The two oceans, the East and the West, the two continents of Europe and Asia, hold them with one hand and do not take them seriously. I will lift up all the earth in the world and sweep it under my seat, but even the hairless ones will still go deep. This is a masterpiece by an 1

There are two oceans, East and West, Europe and Asia, two continents. It is not important to hold them with one hand. I will lift up all the earth in the world and sweep it under my seat, but even the hairless ones will still go deep.

Yao and Shun had false benevolence, Tang and Wu had false righteousness, but this is not the case. I am going to strengthen the people of the world, and bow down under the palace. Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!

This is the masterpiece of an 11-year-old boy. If you only look at the works, few people may know the author. This work is domineering and ambitious, no less than Huang Chao 's " Bu Di Hou Fu Ju "! The answer is revealed below.

The author's name is Yuan Xiaosi. Everyone knows his name. He is the President of the Republic of ChinaYuan Shikai. Although Yuan Shikai only served as the president of the Republic of China for 83 days, his life was also a life of struggle. Here we will not discuss right and wrong and merits and demerits, but only the struggle process.

Speaking of the journey of struggle, there are currently only two types, one is self-effort, and the other is family support. But Yuan Shikai had both, which is annoying.

Yuan Shikai was born in a family where "his father and son are Jinshi, brothers are Jinshi, one family, two generations and four nobles". Let me first talk about his grandfather's name, Yuan Jiasan. Yuan Jiasan was the senior brother of Zeng Guofan, a first-class official in the Qing government. He was assigned a post in the military department, which is roughly equivalent to today's department-level cadres. His uncle, Yuan Jiasan's eldest son, Yuan Baoheng, was a senior advisor to Li Hongzhang, a celebrity around Empress Dowager Cixi, and they were quite close to each other. Later, he became Minister of the Ministry of Justice, which is equivalent to the current Deputy Minister of Justice. He is the second-highest official in the old Yuan family after Yuan Jiasan.

The next one is another uncle of Yuan Shikai, that is Yuan Baoqing . Insert a sentence here, this Yuan Baoqing is Yuan Shikai's father. Why has he changed from uncle to father? Because Yuan Shikai's biological father Yuan Baozhong cannot learn and can only study in

The Yuan family was a housekeeper and guardian in their hometown, but they were very fertile and gave birth to four sons in one breath. Yuan Shikai was the youngest son. As for Yuan Baoqing, he had never had a son after fighting all his life, so he adopted Yuan Shikai to Yuan Baoqing. Yuan Baoqing fought all his life and reached the Salt Law Road in the south of the Yangtze River. He was roughly equivalent to today's mayor of a prefecture-level city. He had a proper position of real power and was in charge of salt affairs and justice. This corresponds to the saying of the Yuan family, "Father and son Jinshi" refers to Yuan Jiasan and his eldest son Yuan Baoheng who won the Jinshi; "Brothers promote people" refers to Yuan Jiasan's second son Yuan Baoling and Yuan Jiasan's nephew Yuan Baoqing respectively. The "Four Nobles" means that these people will have very high official positions in the future.

Movie and TV stills

How difficult it was to take the imperial examination in the Qing Dynasty. Which one of these candidates or Jinshi was not a master who passed five tests, killed six generals, and was chosen one from a million?

It is normal to fail in the examination, but it is rare to pass the examination. The Yuan family is only two generations old, but they suddenly produced two Jinshi and two Juren. They are really a tough family and need no explanation.

The only drawback is that everyone in the Yuan family has a short life span. Yuan Jiasan did not live past 58 years old, and Yuan Baoqing did not live past 48 years old. When Yuan Baoqing died, our protagonist Yuan Shikai was only 14 years old. But this did not affect Yuan Shikai's growth path, because after his relatives died, his relatives and friends were still there. Moreover, his relatives and friends were all powerful figures at the time. The leakage of these people was enough for Yuan Shikai to drink a pot.

Although Yuan Baoqing passed away prematurely, Yuan Baoqing was a good father who was very good at parent-child education. Yuan Shikai liked dancing with guns and sticks more than books. Yuan Baoqing hired a teacher for Yuan Shikai, who taught and eight-part essay at the same time, ensuring that he could cultivate both civil and military skills. Although the boxing and kicks you practice may not make you a great hero, you can save your life. Yuan Baoqing was involved in officialdom, and he recorded all his experiences in speaking and life in his notes. Yuan Shikai, who didn't like books, was only interested in this notebook. He would try to figure it out when he had time. If he didn't understand anything, he would ask Yuan Baoqing, who also gave careful guidance. Yuan Shikai has mastered the essence of this notebook, and is even better than his master. When it comes to dealing with people in the world, both his friends and enemies admit that he knows how to behave.

Yuan Shikai did not get on the road solely through support, but also through his own efforts.However, the Nian Army active in the Central Plains saw that they could not defeat Yuan Jiasan's troops, so they took a detour and attacked Yuan Jiasan's hometown. Among Yuan Baozhong at home, even Yuan Shikai's biological father is not a vegetarian. He led his servants to repulse the Nian army's attacks time and time again, and successfully defended Yuan's hometown. During this period, the family held 5-year-old Yuan Shikai on the wall and watched. The adults were frightened to death by the bloody scene. Little Yuan Shikai showed no fear at all. It is said that he even picked up a stone and hit a Nian soldier. . The servants on the walled city were dumbfounded, dear, this child is really unusual!

Chow Yun-fat version of Yuan Shikai

Yuan Shikai's childhood can be summed up in three words: he dislikes stereotypes, is bold, arrogant and aggressive.

In fact, the great figures in history have more or less one thing in common: they have been aggressive since childhood. Chiang Kai-shek was the king of children when he was a child. When this self-centered communication model extends to the political field, it will inevitably lead to a self-reliant thinking model that is not restricted by anyone. Fighting against the sky, the earth, and people is endless fun. This should be an indispensable gene in the characters of great people. Only this kind of character is suitable for success in troubled times, becoming stronger and stronger!

Yuan Shikai had an internship after he failed in the imperial examination exam when he was 17 years old. Opportunity: Uncle Yuan Baoheng went to Henan to provide disaster relief. Yuan Shikai followed him as a secretary and gained work experience from then on. Yuan Shikai was capable in his work and was favored by the high officials in the DPRK, which laid a solid foundation for his future diplomacy, military training, reform, industrial development, and overthrow of the Qing Dynasty. 19-year-old Yuan Shikai lost another elder, that is Yuan Baoheng.

This year he returned to his hometown to distribute a generous fortune and moved his family to Huaiyang. Here, Yuan Shikai did two major things. One was to recharge his batteries and study " Six Tips " and " Three Strategies " , " Sun Tzu's Art of War " and other military books and " Zizhi Tongjian " and other management books. The second thing is to build my own team, organize my own think tank, and establish two literary societies: Lize Shanfang and Wuqi Shanfang. Here he met the most important person to him, just like Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang , Zhu Yuanzhang met Liu Bowen . This person was Xu Shichang , who was nicknamed "Crystal Fox" for his resourcefulness and thoughtful thinking. The meticulous Xu Shichang became Yuan Shikai's brother with a different surname. Yuan Shikai helped Xu Shichang obtain Jinshi. In the following years, Xu Shichang repaid Yuan Shikai's help in the form of ingenuity and loyalty. Now Yuan Shikai only has one chance left.

The opportunity came when 22-year-old Yuan Shikai received a letter from his father's friend, the then Navy Commander Wu Changqing, asking him to serve as an assistant in the military, which is now the so-called combat staff officer. A greater opportunity came a year later, when something happened to North Korea, a subsidiary state of the Qing Dynasty. North Korea itself was in civil strife. The ruling princess of North Korea, Min, asked the Qing Dynasty to clean up the civil strife. Yuan Shikai invited Miao to go and had a Hongmen Banquet. After getting rid of the leader of the rebel party, he helped North Korea train its troops and established a firm foothold in North Korea. Yuan Shikai tried his best to maintain the Qing Dynasty's "superior" status in North Korea by relying on his strength and diplomatic skills. All this was seen by Li Hongzhang, a powerful man in the Qing Dynasty. Li Hongzhang gave Yuan Shikai a sixteen-character comment: "Bloodly loyal, talented and intelligent, Maintain the overall situation and face difficulties alone." With such excellent work performance, if he is not promoted, who will be promoted?

North Korea Min's Stills

It was this special experience in North Korea that allowed Yuan Shikai to master two powerful weapons: the esoteric tactics of the East and the advanced ideas of the West. Become a talent that combines Chinese and Western skills.

Having said this, everyone has some understanding of what happened next. Yuan Shikai tasted the benefits of military training in Korea. The following years began with military training. With soldiers, he had capital, and with capital to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, the President of the Republic of China From then on it was practiced.

Reference "The Republic of China in the Deep History"