[Source: Lin Yi Qingfeng] Editor’s note: Chenzhou has a long history and rich culture. Zhou Dunyi wrote "The Theory of Loving the Lotus" in Chenzhou, leaving behind the eternal famous saying of "coming out of the mud but not stained, washing the clear ripples without being evil".

[Source: Lin Yi Qingfeng]

Editor's note

Chenzhou has a long history and long charm.

Zhou Dunyi wrote " Love the Lotus on " in Chenzhou, leaving behind the eternal famous saying of "coming out of the mud but not stained, washing the clear ripples without being evil". His thought of loving the lotus injected a profound "integrity" gene into Chenzhou culture ; The touching story of Chenzhou historical figure and Tang Dynasty famous prime minister Liu Zhan maintaining his original intention of being clean and honest has been passed down for thousands of years.

Incorruptible officials in history are role models today. Today, let us carefully appreciate the integrity story of the famous Prime Minister Liu Zhan. His diligent, honest and caring behavior as an example will lead today's anti-corruption campaign. Integrity is a matter of pride and corruption is a shame!

At the end of the Tang Dynasty During the 4th year of Xiantong , in a neighborhood where civilians gathered in Chang'an City, a wealthy businessman knocked on the door of an ordinary house. He respectfully said to the male host: "Master Liu, I have a large, unused house in Chang'an City, which I will give to you as a gift. You should stop living in such a simple place." It turned out that the person who lived here was Mr. The newly promoted prime minister Liu Zhan and his family. Mr. Liu quickly declined: "Although the house is simple, it can nourish my ordinary heart; although the house is rented, as long as I am willing to use it as my home. It is difficult for me to accept your kindness."

This is Chenzhou historical figure and Tang Dynasty figure The famous prime minister Liu Zhan—a prime minister of the current dynasty who does not have his own house!

When Liu Zhan was a boy, he often read in the Wushiji River by the Chenjiang River, bathing in the river breeze. When he was idle, he looked at the river waves and devoted himself to becoming an official; when he was thinking about it, he touched Shijiji, determined to benefit the people. . After studying hard for many years, the young Liu Zhan traveled long distances to Chang'an to take the exam. He first became a Jinshi and the 4th in , and four years later passed the erudite macroci subject. He was an outstanding scholar who won the "double degree diploma" in one fell swoop. Started his official career. Although he has been working as a general employee in the government department and his rank is not high, he is diligent and self-sufficient in his duties as an official, and has gained a good reputation as a good character and strong in business. After more than ten years of working at the grassroots level, Liu Zhan ushered in a turning point in his life. His fellow Pengcheng fellow Liu Yu came to Beijing to become prime minister. Hearing about Liu Zhan's virtues, he treated him as a "clan" and recommended him as a Hanlin bachelor. This is He held the position of confidential secretary to the emperor, and from then on Liu Zhan entered the class of high-level officials. Later, Liu Zhan served as the official of Zhongshushe and was in charge of imperial edicts. Later, he was transferred to the position of Minister of Household Affairs, in charge of specific government affairs, and his official rank reached the fourth rank. In the past ten years, Liu Zhan has also served as Taiyuan Yin and Jingzhao Yin . Yizong of the Tang DynastyIn June of the 10th year of Xiantong (869), Liu Zhan officially became the prime minister with Tongping Zhangshi, the Minister of Household Affairs, and the Minister of Zhongshu, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and the Bachelor of Jixian Palace. His official position reached its peak. At this time, he was already at the age where he knew his destiny.

When Liu Zhan was slandered by traitors, people in the world said that he was "upright" and everyone deplored him. Youzhou Jiedushi Zhang Gongsu once went to Shangshu to defend him and defend him, which saved him from being killed by traitors. In the spring of the first year of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty (874), when Liu Zhan was summoned to Beijing to serve as prime minister again, the people in Chang'an heard about it and even pooled their money to hire a performance group to perform songs and dances to welcome the return of the virtuous prime minister. .

When the people wanted to treat Liu Zhan with high standards, how did Liu Zhan deal with it? Faced with this treatment that most people could only dream of, in order to prevent the people from wasting their time and money, Liu Zhan temporarily changed the scheduled time and route of his return to Beijing, and "quietly" returned to Beijing to take office. In fact, it is an act of caring about the people from the bottom of his heart, and his love for the people is obvious.

Why is Liu Zhan so respected in both official and civilian circles? " New Book of Tang " has a concluding comment on him: "Zhan is a man of integrity, and his salary is used to help relatives and old people who are in need. There is no savings for the family. There is no place to live, and the gifts from all directions are not enough. "I will always be perfect." This passage is corroborated by Yu Chi's "Story of China and North Korea" in "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", which commented that Liu Zhan "keeps himself thrifty and is loyal to the times." ", and records that Hanlin Chengzhi and Zheng Tian were ordered to draft the "Edict to Dispose of Prime Minister Zhan and Make an Imperial Edict", which should have listed the crimes and declared them to the world. In fact, not only were Liu Zhan's crimes not listed, but his words were full of praise. , said Liu Zhan: "The wind is very high, respectful and flawless.But he also prefers to be honest and not showy. The residence of several acres is still not my own, but I am afraid of being bribed by others. "This kind of contrary wording is meaningful. From these evaluations, we can at least summarize Liu Zhan's many noble qualities such as integrity and self-discipline, poverty alleviation, willingness to live in poverty, righteousness, and refusal to bribe. As a high-ranking official He has spent all his salary but has no savings, has no house but refuses gifts, is upright and has no stains, how can he not be a "perfect" person? A great minister but no real estate, a wealthy businessman wants to give him a luxurious house, but he resolutely refuses. , several acres of shabby room is still rented. Behind the prime minister's renting a house, Liu Zhan's noble character is naturally admired. Liu Zhan's noble character is not a one-day virtue, but is important in daily life. The heroic feat of saving people in the medical case of Princess Tongchang further sublimated the respect of colleagues and the love of the people.

It was August of the 11th year of Xiantong, when Liu Zhangang became prime minister. More than a year ago, Princess Tongchang died of illness. Tang Yizong was overly sad because of the loss of his beloved daughter. He passed the responsibility to the medical officers Han Zongzhao and Kang Zhongyin without any reason, saying that their medicine was ineffective. He not only killed the medical officers, but also ordered to implicate them. The nine ethnic groups arrested more than 300 men, women, and children and imprisoned them in prisons. Even the prisons were full. When Liu Zhan learned about it, he quickly joined forces with other admonishers to fight for collective evacuation. Unexpectedly, the officials "didn't dare to speak out". No one responded to him. Seeing that the innocent people in prison were about to die in vain, Liu Zhan decided to go to the hospital alone, regardless of his own future and life. He believed that the medical officers had "exhausted all their skills" and that failure to cure the princess was simply a "shortcoming". "There is no reason", the emperor loved his daughter eagerly but "was not prepared for danger, and was angry and indifferent to the difficulties". He asked Tang Yizong to "release all the prisoners...in order to support the spirit of loving the Lord". However, although the emperor finally listened to Liu Zhan's words He directly remonstrated, but dismissed him from the position, reduced his official position in Beijing, and demoted him to Jingnan Jiedushi. The matter was far from over. Lu Yan, the prime minister of the same dynasty, hated Liu Zhan's integrity and uprightness, and took advantage of him. On this occasion, he colluded with Wei Baoheng, the husband of Princess Tongchang, and made slanderous remarks and slanderous remarks. Liu Zhan was demoted again and again until he was the chief minister of Huanzhou (now part of Vietnam), tens of thousands of miles away from Beijing. After returning to Beijing for the second time and regaining his position, he was killed. This is a historical incident in which Liu Zhan saved more than 300 people with his officialdom and life.

Liu Zhan's character was praised by social justice. , so after becoming a high-ranking official, he still has to rent a house and save money to help others. What should his wife’s attitude be? She is also the wife of the Prime Minister after all! If she just believes that women in ancient times regard their husbands as their virtues, they must obey them unconditionally. Therefore, it is too simple to understand. Mrs. Liu Zhan is the granddaughter of Li Deyu, the daughter of a well-known official family. Her father Li Ye served as the county captain of Chen County for a long time and died in Chenzhou following her husband's official career. Ups and downs, he knew the virtues of being an official, so he ensured the stability of Liu Zhan's backyard and created a clean and righteous style.

Today, the huge Wushiji by the Chenjiang River is still lying, but it is surrounded. It is in a residential community, and the name of this community is Wushiji Community. People seem to still be able to feel the figure of the young man studying in Wushiji, and feel Liu Zhan's original intention to study for the people and serve as an official and love the people.

Source: Xuexue Qiangguo

Author: Yu Miaolan

Editor: Zhu Alfalfa

Proofreading: Chen Jijun

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