China's Revolution of 1911 got rid of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and ushered in China's new society. This movement not only has some positive figures such as Cai E, but also some workers behind the scenes who are working silently.

China's Revolution of 1911 got rid of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and ushered in China's new society. However, the fruits of the revolution were quickly snatched away by Yuan Shikai . Many revolutionary parties began to protect the country in order to regain the fruits of the revolution. This movement not only has positive figures such as , Cai E, , but also some workers behind the scenes who are working silently.

Today, we bring to you one of the important figures behind the National Defense Movement, Xiaofengxian, known as the famous chivalrous prostitute in modern China. Xiaofengxian, formerly known as Zhu Xiaofeng, was born in a side house. Originally from Qiantang, Zhejiang. Born in Hangzhou, his father was a declining Manchu Eight Banners military attaché. In the lingering years before the complete collapse of the Qing Dynasty, this Eight Banners military attaché was dismissed. Therefore, Xiao Fengxian lived in an increasingly poor family during her childhood, and her stepmother was very indifferent to her. Later, he was taken in by a nanny named Zhang.

The Wuchang Uprising broke out in October 1911. At that time, wet nurse Zhang took her as a helper at the home of Zeng Yun, the governor of Zhejiang. Later, the revolutionaries in Hangzhou bombarded the Zhejiang governor's office, and Wet Nurse Zhang fled to Shanghai with her. Due to lack of food and clothing, Zhang's wet nurse asked her to learn opera from an artist named Hu. She went to Nanjing to make a living by singing, and she took the stage name "Xiao Fengxian".

Little Fengxian is pretty. The 13-year-old Xiaofengxian is already a graceful girl. Later, she and Hu Yiren came to Beiping. Because of her excellent appearance and fine arts, Xiao Fengxian became famous in the capital and became a very popular prostitute in Beijing in the early years of the Republic of China. Xiao Fengxian has a legendary love story and deeds. At that time, Xiao Fengxian, who was famous in Bada Hutong, met Cai E. Cai E was a thorn in Yuan Shikai's side at that time because Cai E had military power and had the intention of rebellion. So Yuan Shikai wanted to get rid of this obstacle for a long time.

Cai E

Soon, Yuan Shikai suppressed Cai E and put Cai E under house arrest. Xiao Fengxian, who knew the news, quickly came to Cai E's house. Cai E also left Yuan Shikai's house for the reason of playing with Xiao Fengxian. Monitor. Cai E once said: "There are many inconveniences when we travel together, but we will never forget each other when we succeed in the future!" Xiao Fengxian paid a farewell party to Cai E that night, sang for him, shed tears for him, and warned him carefully.

Cai E said that he was playing with Xiao Fengxian and took the opportunity to escape from Beijing, returned to Yunnan, and called Yuan. In January of the following year, Cai E led his army on an expedition. Yuan Shikai, who had been emperor for only 83 days, died amid internal and external troubles. On November 8 of the same year, General Cai E, who suffered from laryngeal tuberculosis , died of illness in Japan at the age of 34. The news spread to Beijing, and when Cai E was publicly memorialized in Central Park, Xiao Fengxian, wearing a black gauze, went to pay homage. The impact of Cai E's death on Xiao Fengxian was obvious. From then on, Xiao Fengxian lived an anonymous life.

After the death of General Cai E, Xiao Fengxian married a brigade commander named Liang of the Northeast Army at that time. The two lived together for many years but left no descendants. Then in 1949, on the eve of the founding of New China, she married again, to Li Zhenhai, a boilermaker who was five years older than her. When she married Li, Xiao Fengxian was about 50 years old, and Li Zhenhai had a girl with him. After the Boilermaker died, she lived with his daughter. In 1954, Xiao Fengxian died of Alzheimer's disease. The story of Xiao Fengxian and Cai E was also made into the movie " Zhiyin ". Xiao Fengxian made great contributions to China's second revolution and was called the first prostitute in the Republic of China.