Every family has its own grievances, this is true for the Sheng family, and even more so for the Gu family. Regarding Gu Tingye's growth experience, everyone knows it clearly. A mother who died young, a taciturn father, and a scheming stepmother. These three people made up Gu Tin

Every family has its own grievances, this is true for the Sheng family, and even more so for the Gu family. Regarding the growth experience of Gu Tingye , everyone knows it clearly. A mother who died young, a taciturn father, and a scheming stepmother. These three people made up Gu Tingye's entire childhood. Gu Tingye is undoubtedly a poor child.

In " Do you know ", Yuan Ruo specially asked others to organize a polo match in order to meet Minglan . At that polo match, Wei Xing first lamented that Minglan was a little sun, but Gu Tingye Refuting her, Ming Lan's life was very hard. In fact, why isn't Gu Tingye like this? On the surface, he appears to be uninhibited and handsome, but in fact, in the man-eating Gu family, he has been plotted repeatedly and fallen into traps several times. But when it comes to the Gu family's children, how have the other two ever been happy?

Gu Tingye’s brother Gu Tingyu. Gu Tingyu was the eldest son of Marquis Gu and the son of his first wife, Da Qin. He was supposed to inherit the title of Marquis and become the man with the most say in the Gu family. However, Gu Tingyu's life was not good. His mother, Da Qin, was frail and sick. It was not easy for her to give birth to this child, and her body also needed medicine to support her. Coming from a family of military commanders, Gu Tingyu was more like a fallen flower. No matter how outstanding he was, in such a family, if he didn't know martial arts, his roots would undoubtedly be broken. Gu Tingyu is such a child without roots. But it's not like Gu Hou couldn't afford to raise a child. Let alone a sick child, even if three children were born and they had to spend a lot of money to nourish them, it would still be easier than for an ordinary family.

Gu Tingyu's life was hard, partly because of his poor health, and partly because of his mother's early death. In fact, no matter which family unit you are in, the premature death of the mother's role is destined to cause some delays in the growth of the individual. Just like Minglan, who lost her biological mother at the age of eight, and Gu Tingye, who has never seen his biological mother since he was a child, they all have similar shadows, that is, lack of love. It is true that Minglan has a grandmother and Gu Tingye has Gu Hou, but the care and love invested by these family members cannot compare to his biological mother. The same is true for Gu Tingyu, but he is more miserable than Gu Tingye.

In the entire Gu family, although Gu Tingyu is the eldest son, he has never been the most valued son in the Gu family. The Gu family values ​​martial arts, and Gu Tingyu obviously cannot afford a sword or gun, let alone military exploits. It is true that the Gu family does not mind having one more person to spare, but for Gu Tingyu, his self-perception is prone to deviations. Later, Gu Yankai married Bai, and Bai gave birth to Gu Tingye not long after entering the family. In this big family, Gu Tingyu's existence seemed even more out of place. Later, and Xiao Qin's appeared, breaking the deadlock. For Gu Tingyu, Xiao Qin is a blessing and she is also a curse.

We all know Xiao Qin's resentment towards the Gu family. Her sister lost her life in the Gu family for no reason, her brother-in-law married a second wife, and she was sent in as a substitute by the Qin family. Xiao Qin has no tenderness towards the Gu family. Although Gu Tingyu, Gu's eldest son, is his sister's child, his surname is Gu, so he belongs to the Gu family. At this point, it is not difficult for us to find that Xiao Qin does not really cherish and love Gu Tingyu, but Gu Tingyu is different. His mother passed away, and a Xiao Qin came from her natal family, who was his biological aunt. Gu Tingyu lacked maternal love to begin with. Xiao Qin and Da Qin were sisters, so Gu Tingyu was naturally more affectionate towards this aunt. Even because of the Da Qin family, Gu Tingyu will become closer to the Xiao Qin family.

At this time, Xiao Qin secretly told Gu Tingyu a shocking secret. Da Qin died because Gu Yankai wanted to marry Bai. Among them, Xiao Qin avoided the eighty taels of silver owed by the Gu family, and also avoided the process of Bai's entry, and told Gu Tingyu the news that her mother was murdered by Bai out of context. The reason why Xiao Qin did this was simple. She wanted to plant a seed in Gu Tingyu's heart. When this seed took root, sprouted, and grew up, it would be a sharp sword that could destroy the Gu family.How innocent is Gu Tingyu? He was born with no one to love or care for him. When he met his aunt, she looked like a gentle woman with a kind face and kind eyes, but she always used a sword to kill people.

Gu Tingyu is young and has not yet reached the age to judge right from wrong. When he heard the truth about his mother told by Xiao Qin, he believed it even more. But before Gu Tingyu could take action against Bai, Bai saw this scene. She angrily asked the Gu family for confirmation. She wanted to know if the Gu family was taking advantage of her. They had sacrificed her whole life for the eighty-tael dowry. Got in. Bai Shi had a big belly. She took heavy steps and fell into the grass. On that day, Bai Shi died. Xiao Qin entered the door and became Gu Tingyu's stepmother openly and honestly.

Gu Tingyu always respected Xiao Qin. He trusted this mother very much, so he talked about everything big and small. Xiao Qin told him that Da Qin was framed by Bai, and he believed it; Xiao Qin told him that Gu Yan would pass the title of Marquis to Gu Tingye in a meeting, and he believed it; Xiao Qin told him that only by killing Gu Tingye would he believe it. Only in this way can he keep his position, he believed it. Under the guidance of Xiao Qin, Gu Tingyu always opposed Gu Tingye openly or covertly. In the story, Gu Tingye took the exam, and it was Gu Tingyu who told others that his brother had offended the officials, which also caused Gu Tingye to abandon his career as a civil servant. When Gu Tingye knew the truth at that time, he was furious. When he entered the house, he grabbed his brother's clothes and asked him why he did this?

Yes, why. At that time, Gu Tingyu looked at Gu Tingye's irrational face and his father's deep eyes. He seemed to gradually understand why he resented his younger brother. In fact, it was not because of Da Qin's death, nor because of Xiao Qin's instigation, but because of jealousy. Gu Tingyu was jealous of his younger brother all the time. He watched Gu Tingye jump up and down, strong and strong, but he could only stay in this square room with no one caring about him. He was jealous of Gu Tingye's frequent mistakes, but Gu Yankai always apologized for him, while he hardly even said a word to his father. Gu Yankai really loved Gu Tingye, but he was also his son, so why didn't he get so much care?

Xiao Qin thought of the past, but never thought of the ending. Gu Tingyu's surname is Gu, this is an unchanging fact. As the years passed and the Gu brothers grew up, Gu Tingyu suddenly understood that his fight with Gu Tingye was meaningless. Even if he really cut off Gu Tingye's path, what advantage could he gain? In a family, brothers are like grasshoppers on a rope. What's more, they have the same blood flowing in their bones. At the end of the story, Gu Tingyu was physically exhausted. After saying goodbye to his wife and daughter, he passed away. Perhaps at the end of his life, Gu Tingyu realized that he was just being used as a spearman. Fortunately, he finally left a way out for the Gu family, and that way was called Gu Tingye, who was his younger brother.