It is said that after Zhu Yuanzhang won the world, in order to protect the foundation he had worked so hard to build and prevent the heroes from threatening the Zhu family dynasty after they became powerful, he began to kill the heroes. The scheming Liu Bowen had long seen this,

It is said that after Zhu Yuanzhang won the world, in order to protect the foundation he had worked so hard to establish and prevent the heroes from threatening the Zhu family dynasty after they became powerful, he began to kill the heroes. The scheming Liu Bowen had long seen this, and he also understood the principle of "a cunning rabbit dies and a lackey is cooked", so he asked Zhu Yuanzhang to resign because of his illness, and wanted to retire and return home without caring about worldly affairs.

But Zhu Yuanzhang knew Liu Bowen's ability very well and was unwilling to let him go, so he found a reason to keep Liu Bowen. On the one hand, he could monitor Liu Bowen, and on the other hand, he wanted to kill Liu Bowen to eliminate this hidden danger. Very early on, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Liu Bowen had the ability to predict the future, so he asked Liu Bowen to predict the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty and calculate how many years the Ming Dynasty could last.

On the surface, he just asked Liu Bowen to do something for him, but in fact, he was murderous. If Liu Bowen couldn't answer, it would be the crime of deceiving the emperor. If the truth is told, he would definitely be deceived and disturbed by the evil words. Punished to death. Moreover, Liu Bowen also knew that if he revealed the secrets of heaven, he would be punished by heaven, so what should he do? So he said four words that did not violate the destiny and could satisfy Zhu Yuanzhang, that is, ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandsons.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought that Liu Bowen meant that the Zhu family dynasty could continue for thousands of descendants. Not only did he not embarrass Liu Bowen, but he also gave Liu Bowen generous rewards. In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang completely misunderstood. Liu Bowen meant that the Ming Dynasty died in the descendants of Wanli . As expected, the Ming Dynasty died in the generation of Wanli's grandson Chongzhen , for a total of 276 years.