In order to resist Japan, the national army generals Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong became allies. However, when the Japanese army gradually became defeated, Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong became "enemies" due to their different beliefs, especially when Li Yunlong avenged the monk. Chu Yun

After Li Yunlong avenged the monk, it caused the two most direct "consequences".

included. Li Yunlong was given a serious demerit, and his position was demoted from the commander of the independent regiment to the battalion commander. A recruit didn't know the details, so he opened his mouth and called Li Yunlong the battalion commander. The veteran on the side gave him a slap in the face, and the recruit was extremely aggrieved: "He He is our battalion commander." After Zhao Gang learned about it, he not only did not criticize the veteran who beat him, but also reprimanded the new recruit. Although Li Yunlong was the battalion commander, he was actually the regiment commander. He "lost his reputation. Real existence".

is outside. In order to resist Japan, the national army generals Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong became allies. However, when the Japanese army was gradually defeated, Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong became "enemies" due to their different beliefs, especially Li Yunlong. The monk avenged his revenge, and Chu Yunfei deeply felt that Li Yunlong "is a person who can only take advantage of him and is determined to retaliate. Once he makes a move, he is extremely vicious and his every move is dangerous." Chu Yunfei is even more afraid of Li Yunlong and is more determined to get rid of him. Get rid of Li Yunlong's "determination".

Chu Yunfei occupied Anhua County. He sent an invitation to Li Yunlong to treat him to a meal. He knew that Li Yunlong would definitely come.

As for Li Yunlong, although he had been demoted to the rank of battalion commander at this time, his actual status as a regimental commander made him ignore Zhao Gang's firm opposition and even dropped the wine bottle and kicked over the kang table , but he still went Chu Yunfei's "Hongmen Banquet" only brought two big and round guards.

At the dinner table, Chu Yunfei first expressed his dissatisfaction with Li Yunlong for avenging the monk but was demoted, then persuaded Li Yunlong to join the national army and promised him the title of major general, and even left the position of deputy commander of his own division to Li Yunlong, but everything failed. After being rejected by Li Yunlong and unable to seduce him with "profit", Chu Yunfei planned to use force to stay, or to use force to get rid of Li Yunlong on the spot. Li Yunlong didn't take it seriously. He first poured himself a glass of wine and drank it with a tilt of his neck. Then he winked at the two guards, and the three of them slowly unbuttoned their military uniforms, revealing the bombs tied to their waists and abdomens. Seeing this, Chu Yunfei waved his hands and retreated from the national troops surrounding Li Yunlong and the others. After that, Li Yunlong packed the food and drinks, and Chu Yunfei saw Li Yunlong off in person.

In the TV series, after Li Yunlong rode away, the adjutant Sun Ming said that it was an advantage for him to let Li Yunlong go because of the bomb, but Chu Yunfei said, "Bomb, hum, I really can't do it." In the original novel It is described like this: "On that day, Chu Yunfei sent Li Yunlong very far away. I couldn't tell how many miles it was. Anyway, it was beyond the range of the machine gun on the tower." It can be said that Chu Yunfei's "Hongmen Banquet" was actually OK. After getting rid of his biggest rival, Chu Yunfei did not take action. After reading the original work of "Bright Sword", I understood the relationship between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong, which is simple yet complicated.


During the All-out Anti-Japanese War, although Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong belonged to different camps, resisting foreign aggression was their unanimous responsibility and mission. Chu Yunfei did two things during this period, which is admirable.

The first thing: cooperate with Li Yunlong to fight against the enemy.

Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong had fought together during the Xinkou battle , but their relationship was not deep. Later, Chu Yunfei wrote a letter to meet Li Yunlong and chose the meeting place in Heyuan County, which was heavily defended by the Japanese army. Not only to meet, but also to test each other's courage and courage.

After the two met and talked about the joint fight against Japan, Li Yunlong turned the topic to "eating". He finally entered the city and could not go back hungry. Chu Yunfei understood what he meant. "Brother Yunlong, I heard that Juxian The chef in the building is very good. Chu has prepared some water and wine today. Please be sure to appreciate it." Li Yunlong replied, "I heard that today is the birthday of the military police captain Hirata Ichiro. I booked the Juxian Building and paid the deposit. Could it be Chu? Brother, are you reluctant to pay for a treat? "... The two knew each other well and deliberately targeted the Japanese military police.

Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong turned Ichiro Hirata's birthday into his death anniversary in less than 2 minutes, and a total of more than 30 Japanese and puppet officers lost their lives. Afterwards, the two of them praised each other and walked out of Juxian Tower before parting. At that time, Chu Yunfei gave Li Yunlong an exquisite Browning pistol .

In this cooperation, I saw the commonalities between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong: The same patriotism, the same fighting ability, and the same deep understanding of each other. The more commonalities they have, the more they have in common, which determines Chu Yun’s identity to a certain extent. What Fei did to Li Yunlong was extraordinary.

Later, Li Yunlong started a hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese army due to shortage of supplies, especially when grabbing winter clothes. Li Yunlong wiped out two Japanese Kwantung squadrons with one battalion, and seized the Japanese commander's saber and a telescope. General Li Yunlong's sword It was given to Chu Yunfei, and Chu Yunfei returned the gift with 50,000 bullets. The exchange of gifts was full of love and justice.

The second thing: Li Yunlong "made trouble", he helped

Many times, it is more rare to provide help in the snow than to add icing on the cake. During Li Yunlong's several difficult struggles with the Japanese army, Chu Yunfei did not stand aside and helped Li Yunlong. .

The Japanese special agent team Yamamoto Kazuki made a sneak attack on Zhaojiayu. They not only kidnapped Li Yunlong's newly married wife Xiuqin, but also burned the entire village and massacred the people. Li Yunlong led the team to break out with difficulty, but before Yamamoto Kazuki's sneak attack, Chu Yun Fei learned the news. Although the chief of staff persuaded Chu Yunfei to stand aside with the strength of the special agent team, Chu Yunfei still did two things: ordered a mortar battery to blow up several Yamamoto Kazuki parked in the Xiji stronghold. A transport truck and an ambush on the retreat road of Yamamoto .

Yamamoto Kazuki entered Chu Yunfei's ambush, and the two parties started a fight, especially Chu Yunfei's style of staying in the air for three seconds and throwing grenades , which caused Yamamoto Kazuki to break a lot of agents , Chu Yun Fei persuaded Yamamoto Kazuki to surrender, but Yamamoto demanded negotiation. After Chu Yunfei learned from the telegram about Yamamoto Kazuki's evil deeds of sneak attack on Zhaojiayu, Chu Yunfei did not persuade him anymore, but ordered "Yamamoto, in addition to surrender unconditionally, You have no way out, otherwise, we will destroy you on the spot!" , although Yamamoto took advantage of the loophole and escaped from the ambush, Chu Yunfei's change of attitude is a demonstration of his sincerity and justice.

Later, in order to rescue Xiuqin and eliminate Yamamoto Kazuki who was retreating in Ping'an County , Li Yunlong did not hesitate to lead a regiment to attack Ping'an County. After Chu Yunfei learned about it, he did not receive a written order from the war zone commander. At that time, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had begun to have some friction, but Chu Yunfei still blew up the two bridges from Zhangjiafeng Pass to Dagu Town in the name of defense, and arranged the first and second battalions to block the Japanese reinforcements in stages. Li Yunlong gained time. According to Chu Yunfei's , "You don't have to help others with their favors, but I must help Li Yunlong's favors." .

It can be said that in these two battles, Chu Yunfei could obviously stand still, and even Li Yunlong was in trouble or died on the battlefield. For Chu Yunfei, the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages, but Chu Yunfei did not lose a countryman or a person. With the responsibility and conscience of a friend, he withstood all kinds of pressure and extended a warm hand for Li Yunlong. Only in times of crisis can one deeply see the emotions and passion buried deep in a person's heart.

Chu Yunfei is worthy of deep friendship and memorable. He is also a commendable patriotic general.


When the Japanese army was gradually defeated and finally surrendered completely, Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong regarded each other as their biggest opponents. The two wars they experienced were a contest of life and death.

Battle of Huaihai.

During the Battle of Huaihai, millions of troops from the Kuomintang and the Communist Party engaged in a fierce battle, which could even be described as a melee.

Li Yunlong's Second Division was disrupted. With the flash of a grenade explosion, Li Yunlong found the doorway. He distinguished the National Army wearing steel helmets and the People's Liberation Army wearing homespun cotton hats. He hit those wearing steel helmets when he saw them. After that, he wore the captured helmet and continued to beat those wearing the helmet. Encountered along the way, he happened to meet Chu Yunfei, who was in the same unit. They met each other. At this time, it was a life and death contest where either you died or I died.

Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong both discovered each other. Chu Yunfei ordered the mortar gunner, "Quick, hit the crowd directly in front." Li Yunlong ordered the machine gunner, "Quick! Hit the official!", almost the same order, Chu Yun Fei and Li Yunlong both fell in response to each other's attacks, and both walked around the gate of hell, finally saving their lives.

Personal friends are friends, but they can only be life-and-death enemies who meet each other on the battlefield. However, they are not sad, but they have a sense of honor and belonging that comes from the blood of soldiers, and a sense of heroism.

Battle of Kinmen.

After Li Yunlong married Tian Yu, he went to the headquarters of his 10th Corps in Xiamen to continue fighting against the national army retreating to Kinmen.

The night Li Yunlong arrived in Xiamen, he sent the main regiment under the division and two regiments from the brother division to attack Kinmen. As a result, the three main regiments were completely wiped out. After the war, the corps leaders attributed the key reason for the failure to their jungle combat experience. To this end, Li Yunlong recruited various talents to form the 108-strong "Liangshan Special Forces".

Later, the special forces sneaked into Kinmen Island and found out the precise positions of the important generals and troops of the national army. Li Yunlong commanded and adjusted the direction of the bombardment on the other side. The shells accurately eliminated each of the important military generals of the national army. , and at this time, Chu Yunfei, who was already a lieutenant general, guessed from the rounds of precise hits that the People's Liberation Army scouts were already lurking on Kinmen Island. He then ordered the entire island to search and blockade, and issued a reward amount. Two People competed again, and the national army suffered heavy losses. Similarly, Li Yunlong's special force also lost 15 people.

Across 10 kilometers of sea, one is in Xiamen and the other is in Kinmen. The two friends and enemies once again started a contest. This time, Li Yunlong had no scruples, and Chu Yunfei even gave the most powerful counterattack with his backhand. Between life and death, they only fight for their beliefs.

The "fight" between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong never involves any personal emotions. When they are friends, they can be brutal, but when they are enemies, it can only be life and death. They are two completely different relationships. Under two situations, There will never be any ambiguity or hesitation, but we will clearly stick to the responsibilities on our shoulders and do whatever we have to do, no matter life or death.

Soldiers, this is how it should be.


The "harmony" and "fight" between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong present a simple, but seemingly not simple relationship. They are friends in private and enemies in public, no matter what kind of relationship they are. Regarding their identities, both of them had a clear conscience and never held any grudges. They only had recognition and respect for each other in their hearts and had nothing to do with anything. In the

TV series, Chu Yunfei said "bomb, hum" when he held the "Hongmen Banquet" to send Li Yunlong away. And in the original novel, he sent Li Yunlong out of the range of the machine gun, which made me think: Chu Yunfei is not the reason for the bomb. He let Li Yunlong go, but he personally sent Li Yunlong out of the range of the machine gun, or even hid a sense of "protection" . Why Chu Yunfei didn't take action, I think it is inseparable from these three reasons.

First, the situation.

When Chu Yunfei held the "Hongmen Banquet", it was when Chu Yunfei captured Anhua County. At this time, the Japanese army had no time to look around, but it had not yet completely surrendered. Although the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had already had friction at this time, such as the National Army The guns seized from the Shigang team of the Eighth Route Army have not been returned, and the equipment of Chu Yunfei's battalion seized by Li Yunlong has not been returned, but the two sides have not completely broken up.

At the "Hongmen Banquet", Chu Yunfei promised Li Yunlong a future, but his idea of ​​​​taking Li Yunlong's life was actually not strong, and Li Yunlong resisted by tying a bomb to the appointment, which also gave Chu Yunfei the best way to explain to his superiors.

The second is character.

Chu Yunfei has one of the most obvious personality traits, that is, he is careless and aboveboard, and this is fully demonstrated when he disarms his weapons and equipment.

Chu Yunfei seized the equipment of Shigang's team, while Li Yunlong seized the equipment of Chu Yunfei's battalion. The quantity and sophistication of their weapons were simply incomparable.

As for the equipment of this battalion, Li Yunlong had promised to return the completed jade to Zhao, but Chu Yunfei waited for a month and sent someone to negotiate. We had to wait a few more days; when it had not been returned after a few months, the national army asked the commanders of both sides to meet and interview, but the response they received was that Chu Yunfei had to come in person... This "little matter" dragged on for more than a year, until When the civil war broke out, Li Yunlong did not return it.

According to Zhao Gang's saying, "When a gentleman encounters a villain, a gentleman should not take advantage." In fact, if Chu Yunfei insisted on getting it back, he had his own private methods, but he did not use this method of formal negotiation between the two parties. The other side of using villain methods and not caring about anything is Chu Yunfei's aboveboard way of doing things. For him, there are some things that doesn't even bother to do.

The third is "love"

Chu Yunfei was born in Huangpu Military Academy . He became a regiment-level officer at the age of 32. Moreover, Chu Yunfei's marksmanship was extremely accurate, he was bolder than others, and he led troops well. He participated in many Important battles and accumulated rich practical experience, he is a professional soldier, and Li Yunlong was born in the " mud-legged ". At the same age, he became the leader of an independent regiment, and he commanded well, and he was in battle after battle. They have built a reputation and accumulated rich combat experience. Different backgrounds, the same experience and abilities made Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong cherish each other.

The mutual sympathy between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong is reflected in three details.

praise. In the encounter at Nianzhuang in the Battle of Huaihai, both Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong were seriously injured. Li Yunlong, who was recovering in the hospital, met a prisoner of the National Army Colonel. He told Li Yunlong that after Chu Yunfei woke up, he was still full of praise for Li Yunlong and said He and Li Yunlong are still good friends.

warmth. When Li Yunlong finally chose to commit suicide with a gun, he took out the Browning pistol that Chu Yunfei gave him. "He remembered the scene when Chu Yunfei gave him this gun, and suddenly felt a big warmth in his heart. "When life was about to come to an end, the former Chu Yunfei gave Li Yunlong the last trace of warmth. It was nostalgia, and it was the friendship that flowed on this gun and was hidden deep in his heart. Li Yunlong has always treasured it.

pays homage. After Li Yunlong's death, the National Army on Kinmen Island used a radio broadcast, starting with the second movement "Funeral March" of Beethoven's "Heroic Symphony" , and then listed Li Yunlong's great achievements in his life, and finally Chu Yunfei Southern Song dynasty Lyricist Liu Kezhuang The poem "Man Jiang Hong" begins with "Iron horses neigh at dawn and the walls of the camp are cold, and buildings and boats sail through the wind and waves at night. Who can pity the old generals with ape-armed arms and useless ranks...", this poem The poem expressed Chu Yunfei's injustice to Li Yunlong and his heartfelt respect for him, and sent Li Yunlong his last journey with a unique "hero's funeral".

Just as Chu Yunfei said to his adjutant Sun Ming after sending Li Yunlong away, "I really can't do it." Chu Yunfei's inability to do it was his heartfelt recognition of Li Yunlong, and this gave rise to of admiration and respect.

In a person's life, it is enough to meet someone who can be both a friend and an evenly matched enemy who never engages in intrigues.

The prisoner of the National Army Colonel whom Li Yunlong met in the hospital did not understand Chu Yunfei's praise of Li Yunlong after he woke up after being seriously injured. He said:

Several of our old subordinates did not understand how we could meet on the battlefield since we were good friends. His subordinates are all merciless, why do they insist on putting the other party to death? It's strange to me that we fight each other like this and still don't hold grudges at all.

"Good friends", "putting each other to death" and "not holding grudges" are the best interpretations of the relationship between Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong.

Chu Yunfei used a Browning pistol as a formal meeting ceremony for Li Yunlong for the first time, and Li Yunlong used a Browning pistol as the final end of his life.

A gun is not just a gun, it is the best proof and symbol of a friendship that has lasted through the years.

is so lucky.