X Hua, who lives near the County Revolutionary Committee, is an 18-year-old girl at the peak of her youthful vitality. X Hua is already a beauty, and the second, third, fourth, and fifth children who grow up after her are also among the beauties.

Beauty X Hua Part Two: Educated Youth Nearby. Because the author goes to work or study in the cadre school, I sometimes see beautiful women here.)

The Hibiscus Flower Building in Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City is the iconic furnishing of the developer "Wanda Group".

X Hua, who lives near the County Revolutionary Committee, is an 18-year-old girl at the peak of her youthful vitality. At this time, she had teeth, was tall, had a melon-shaped face, and was healthy and strong. I am 1.70 meters tall, and she is only slightly shorter than me, maybe 1.66 meters tall. What's different from ordinary local girls is that X Hua's face is full of plateau red! Later, I learned that X Hua’s mother was a poor person from the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture before liberation, a Tibetan or Qiang ethnic minority, and came to Guan County to make a living when New China was founded. X Hua's father was also a coolie on the streets of the county, working as a cook. When a poor man met a poor man, a man and a woman formed a family.

Because his (her) children have a distant blood advantage! Later, people here saw that there were 5 sisters in total, just like the 5 flowers... In the Pingju opera " Flowers as Matchmakers" starring Xin Fengxia , Zhao Lirong and others, "I have five sisters, just like those five flowers..." This libretto appropriately describes the Xhua family . Since the beginning of Xhua, the next girls have grown up, and each one has become more beautiful than the last! X Hua is already a beauty, and the second, third, fourth, and fifth children who grow up after her are also among the beauties. Because their family lived on Ruilian Street, close to the county Revolutionary Committee compound. I sometimes pass by and hear people here commenting that X Hua's second and third sisters... are more beautiful than her!

Due to the delay of the Cultural Revolution, in 1971, 18-year-old X Hua still went to junior high school with and . She is tall, has a good figure and is in good health. She likes to play volleyball and basketball. At this time, except for some model plays on the stage, people had no entertainment, let alone TV, video, Internet, etc. After get off work, especially on Sundays, everyone goes to the sports ground in Lidui Park to watch the young men and women play. It is also one of the important local activities.

An organization called the County Sports Committee organizes young men and women to play ball. This organization has been within the County Revolutionary Committee (County Party Committee) since 1971 and is one of the ministries, commissions and offices of the county-level agency. Because I was a member of the typing room of the county party committee, it was the only typing department of the agency at that time, and documents of the County Sports Committee were also printed in the typing room. Because X Hua lives close to home, the girl is very outstanding. Occasionally she would come to the typing room to submit or mimeograph documents from the County Sports Committee, so she didn’t have much contact with me. But in those years, due to the reasons mentioned in the following chapters, we rarely spoke during official business.

X Huayin is beautiful and has a good figure, so he stands out on the volleyball and basketball courts. He is even the captain of Guan County women's basketball and volleyball. I followed the crowd and went to see X Hua play! It felt really good. At that time, I even fantasized about being able to date her? Because I am from the County Revolutionary Committee. But even if we met on the street at the Yamen Gate, X Hua would not look at me more, let alone start a conversation. Ruilian Street, where this beauty lives, is less than 50 meters away from the county party committee gate at the Yamenkou.

Before the reform and opening up, the old town of Guanxian County was mainly composed of one-story tiled houses with wooden facades on the first floor and the bottom. After the reform and opening up, it gradually evolved into the current high-rise buildings and beautiful tourist attractions. It must have been one day in early 1972 when I met her again at the gate of the county party committee. The 19-year-old X Hua was so beautiful that the author couldn't help but say hello and introduced that he was a typist here. Unexpectedly, we got into trouble as a direct result, and we didn't speak for nearly 10 years. From now on, I will never watch X Hua play basketball or volleyball.

In fact, our encounter and conversation only lasted for 1 to 2 minutes, just nodding and saying something. I said that I was typing at the county party committee, and X Hua said that I knew you were a typist at the county party committee. Then both sides left, she looked at me very little, and I looked at her more, because the other party is a beauty! The girl was so sensitive that she quickly walked away.Unexpectedly, only two or three days later, a certain female comrade who worked together in the county party committee conveyed X Hua's words to me. She said what X Hua said, they all have a bad impression of you and say you are just like a woman.

The author was naturally very angry. He quarreled with the lady and was still dissatisfied with X Hua. From elementary school to the present, or from 1962 to 1972; 10 years have passed, and her impression of me is still the same as when I was in elementary school? Let’s talk about Chengguan No. 2 Primary School back then. There were six grades from 1 to 6; each grade had 3 to 4 classes; each class had 50 to 60 students, and the school totaled more than 20 classes with thousands of primary school students. Only 7 people can become team committee members every year! Among them, there is 1 captain and 2 deputy captains. It should be said very well among students. How can you deny a good student who has been a team committee member just because he looks like a woman? Deny the typist who is currently working in the county party committee?

Because I was angry, I stopped talking to X Hua when I saw her again. And in the decades that followed, even if we had to speak, we rarely communicated. The main reason is that the staff of the county party committee have low economic income, small food rations, and are too poor. Xhua attacked me for being like a girl when I was a child, and publicly said that "they" had a bad image of me. This is when people use language to express economic reasons in other aspects.

The newly built street in Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City

It should be from the second period of 1972. This brigade and production team are right next to the "May 7th" Cadre School in Guanxian County. The Baima Creek originates from the Zhaogong Mountain in , flows through the location of the cadre school, and then flows here. There is a high arch-backed bridge. It is a necessary place for entering and exiting the cadre school, and can pass cars and tractors. I have seen X Hua here many times. It was many years later that she learned that this place was also the location of the Xhua Production Team. She had been an educated youth here for 8 years!

The "May 7th" Cadre School in Guan County is also called the "3.21" Cadre School. March 21, 1958, is the anniversary of the great leader Chairman Mao Zedong’s inspection of the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. The “March 21” Cadre School commemorates this day. Chairman Mao Zedong’s instructions for the participation of cadres were issued on May 7, 1966. Cadre schools in various places were established after this, and were established after the establishment of revolutionary committees in various places in 1968. The cadre school in Guan County had more than 280 cadres at most. Therefore, except for Guan County, all cadre schools across the country were called "May 7th" cadre schools. The "3.21" cadre school in Guan County is very inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. Soon after its establishment, it was renamed the "May 7th" Cadre School, and it was also the Party School of the Guanxian County Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In 1971, the CCP County Committee was re-established during the party consolidation and reconstruction, and most of the cadres who worked in the county cadre schools gradually returned to their original jobs. There are only more than 20 left-behind cadres, workers and educated youth in the cadre school. However, the venue of the cadre school evolved from the past planting and breeding demonstration farm under the County Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry Bureau. At the intersection of Pingba and mountains, there is an area of ​​more than 700 acres. Among them, there are dozens of acres of arable land and paddy fields, hundreds of acres of mountainous land, and more than 400 acres of mountain forests; there are three ancient buildings with a total of more than 100 bungalows and tiled houses.

More than 10 acres of mountainous land and dozens of acres of forest in Wazipo, which originally belonged to the cadre school, are part of the ancient Yutang porcelain kiln ruins in the Tang Dynasty and Northern Song Dynasty. The Yutang Porcelain Kiln Site is a site of a group of porcelain kilns from the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty. It is located in Fengming Village, Qishan Village, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, and Hengshan Village, Zhongxing Town, covering an area of ​​approximately 2.5 square kilometers. In 2013, it was officially announced by the State Council as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

In 1976, the "criticism of Deng and the anti-rightist movement" rekindled the trend of following the "May 7th" path in the world. Since this year, the county party committee has transferred cadres every year, and about 50 people have worked in the cadre school for more than half a year. It was not until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978 that "cadres participating in labor" came to a complete end in 1980. At this time, the forest, mountain, field labor and pig raising activities of the cadre school were all assigned to the county Kiwi Company. Take off the sign of the cadre school, only hang the sign of the Party School of the Guanxian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, and only engage in matters related to the Party School.

Later, with the deepening of reform and opening up, Guan County was upgraded to Dujiangyan City in 1988. The Party School first moved to the urban area and then to Yongfeng Community, reappearing in the streets of Yutang Town. After 2020, Yutang is already an integral part of the urban area of ​​Dujiangyan City, west of the Minjiang River.There are several roads and bridges connected to the east of the Minjiang River, and the vast community can accommodate more than 100,000 people. There are rail transit on the streets, and even high-speed trains and highways passing through; there are large entertainment venues, performance theaters, etc.

is located in Panda Valley in Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City. There are panda props on the outside and real pandas on the inside.

The area of ​​more than 700 acres where the original cadre school was located was first sold to what unit in the 1990s? The other side has not been developed yet and has become a barren mountain. But the surrounding areas have been developed, and roads, buildings, and new mountains and forests are all constructed in an orderly manner.

Looking back to the 1970s, the author started working at the County Revolutionary Committee in January 1971. First, he accompanied his comrades in the government every year. From 1971 to 1980, he had to go to the cadre school on the side of Yutang Mountain every year, either to work for 2 to 3 days or to study for 5 to 6 days. This kind of labor and study was called short-term training class. From May to November 1976, he worked in the cadre school for 7 months! This kind of labor is called long training class. The long-term training classes ended in 1980, and the short-term training classes were still opened in new places until the party school moved back to Chengguan (including Yongfeng Community and Yutang Town Street). CCP organizations at all levels have always paid close attention to the education of their cadres.

Regardless of short-term training or long-term training, when we were on the edge of Yutang Mountain, some of the comrades coming and going walked, and the young comrades usually rode bicycles. The author was in his 20s at this time and was a member of the cyclists. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the high arch-backed bridge on the Baima Creek. That is a necessary place to enter and exit the cadre school. Anyone who rides a bicycle here has to get off and push it. It is here that I met X Hua many times! Later, it took a few years to find out that she was an educated youth here for eight years from 1972 to 1979. In other words, in the 1970s, X Hua almost worked as an educated youth in the Yutang Baima Brigade and Gongbeiqiao Production Team.

When I went to the May 7th Cadre School, what if I rode a bicycle? Riding from the urban area to Yutang Town, first leave the city and follow the mountain road to cross the 1, 2, 3, and 5 Qingcheng bridges on the Minjiang River Waijiang River. To get to the edge of Yutangchang Town, you have to cross the reinforced concrete bridge over the Shagou River. Then walk along the mechanical farming road for about more than 1 kilometer, and you will reach the arch-backed bridge over the Baima Creek. If I encounter X Hua on a tractor-taught road, the bicycle and the person will pass by in a flash. The poor road conditions here do not allow looking around.

If you meet X Hua on the arch-backed bridge, you can take a closer look because you have to get off your bicycle! But neither of us spoke. One of the times she came down from the arched bridge and I pushed my bicycle up. This time I could see the beauty clearly again! Her underwear is bright. I walked to the top of the arch-backed bridge. I couldn't help but look back at X Hua's back! That is simply "an orchid grass that grows like a thousand plants"! "Orchidaceae is the best." Among all the orchid grasses, only the orchid grasses are the most precious...

Many years later, I heard from X Hua that she was an educated youth because of playing basketball and volleyball. There are two activities every year at the County Sports Committee and Wenjiang District. Volleyball and basketball once each, for more than half a month each time, totaling about more than a month. During training and playing games, the county sports committee is fully responsible for daily living and provides an additional subsidy of 1.50 yuan. In this way, after playing twice a year, I can earn dozens of yuan. With these extra income, they dress better than ordinary people.

Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, Panda Valley under Zhaogong Snow Mountain in winter.

The Baima Creek flowing out of Yutang Zhaogong Mountain is several kilometers long before it merges into the Shagou River. On the mountains beside this small river, there are also two garrisons of the People's Liberation Army, both regiment-level units. One of the military's external liaison offices is called 751 and the other is called 6914. After the reform and opening up, 751 was transferred to the local government and was called Mingguang Factory as a military industrial unit; the 6914 garrison moved to Chengdu, and I don’t know what it is called now. The army stipulates that soldiers cannot find partners at the station, but those who have adopted and can. I heard that some people from the People's Liberation Army pursued X Hua? But for some reason it didn't work. (Mountain Residence)