One evening in 1979, while other families were busy making fires and cooking, and the whole family was enjoying themselves, a female doctor from the Fifth Engineering Office of Quanyang City, Shanxi Province stood alone at home worried. She looked lonely, and the family members T


A tragedy caused by a love letter. A female doctor in Shanxi was arrested and sentenced to death after interrogation. What did she do?

One evening in 1979, while other families were busy making fires and cooking, and the whole family was enjoying themselves, a female doctor from the Fifth Engineering Office of Quanyang City, Shanxi Province stood alone at home worried. She looked lonely. The quietness and desolation are incompatible with the harmony and bustle outside.

Suddenly, there was a burst of hurried footsteps at the door, followed by another hurried knock on the door. She looked panicked and did not dare to open the door. The public security officer advised her, "You have to think carefully." It’s clear. If you don’t open the door, you will be obstructing official duties.” The female doctor reluctantly unlocked the door. After the public security officer entered the door, he said, “You need to come with us now. We have evidence that you are related to this murder case.” The female doctor said After pacing for two steps in a panic, the doctor finally faced the reality and left with the police officers with a look of resignation.

Who is this female doctor? What kind of case is she involved in? Today we will tell you about this tragedy caused by a love letter. Friends who haven’t followed please pay attention. Your support is my biggest motivation.


The story begins with an unsent love letter. One afternoon in October 1979, Lu Junwen, a railway technician at a railway station in Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, just returned home after get off work and met Only my daughter was eating alone at home, so she asked her daughter where her mother had gone. Her daughter Lu Qin said, "My mother went out after cooking for me. She seemed to have gone to chat with the neighbor's aunt." Lu Junwen also listened. He didn't say anything, he just asked his daughter to have a good meal. When he was about to turn around and go back to the house, his daughter stopped him again and said, "Dad, I picked up a letter at home. Did you drop it?"

He walked to his daughter and took the "letter" she was holding. After carefully examining it, he found that it was not a simple letter, but a love letter! Lu Junwen, who was used to seeing his wife Wang Yongshi's handwriting, recognized it at a glance. However, what made him sad was that the letter was explicit and obscene, with no trace of the restraint a wife should have. What's important is that he discovered that this letter was not written to him at all, but to a man called "Chun". Such an unfinished love letter was like a bolt from the blue, catching Lu Junwen off guard. , he also read in the love letter that the wife who had been sleeping with him for so long not only disliked him, but actually wanted to marry "Chun" and hoped to divorce him as soon as possible.

The more he read the love letter, the angrier he became. The furious Lu Junwen couldn't wait a moment longer. He immediately ran to the neighbor's house to find Wang Yongshi who was chatting, and threw the love letter in front of her. Wang Yongshi saw this The love letter was shocked, and the neighbors didn't dare to say anything when they saw the couple like this. They just advised them to "discuss any conflicts and don't fight between young couples." After Wang Yongshi followed her husband home, before he could lose his temper, she accused her husband: "Why are you so crazy? Just ask me to come back and let my daughter go. You are yelling like this to make other people laugh." "?" Lu Junwen snorted, picked up the love letter and asked her, "How do you explain this love letter? Tell me who the man is!"

Wang Yongshi lost her confidence when she heard her husband mention the love letter. As she went to grab the love letter, she explained, "It's not what you think, we are innocent." Lu Junwen didn't believe his wife's lies at all. He threatened to find the man named "Chun" and see for himself what he was raising. The man could take away Wang Yongshi's soul, and he also said that he would expose the adultery between the two of them, making them unable to hold their heads high as human beings in the future. Wang Yongshi became even more panicked when she heard that her husband was coming to the door. She immediately knelt on the ground, crying with snot and tears, begging him not to do this for the sake of her daughter, "Our daughter is still young, divorce will be harmful to her." She had a very bad influence.”

Seeing that her husband was a little shaken, she continued, "We are really innocent. I wrote this letter on impulse, and I didn't want to send it after that. I almost forgot about it. You just Please forgive me this time." Lu Junwen, who had already calmed down a lot at that time, felt a little softer when his wife mentioned her daughter. After all, the child is not wrong, and the child cannot be affected by the mistakes made by adults. Thinking of this, Lu Junwen Junwen still didn't forgive Wang Yongshi on the spot. After glaring at her, he picked up the love letter and walked straight back to the bedroom to sleep.

Wang Yongshi's anger towards Lu Junwen was also full of fear and resentment. She had not contacted "Chun" for a long time, but he still dug out her love letter to settle old scores with her. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. After hearing her husband's snoring coming from the bedroom, she stood up from the floor. Thinking that the love letter was still in his hand, Wang Yongshi became very restless. If she didn't take the love letter back and destroy it, she would be in trouble. She always had to keep her head down in front of him. It was already uncomfortable enough that she had not seen her lover for a long time, but now that she was being treated like this, Wang Yongshi felt even more uncomfortable, so she secretly decided to find and destroy the letter.

Wang Yongshi quietly walked into the bedroom and rummaged through the cabinets to find the love letter that had made the family so upset. However, she searched all the cabinets and drawers but could not find it. She was afraid that her husband would tell her scandal when he woke up, and she would also Afraid that he would cause trouble for "Chun", so what if he could forgive himself? The contradiction between the two people will only get bigger and bigger. Looking at her husband sleeping soundly, a bold idea came to her mind. If her husband woke up, all her worries would disappear.

After she had the intention to kill, she still hesitated for a long time. If the matter was exposed, she would have nowhere to escape. How could she kill someone without using the knife or the rope? At this time, as a doctor, he thought of sleeping pills. right! As long as he "sleeps to sleep" directly, there will be no suspicion on his part, Wang Yongshi thought secretly in her heart. Having made up her mind, Wang Yongshi immediately rushed to the clinic where she worked and took advantage of her position to take away a lot of sleeping pills. Whether it was powder or liquid, she never had too much. She also brought a handful of disposable syringes. In order to inject the medicine into Lu Junwen's body more "quickly".

When Wang Yongshi returned home, her husband Lu Junwen was still sleeping. In order to prevent him from waking up and resisting when she did it, Wang Yongshi first brought a cup of water with a large amount of sleeping pills to the bed, and coaxed Lu Junwen with nice words. Junwen drank it, and after the drug took effect, she tentatively called Lu Junwen's name a few times to make sure he fell asleep before she started taking action. She first took a bottle of sleeping pill liquid and injected it all with a syringe. into his body. After finishing all this, she did not immediately "clean up the crime scene". Instead, she stayed by the bed and watched Lu Junwen's reaction to see if his heartbeat was still there.

Until after eight o'clock in the evening, Wang Yongshi found that her husband, who had been injected with a lot of sleeping pills, was still breathing and heartbeating. She increased the dose and injected one injection of sleeping pills into Lu Junwen's limbs, but it had no big effect. , Lu Junwen was still breathing, and she was already feeling a little panicked. In order to achieve the goal of killing her husband, she increased the dose again without thinking, and injected it directly into Lu Junwen's left chest.

With this injection, not even gods can be saved, Wang Yongshi thought. In order to cover up others' eyes, she decided to find more "witnesses" for herself. Anyway, her husband's breathing was already weak now, and he would be dead in a short time. , so at this time, finding some people to watch him die can "prove" his innocence. Although Wang Yongshi's wishful thinking was very good, her biggest mistake was that she should not contact Yin Xiulan, the leader of the health center. Seeing Wang Yongshi running to the health center in a panic and shouting for help, Yin Xiulan immediately felt that something was wrong. After she learned from Wang Yongshi that "her husband was very seriously ill," she immediately called two colleagues to go to Wang Yongshi's home to check on the situation.

Yin Xiulan saw Lu Junwen lying on the bed with a pale face, purple fingers, and livid lips. She immediately checked if there was anything strange about his body, but it was difficult to detect pinholes in a panic. She watched as his breathing became weaker and weaker. Lu Junwen and Yin Xiulan immediately gave him artificial respiration, but still failed to save him. Yin Xiulan told Wang Yongshi with great regret that her husband could not be saved. After Wang Yongshi learned the news of her husband's death, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately pretended to be grief-stricken, lying on her husband's body and crying bitterly.

Yin Xiulan and her colleagues felt sorry for her when they saw this. Her husband died at such a young age and she was also a "misfortunate" person. Yin Xiulan couldn't bear to continue looking at this "misfortunate" couple and turned her head away, but she saw this transfer. On the bedside table were numerous empty bottles of sleeping pills. Such a large amount of medicine was obviously abnormal, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she secretly filled a few empty bottles and left with her colleagues after comforting Wang Yongshi for a while.

Lu Junwen's relatives rushed to their home immediately after learning about his death. Wang Yongshi cried heartbrokenly, but the relatives cautiously asked the neighbors about the couple's recent situation, and learned that the two had just died recently. After a quarrel over a letter, they returned to Lu Junwen's house again, but Wang Yongshi didn't mention the letter at all, and Lu Junwen had always been in good health. How could he have a "hypertensive attack" as Wang Yongshi said?

They felt something was wrong and immediately called the police. After forensic identification, they found something strange about Lu Junwen's death. The first was the pinhole. According to the medical records, he had clearly not been to the hospital for injections recently, and the location of the pinhole was also unknown. Something is wrong. How could any doctor stab the left chest? Then a large amount of sleeping pill ingredients were detected, 30-100 times the amount that a normal person would consume, so the real cause of his death was drug overdose.


The police were also confused at this time. Even if the deceased died of an overdose, he would not have completed and destroyed the equipment himself. The most reasonable explanation is murder, but there were people present ten minutes before the death of the deceased. The murderer Could it be the doctors present? This is even more impossible. Seeing that the case was about to reach a deadlock, Yin Xiulan provided strong help to the police at this time. She handed over the empty medicine bottles and syringes that she brought from Wang Yongshi's home to the police, and finally discovered the remaining fingerprints of Wang Yongshi on them. The case was now It is very clear that the police also visited Wang Yongshi's neighbors and friends, and learned that she had a chaotic private life, which strengthened her idea of ​​murdering her husband.

When the police put the collected evidence in front of her, Wang Yongshi looked helpless when she saw the unfinished bottle of sleeping pills. She originally thought she had done a perfect job, but she didn't want to be detected by the police so quickly. She was heartbroken. She grabbed the bottle of sleeping pills and drank a few gulps, hoping to understand her own life through death so that she would no longer have to accept legal sanctions. However, she did not succeed. Instead, she was immediately sent to the hospital and rescued. She was in court. When talking about his former relatives and his daughter, he still persisted in saying, "It's all Lu Junwen who forced me." Although Wang Yongshi was eventually sentenced to death for intentional homicide, their young daughter became a poor orphan because of their impulses.

The story ends here. I hope everyone can take this as a warning. Don't cause irreversible damage due to impulse. It is wise to stay rational. If you think the content of this issue is good, please like and forward it to support it.