Hideki Tojo left a four-character last word before his death. His children followed for 60 years, but his granddaughter completely broke it


After the Second World War, Article 6 of the Charter of the European International Military Tribunal and Article 5 of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal of the Far East stipulate that war Crimes include three categories: crimes against peace; war crimes; crimes against humanity.

World War II, for many older elders, is definitely the most unforgettable painful memory in a lifetime. As we all know, in World War II, Hitler, Mussolini and Hideki Tojo were collectively known as the three major demon of fascism. These three people planned this unprecedented and huge catastrophe. The crimes are horrendous and can be described as endless. Among them, Hideki Tojo led the overall plan of Japanese imperialism to invade China, and committed countless crimes that wiped out humanity. He is an unforgivable sinner.


On September 11, 1945, the U.S. military police surrounded an apartment called Tojo Villa, standing two The Japanese man at the window was calm, but the military police did not dare to care. After all, this man was the notorious Tojo Hideki during World War II. Sure enough, when the military police kicked his door open, a gunshot came from the house. Hideki Tojo committed suicide.

No one thought that Hideo Tojo would have this opportunity. In a panic, the U.S. military police hurriedly called a doctor to send Hideki Tojo to first aid. After all, the trial of Hideki Tojo has not yet a final result, and he cannot be allowed to die easily. After healed, Hideki Tojo was sent to Tokyo's Sugamo Prison to wait for the final trial. However, what I didn't expect was that this wait took as long as 3 years.

Until the afternoon of December 12, 1948, the President of the Far East Military Tribunal William Webb (Australian nationality) finally made a historic sentence against Hideki Tojo: "Tojo Hideki, A 65-year-old native of Tokyo, he has served as army general, land minister, internal minister, prime minister, and chief of staff. He was executed by hanging.”

At that time, the audience at the scene noticed a strange phenomenon, Hideki Tojo Hearing the result of his sentence, the expression on his face changed-not only was his face pale, but a faint smile appeared. After the sentence was over, Hideki Tojo continued to return to Sugamo Prison and began to wait for his death. But this time he didn't wait too long. On December 21st, Hideki Tojo received a notice that he would be hanged on the 22nd.


As one of the three major demon of World War II, Tojo Hideki’s dying last words are naturally a lot of media attention. hot spot. Therefore, under the attention of the world, Tojo Hideki put forward two requirements before he died: the first thing is to meet the teacher Nobuyoshi Hanayama; the second thing is to eat a Japanese meal before going to the gallows. . The prison agreed to his request. From his arrest to his imprisonment, Hideki Tojo appeared to be very calm on the surface. However, during this period of waiting for his death, his weight dropped visibly. It can be seen that the approaching death caused him a lot of physical and mental torture.

At 23:30 midnight on December 22, 1948, Hideki Tojo was awakened in his sleep, and then the soldiers led him to the room next to the gallows. The prison authorities completed the first thing he proposed-the teacher Hanayama Nobukatsu has been waiting here for a long time. During the chanting process, Tojo Hideki's face was pale all the way, and it seemed that he could no longer support it.

After the chanting, the prison authorities completed the second thing proposed by Hideki Tojo and prepared the last Japanese meal for him. At this point, Hideki Tojo knew that his fate was exhausted, so he summoned his seven children and confessed that he "will not talk about everything" about his crimes in the future.


However, although the children remember their father’s last words for life, they are low-key. The grandchildren are different. The granddaughter of Hideki Tojo, Yufuko Tojo, after learning the grandfather’s last words, made a promise.What a jaw-dropping act. She not only fought injustices for her grandfather, she even praised Hideki Tojo in high-profile: "My grandfather Hideki Tojo is a war hero. As an island country, Japan is surrounded by various hostile forces from the terrain, and he leads The Japanese army is working hard towards revival.”

In Japanese marriage customs, it is customary for a woman to follow her husband’s surname after getting married, but Tojo Yufuko insisted on not changing her name. She moved around and even wrote a book, vowing to "wash off the crime" for Hideki Tojo. In fact, Hideki Tojo’s crimes have long been known to the world. No matter how the descendants of the Tojo family quibble and deceive others, they still cannot change this ironclad fact.


For children now, war is a very distant memory. However, history is like the Old Summer Palace that has always maintained its dilapidated appearance. It will not be changed or obliterated. Therefore, no matter how the Japanese textbooks beautify the history of aggression, how Tojo Hideki pleaded not guilty, the Nanjing Massacre is like a mountain, and the monument to anti-Japanese heroes stands abruptly. The truth cannot be distorted, and history cannot be forgotten.


"Hideki Tojo Suicide Analysis"

"European International Military Tribunal Charter"