landscape plants. The tree is relatively small and twists like a horned dragon. It is a native of hundreds of years, but it highlights birth and loneliness... There is a trace of doubt, but it does not affect my relief because of the ease of finding it again and seeing it. .

But today, it is gone!

——I didn’t find it, or is it missing?

Is it gone? !

I asked the security guard, the Weaver girls busy up and down the brocade weaving frame, and the uniformed uniform staff. They looked at me blankly, and they didn't seem to have heard of it...

When the Jiangning Weaving Museum opened, I returnedI have seen it, but I can’t find it today. It is at least three hundred years old. It is a world spirit for a long time. Where has it gone?

In the newly-built Ming and Qing retro gardens in the museum, the pool water gleams quietly, the green waves are light, and the water is green with grass. The thatch grows as long as a bundle, and the stubble grass pierces out the leaves like a green bamboo. It is like a big green blanket, covering the waterside open space, extending to the waterside, everything is new of. Time flies, and the beards and hair of former children and adolescents have gradually dyed, but I still often dream of campuses, dreaming of playing with my childhood friends between classes, and the dragon claws that exist like elves.

Where did it go?

Today, due to an opening ceremony held at 10:18 on June 21st, I revisited the place. On a whim, I went out of the venue and went to the courtyard to look for the dragon claw tree. I just hoped that my childhood memories would still be there. Bearing, my childhood can be found here. At that time, there was no subway or the new Nanjing Library, and the plane trees on Taiping North Road were tall and lush in this section.

I didn’t find it. I didn’t meet it. I’m sorry. My alma mater, Daxinggong Primary School, is buried under the Jiangning Weaving Museum. The years are always lifelike, and being able to tell such a story is enough to make me proud. I love my alma mater, just like Nanjing.

At this time, a sense of things being human and non-human, can't help but think of the ancient motto of "things are masters, and people are guests". People and things are the passing of time.
