The Vietnamese President went on a long march to resist Le Duan and reject anti-China. In order to save the Vietnamese people from dire straits, he took the lead in learning from China's reform and opening up and sent people to China many times to learn and seek help.

Chairman of Vietnam Long March , boycotted Le Duan , and refused to oppose China. In order to save the Vietnamese people from dire straits, he took the lead in learning from China's reform and opening up, and sent people to China many times to learn and seek help.

So what kind of person is Long March? What heavy price did the anti-China policy during the Le Duan period bring to the Vietnamese people? Why did the Long March choose to insist on learning from China?

1. Vietnam’s reunification through twists and turns

Vietnam is a country that actually experienced quite a twists and turns. It became a colony of France in 1884. Later, during the Second World War, Japan took over from France to rule Vietnam.

After Japan surrendered in 1945, the Vietnamese people thought they were finally free, so they held the " August Revolution" and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam..

But what Vietnam did not expect was that France wanted to continue to rule Vietnam. In 1946, France directly began to send troops to invade Vietnam. This made the whole country in Vietnam very angry and helpless. The Vietnamese government was forced to move to the mountains to persist in the war of resistance, and was in an extremely difficult situation.

Later, there was a person who was relatively familiar to everyone. He led the Vietnamese people to start a counterattack, which also started Vietnam’s Anti-French War (also called the First Indochina War). This person was the veteran figure of Vietnam and the leader of the Vietnamese Democratic Party. President of the Republic Ho Chi Minh , Ho Chi Minh came to China to study revolution when he was young.

Ho Chi Minh

In 1950, Ho Chi Minh came to China to ask for help, hoping that China could help them fight against France. Chairman Mao and others said that although New China had just been established and faced many difficulties to be overcome, it would do its best to provide the Vietnamese people with what they needed in the war against France. Later, General Chen Geng also went to Vietnam to help them fight against the French.

In May 1954, with the help of China and the efforts of the Vietnamese people, the Vietnamese people achieved the great victory of Dien Bien Phu, thus laying the foundation for the victory of the Anti-French War and forcing the French government to sign the Geneva Agreement on October 20 of the same year, recognizing Vietnam's independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. At this point, the Vietnamese people have achieved complete victory in the anti-French war.

After the Vietnam Anti-French War ended, the civil war began again, which is also known as the Vietnam War, North Vietnam and South Vietnam fighting.

In 1955, the trouble-loving United States supported Diem as president in South Vietnam and prepared to establish a regime to control Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was in charge of North Vietnam and was a socialist camp . Behind it was the Soviet Union and China. Behind South Vietnam was the United States.

On September 2, 1969, North Vietnamese Chairman Ho Chi Minh passed away.

After Ho Chi Minh's death, Le Duan took his place and became North Vietnam's newest leader. After Le Duan came to power, he vigorously promoted some of his cronies and continued to lead North Vietnam to fight against South Vietnam, which had an American backing.

In 1975, the 20-year-old Vietnam War came to an end, and Vietnam was officially unified.

2. Le Duan attempts to dominate

Le Duan

A country has just been unified. Logically speaking, it should develop gradually. But at this time, the Le Duan authorities chose an hegemonic approach of . He wanted to dominate the entire Southeast Asia. Le Duan changed his predecessor Ho Chi Minh's pro-China policy, began to lean towards the Soviet Union, and provoked border disputes with our country.

In fact, in 1969, Le Duan was a little one-sided towards the Soviet Union. At that time, our relationship with the Soviet Union also reached a freezing point. On March 2, 1969, our army launched a self-defense counterattack on Zhenbao Island. There was also the United States against the Soviet Union. Therefore, the Soviet Union began to try its best to win over Vietnam, with the purpose of expanding to Southeast Asia and using Vietnam as its strategic base to dominate Asia. Therefore, after Vietnam became independent, Le Duan became pro-Soviet and anti-China long in advance.

After the unification of Vietnam in 1975, with the support of the Soviet Union, the Le Duan authorities on the one hand sent Vietnamese troops to wage war against Cambodia; on the other hand, they forgot the huge help China provided them and provoked one after another on the Sino-Vietnamese border. trouble.

In addition, the Le Duan authorities implemented high-pressure tax increases in Vietnam. The Vietnamese people at that time were really miserable, and some families even lived worse than before Vietnam was unified.

Le Duan's purpose of doing this is also very clear. He wanted to use the Soviet Union's strong military strength and economic assistance to realize the ambition of the "Indochina Federation". He thought it was a good deal with huge profits, but in the end he was too clever because He was just a puppet of the Soviet Union, and finally dragged Vietnam into the abyss step by step.

At the beginning, Le Duan boasted about Haikou, saying that the clothes worn by Vietnamese people should be as beautiful as those in developed countries, and various home appliances should be brought into the lives of ordinary people. However, the ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is not like this.

In fact, this was a good time for Vietnam to recuperate and develop its economy, but because of Le Duan's wrong decision, the country was once again involved in the war.

Just two years after the unification of Vietnam, Le Duan ordered the Vietnamese army to set out from the ruins of the city and invade Cambodia in Southeast Asia. As they provoked war in Southeast Asia, the economy of the already impoverished country further declined.

In addition, Le Duan's behavior also seriously damaged Vietnam's international reputation and put Vietnam into an isolated situation diplomatically. In addition, Le Duan blindly copied the Soviet model and concentrated on the development of heavy industry and infrastructure construction. The only funds available were invested in heavy industrial production, severely restricting agricultural development. A large amount of land was abandoned, food prices soared, inflation remained high, and people's living standards became increasingly low.

After the invasion of Cambodia, in just six years, Vietnam’s prices skyrocketed, with an average increase of 50% a year. This figure is very scary for economic construction; in terms of industry, it did not recover until Le Duan’s death. to the level before he started the war; in terms of food, since the war between Vietnam and Cambodia, the food in the crop fields has not increased, but has become worse year by year, and the total output continues to decline; in terms of finance, during Le Duan's rule in Vietnam, he owed With a debt of US$8 billion, the war completely emptied Vietnam's finances.

With such serious consequences, didn’t Le Duan realize that reforms were needed?

He also realized that the Le Duan Group had also thought about reform. In the last year of his life, Le Duan wanted to restore the chaotic economy, but he still sought medical treatment in a hurry, which eventually led to even more chaos in Vietnam, and the economy was in turmoil. On the verge of total collapse.

It can be said that Le Duan left a mess of internal and external difficulties to his successor.

On July 10, 1986, Li Duan died due to illness and rescue efforts failed.

After the common people in Vietnam learned the news of Le Duan's death, most of them behaved very indifferently. This also directly reflects the pain caused to the Vietnamese people during the Le Duan period. A reporter based in Hanoi at that time once lamented: "The common people today no longer have the same sadness as when Ho Chi Minh died."

Le Duan After his death, Vietnam began to elect its next leader. At this time, the people of Vietnam no longer wanted to hear about the so-called grand ambitions. They just wanted to live a stable and peaceful life, with enough food and clothing, no hunger, and no poverty. .

This time, when Vietnam was electing a new leader, the country's system was reformed. The general secretary was appointed in the north, the prime minister was appointed in the south, and the speaker was appointed in the middle.

In the end, Long March became the new chairman of Vietnam.

3. The Long March of "Learning to Save Vietnam"

Long March

Regarding the Long March, I need to give you a brief introduction. The original name of the Long March was Deng Chun District . He was born on February 9, 1907 in an intellectual family in northern Vietnam. Here, Deng Chunqu was ambitious in his youth and actively devoted himself to the revolutionary cause.

When he was a teenager in Dang Xuan District, he joined the Vietnamese Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association founded by Ho Chi Minh, and then successfully joined the Communist Party of Indochina. When he was young in Dang Xuan District, he fought against the French colonists, and Set a lofty ambition in your heart to save Vietnam.

Later, Dengchun District was renamed Changzheng, so why did he change his name?

This is because Deng Chunqu regards China as his teacher. Deng Chunqu has a good relationship with Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others, and Deng Chunqu admires the Red Army the Twenty-five Thousand Mile Long March in his heart, so Well, he directly changed his name to Long March.

In 1986, after Vietnam's anti-China Le Duan passed away, the pro-China Long March officially came to power. After the Long March came to power, compared with Vietnam's bleak domestic economy and international isolation, its neighbor China was prosperous.

In 1978, under the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, our country implemented the reform and opening up strategy. This great move put our country on the road to economic development.

The Long March found that both China and Vietnam are socialist countries , and their comprehensive national strength is very limited. This convinced the Long March that as long as China is used as a teacher and China's experience of reform and opening up is learned, Vietnam can also get better and better.

However, the relationship between China and Vietnam was very bad at that time. How to improve the relationship with China? Then we must restore Ho Chi Minh's pro-China line and repair the broken relationship with China. Although we cannot return to the Ho Chi Minh period, we must at least stop the current war.

Therefore, the Long March first dismissed several powerful officials of the Le Duan Group and removed some obstacles in Sino-Vietnamese relations.

Immediately afterwards, the Long March took a fancy to a general. He took a fancy to Ruan Wenling who was in prison. He knew that Ruan Wenling was very capable and strong, and Ruan Wenling was also a pro-China faction. If he could get Ruan Wenling's help, it would be very helpful for the restoration. China-Vietnam relations must be helpful.

Nguyen Van Linh is indeed a figure. During the Vietnam War, as the leader of the Southern Vietnam Bureau, Nguyen Van Linh secretly visited China many times. Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou also had a good impression of Nguyen Van Linh.

Nguyen Van Linh is one of the giants in Vietnamese politics. He believes that invading Cambodia is wrong. His views are naturally attacked by Le Duan. Later, Nguyen Van Linh was defeated by Le Duan and was imprisoned in prison.

Long March came to the prison and asked Nguyen Van Ling unabashedly: "Do you have the confidence to work with me to transform this country?" Nguyen Van Ling is naturally willing to be released from prison to rebuild his country and end the war that has lasted for decades.

This marked a turning point in China-Vietnam relations.

With the support of fellow pro-China faction Nguyen Van Linh, Long March was finally able to carry out reforms boldly. He sent people to China many times to "learn from experience" and learn from the advanced experience of reform and opening up. He also conducted a lot of research based on the actual situation in Vietnam. Adjustment, and finally, at their Vietnam Communist Party Sixth National Congress, the basic national policy of "reform and opening up" was determined.

In the eyes of the Long March, China's path of crossing the river by feeling the stones provided a reference for Vietnam. He himself also had special feelings for China and expressed his respect for China in his poems many times. Since the Long March wanted to follow China's path across the river, it would naturally imitate our country's reform and opening up route, so it drew on Comrade Deng Xiaoping's "designer plan" to pave the way for Vietnam's reform and opening up.

After learning from China's experience, Changzheng proposed that Vietnam should strengthen intra-party democracy politically, fight corruption and promote integrity, and implement a differential electoral system.

Economically, we have implemented opening up to the outside world, promulgated the "Foreign Investment Law", introduced foreign capital and technology; allowed multiple economic sectors to coexist, reformed state-owned enterprises, and gradually made enterprises responsible for their own profits and losses so as to better integrate into the market economy ; in rural areas Establish production cooperatives, guarantee output to each household, allow free trade in surplus grain, and mobilize farmers' enthusiasm for production. In terms of foreign relations,

changed from one-sided to the Soviet Union to independent, and proposed "to become friends with all countries." On the one hand, it actively resolved the issue of troop withdrawal from Cambodia, and on the other hand, it began to improve relations with China.

In 1990, Nguyen Van Linh eliminated the interference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, passed the news through the ambassador to Vietnam, and came to China for a meeting, which took an important step towards the normalization of relations between our two countries.

Why should we learn from China in every aspect of the Long March? There are three reasons:

First, China’s charm and successful experience attracted him. We are all in the socialist camp. The CCP was able to survive the encirclement and suppression by the reactionaries and the invasion of the enemy, and it is becoming more and more popular. Well, this is enough to prove the greatness of the Chinese Communist Party.

It was this kind of success that deeply attracted Long March, and he also wanted Vietnam to follow China's path. Therefore, Long March believes that as long as it takes China as its teacher and makes some changes based on its own reality, it will surely develop better and better like China.

Second, the situation of China and Vietnam is very similar. In the 1960s and 1970s, China experienced a movement and its economy never developed. This was also the case in Vietnam during Le Duan's administration. Successive wars made it difficult for Vietnam's economy to develop.

However, after China implemented reform and opening up, it took only a few years to achieve economic development and change the face of poverty and backwardness. Therefore, China has provided Vietnam with ready-made experience, and Vietnam only needs to imitate China's path. Moreover, Long March himself has a special attachment to China. Chinese culture can be seen everywhere in Vietnam, so Long March has always admired China.

Third, Long March has far-sightedness and unique insights. The Long March saw very early on that it was not feasible for Le Duan and others to join the Soviet Union. At that time, the Soviet Union was blindly pursuing the position of world hegemony. In their eyes, those small countries were simply chess pieces that could be discarded at any time. Therefore, the Soviet Union was very important to Vietnam. It's unreliable.

China has always adhered to the diplomatic concepts of peaceful development and friendliness to its neighbors, and has never bullied its neighbors wantonly. At the same time, China has a vast territory and rich resources, and borders Vietnam. The exchanges between the two countries are very convenient. For the Long March, China is a trustworthy and resource-rich country, far more reliable than the Soviet Union.

In fact, during the Long March's reform and opening up process, he also encountered a lot of resistance and pressure. In anger, he would even slam the table and say: "Whoever doesn't reform will step down!" In addition to harsh words, Long March also In an unexpected move, he admitted his mistake. He reviewed the situation to the whole country at the conference and regretted his original reckless behavior.

Although this was not the fault of the Long March, but the bane left by Le Duan's group, in order to regain the trust of the people and the recognition of his colleagues, he had no choice but to clean up Le Duan's "mess" by himself.

The Long March’s reform and opening up measures have achieved very good results. The people at the bottom of Vietnam saw the hope of improving the economy in the Long March, and Vietnamese government officials who supported the reform also saw the future of the country.

In fact, at this time, Long March, who was full of energy to carry out reforms, was already an old man who was nearly eighty years old. Although Chang Zheng had great ambitions, he also knew that his age and energy could no longer bear the high-intensity work, so he considered his successor in advance at the conference and prepared to give up the throne, and Nguyen Van Ling finally took over. Although

Long March's term in Vietnam was not long, only more than half a year, the reform transition period of more than half a year was a very important turning point for Vietnam, which laid a good foundation for future economic development, political development and international relations. foundation, and the next successor is well chosen. Nguyen Van Linh is a typical pro-China faction, and he also admires China.

In general, Long March is an excellent "captain". He grasped the national conditions of his country, learned from the excellent experience of other countries, turned things around in the storm, and found an excellent successor with a keen eye to lead the Vietnamese people. Toward a bright future. The full text of

is complete. I hope you can like, comment, and forward to support my creation. Thank you very much!


[1]. Long March ( Vietnam ) [J]. Translation of Nanyang Materials, 2003(03):83.

[2] Yang Xuechun. Vietnam: The Long March Takes Over the Mess [J]. World Knowledge, 1986 (16):7-8.

[3] Su You, Chen Guiguang. Long March - General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Vietnam [J]. World Knowledge, 1953(13):33-34.

[4]. Internet Encyclopedia

In addition, the Le Duan authorities implemented high-pressure tax increases in Vietnam. The Vietnamese people at that time were really miserable, and some families even lived worse than before Vietnam was unified.

Le Duan's purpose of doing this is also very clear. He wanted to use the Soviet Union's strong military strength and economic assistance to realize the ambition of the "Indochina Federation". He thought it was a good deal with huge profits, but in the end he was too clever because He was just a puppet of the Soviet Union, and finally dragged Vietnam into the abyss step by step.

At the beginning, Le Duan boasted about Haikou, saying that the clothes worn by Vietnamese people should be as beautiful as those in developed countries, and various home appliances should be brought into the lives of ordinary people. However, the ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is not like this.

In fact, this was a good time for Vietnam to recuperate and develop its economy, but because of Le Duan's wrong decision, the country was once again involved in the war.

Just two years after the unification of Vietnam, Le Duan ordered the Vietnamese army to set out from the ruins of the city and invade Cambodia in Southeast Asia. As they provoked war in Southeast Asia, the economy of the already impoverished country further declined.

In addition, Le Duan's behavior also seriously damaged Vietnam's international reputation and put Vietnam into an isolated situation diplomatically. In addition, Le Duan blindly copied the Soviet model and concentrated on the development of heavy industry and infrastructure construction. The only funds available were invested in heavy industrial production, severely restricting agricultural development. A large amount of land was abandoned, food prices soared, inflation remained high, and people's living standards became increasingly low.

After the invasion of Cambodia, in just six years, Vietnam’s prices skyrocketed, with an average increase of 50% a year. This figure is very scary for economic construction; in terms of industry, it did not recover until Le Duan’s death. to the level before he started the war; in terms of food, since the war between Vietnam and Cambodia, the food in the crop fields has not increased, but has become worse year by year, and the total output continues to decline; in terms of finance, during Le Duan's rule in Vietnam, he owed With a debt of US$8 billion, the war completely emptied Vietnam's finances.

With such serious consequences, didn’t Le Duan realize that reforms were needed?

He also realized that the Le Duan Group had also thought about reform. In the last year of his life, Le Duan wanted to restore the chaotic economy, but he still sought medical treatment in a hurry, which eventually led to even more chaos in Vietnam, and the economy was in turmoil. On the verge of total collapse.

It can be said that Le Duan left a mess of internal and external difficulties to his successor.

On July 10, 1986, Li Duan died due to illness and rescue efforts failed.

After the common people in Vietnam learned the news of Le Duan's death, most of them behaved very indifferently. This also directly reflects the pain caused to the Vietnamese people during the Le Duan period. A reporter based in Hanoi at that time once lamented: "The common people today no longer have the same sadness as when Ho Chi Minh died."

Le Duan After his death, Vietnam began to elect its next leader. At this time, the people of Vietnam no longer wanted to hear about the so-called grand ambitions. They just wanted to live a stable and peaceful life, with enough food and clothing, no hunger, and no poverty. .

This time, when Vietnam was electing a new leader, the country's system was reformed. The general secretary was appointed in the north, the prime minister was appointed in the south, and the speaker was appointed in the middle.

In the end, Long March became the new chairman of Vietnam.

3. The Long March of "Learning to Save Vietnam"

Long March

Regarding the Long March, I need to give you a brief introduction. The original name of the Long March was Deng Chun District . He was born on February 9, 1907 in an intellectual family in northern Vietnam. Here, Deng Chunqu was ambitious in his youth and actively devoted himself to the revolutionary cause.

When he was a teenager in Dang Xuan District, he joined the Vietnamese Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association founded by Ho Chi Minh, and then successfully joined the Communist Party of Indochina. When he was young in Dang Xuan District, he fought against the French colonists, and Set a lofty ambition in your heart to save Vietnam.

Later, Dengchun District was renamed Changzheng, so why did he change his name?

This is because Deng Chunqu regards China as his teacher. Deng Chunqu has a good relationship with Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others, and Deng Chunqu admires the Red Army the Twenty-five Thousand Mile Long March in his heart, so Well, he directly changed his name to Long March.

In 1986, after Vietnam's anti-China Le Duan passed away, the pro-China Long March officially came to power. After the Long March came to power, compared with Vietnam's bleak domestic economy and international isolation, its neighbor China was prosperous.

In 1978, under the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, our country implemented the reform and opening up strategy. This great move put our country on the road to economic development.

The Long March found that both China and Vietnam are socialist countries , and their comprehensive national strength is very limited. This convinced the Long March that as long as China is used as a teacher and China's experience of reform and opening up is learned, Vietnam can also get better and better.

However, the relationship between China and Vietnam was very bad at that time. How to improve the relationship with China? Then we must restore Ho Chi Minh's pro-China line and repair the broken relationship with China. Although we cannot return to the Ho Chi Minh period, we must at least stop the current war.

Therefore, the Long March first dismissed several powerful officials of the Le Duan Group and removed some obstacles in Sino-Vietnamese relations.

Immediately afterwards, the Long March took a fancy to a general. He took a fancy to Ruan Wenling who was in prison. He knew that Ruan Wenling was very capable and strong, and Ruan Wenling was also a pro-China faction. If he could get Ruan Wenling's help, it would be very helpful for the restoration. China-Vietnam relations must be helpful.

Nguyen Van Linh is indeed a figure. During the Vietnam War, as the leader of the Southern Vietnam Bureau, Nguyen Van Linh secretly visited China many times. Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou also had a good impression of Nguyen Van Linh.

Nguyen Van Linh is one of the giants in Vietnamese politics. He believes that invading Cambodia is wrong. His views are naturally attacked by Le Duan. Later, Nguyen Van Linh was defeated by Le Duan and was imprisoned in prison.

Long March came to the prison and asked Nguyen Van Ling unabashedly: "Do you have the confidence to work with me to transform this country?" Nguyen Van Ling is naturally willing to be released from prison to rebuild his country and end the war that has lasted for decades.

This marked a turning point in China-Vietnam relations.

With the support of fellow pro-China faction Nguyen Van Linh, Long March was finally able to carry out reforms boldly. He sent people to China many times to "learn from experience" and learn from the advanced experience of reform and opening up. He also conducted a lot of research based on the actual situation in Vietnam. Adjustment, and finally, at their Vietnam Communist Party Sixth National Congress, the basic national policy of "reform and opening up" was determined.

In the eyes of the Long March, China's path of crossing the river by feeling the stones provided a reference for Vietnam. He himself also had special feelings for China and expressed his respect for China in his poems many times. Since the Long March wanted to follow China's path across the river, it would naturally imitate our country's reform and opening up route, so it drew on Comrade Deng Xiaoping's "designer plan" to pave the way for Vietnam's reform and opening up.

After learning from China's experience, Changzheng proposed that Vietnam should strengthen intra-party democracy politically, fight corruption and promote integrity, and implement a differential electoral system.

Economically, we have implemented opening up to the outside world, promulgated the "Foreign Investment Law", introduced foreign capital and technology; allowed multiple economic sectors to coexist, reformed state-owned enterprises, and gradually made enterprises responsible for their own profits and losses so as to better integrate into the market economy ; in rural areas Establish production cooperatives, guarantee output to each household, allow free trade in surplus grain, and mobilize farmers' enthusiasm for production. In terms of foreign relations,

changed from one-sided to the Soviet Union to independent, and proposed "to become friends with all countries." On the one hand, it actively resolved the issue of troop withdrawal from Cambodia, and on the other hand, it began to improve relations with China.

In 1990, Nguyen Van Linh eliminated the interference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, passed the news through the ambassador to Vietnam, and came to China for a meeting, which took an important step towards the normalization of relations between our two countries.

Why should we learn from China in every aspect of the Long March? There are three reasons:

First, China’s charm and successful experience attracted him. We are all in the socialist camp. The CCP was able to survive the encirclement and suppression by the reactionaries and the invasion of the enemy, and it is becoming more and more popular. Well, this is enough to prove the greatness of the Chinese Communist Party.

It was this kind of success that deeply attracted Long March, and he also wanted Vietnam to follow China's path. Therefore, Long March believes that as long as it takes China as its teacher and makes some changes based on its own reality, it will surely develop better and better like China.

Second, the situation of China and Vietnam is very similar. In the 1960s and 1970s, China experienced a movement and its economy never developed. This was also the case in Vietnam during Le Duan's administration. Successive wars made it difficult for Vietnam's economy to develop.

However, after China implemented reform and opening up, it took only a few years to achieve economic development and change the face of poverty and backwardness. Therefore, China has provided Vietnam with ready-made experience, and Vietnam only needs to imitate China's path. Moreover, Long March himself has a special attachment to China. Chinese culture can be seen everywhere in Vietnam, so Long March has always admired China.

Third, Long March has far-sightedness and unique insights. The Long March saw very early on that it was not feasible for Le Duan and others to join the Soviet Union. At that time, the Soviet Union was blindly pursuing the position of world hegemony. In their eyes, those small countries were simply chess pieces that could be discarded at any time. Therefore, the Soviet Union was very important to Vietnam. It's unreliable.

China has always adhered to the diplomatic concepts of peaceful development and friendliness to its neighbors, and has never bullied its neighbors wantonly. At the same time, China has a vast territory and rich resources, and borders Vietnam. The exchanges between the two countries are very convenient. For the Long March, China is a trustworthy and resource-rich country, far more reliable than the Soviet Union.

In fact, during the Long March's reform and opening up process, he also encountered a lot of resistance and pressure. In anger, he would even slam the table and say: "Whoever doesn't reform will step down!" In addition to harsh words, Long March also In an unexpected move, he admitted his mistake. He reviewed the situation to the whole country at the conference and regretted his original reckless behavior.

Although this was not the fault of the Long March, but the bane left by Le Duan's group, in order to regain the trust of the people and the recognition of his colleagues, he had no choice but to clean up Le Duan's "mess" by himself.

The Long March’s reform and opening up measures have achieved very good results. The people at the bottom of Vietnam saw the hope of improving the economy in the Long March, and Vietnamese government officials who supported the reform also saw the future of the country.

In fact, at this time, Long March, who was full of energy to carry out reforms, was already an old man who was nearly eighty years old. Although Chang Zheng had great ambitions, he also knew that his age and energy could no longer bear the high-intensity work, so he considered his successor in advance at the conference and prepared to give up the throne, and Nguyen Van Ling finally took over. Although

Long March's term in Vietnam was not long, only more than half a year, the reform transition period of more than half a year was a very important turning point for Vietnam, which laid a good foundation for future economic development, political development and international relations. foundation, and the next successor is well chosen. Nguyen Van Linh is a typical pro-China faction, and he also admires China.

In general, Long March is an excellent "captain". He grasped the national conditions of his country, learned from the excellent experience of other countries, turned things around in the storm, and found an excellent successor with a keen eye to lead the Vietnamese people. Toward a bright future. The full text of

is complete. I hope you can like, comment, and forward to support my creation. Thank you very much!


[1]. Long March ( Vietnam ) [J]. Translation of Nanyang Materials, 2003(03):83.

[2] Yang Xuechun. Vietnam: The Long March Takes Over the Mess [J]. World Knowledge, 1986 (16):7-8.

[3] Su You, Chen Guiguang. Long March - General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Vietnam [J]. World Knowledge, 1953(13):33-34.

[4]. Internet Encyclopedia