Chen Yun was already 80 years old at the time. After considering his physical condition, he felt it was necessary to call Comrade Xiao Hua's widow Wang Xinlan. After the call was connected, Chen Yun said in a low tone: "Comrade Wang Xinlan, We are all saddened by Xiao Hua's death

Picture丨Xiao Hua


On August 12, 1985, General Xiao Hua died of illness.

After learning the news of Xiao Hua's death, Chen Yun felt very sad. He recalled the scenes of getting along with Xiao Hua during the revolutionary years...

Chen Yun was already 80 years old at the time. He was considering his own future. After checking his physical condition, he felt it was necessary to call Comrade Xiao Hua's widow Wang Xinlan. After the call was connected, Chen Yun said in a low tone: "Comrade Wang Xinlan, we are all very sad about Xiao Hua's death. You must pay attention to your health. ."

Later, Chen Yun told Wang Xinlan about his intention to attend Xiao Hua's memorial service. Wang Xinlan thanked him very much, but advised him not to go because of Chen Yun's age. However, Chen Yun rejected her kindness and said instead: "Xiao Hua is a good comrade, and I have to crawl as hard as I can."

Chairman Mao: You are the very capable Xiao Hua

Comrade Xiao Hua has many positions in the party He has a very good reputation. Not only does Chen Yun value him very much, but Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Boss Zhu and others all have great trust in this young man!

In mid-April 1929, the third column of the Fourth Red Army led by Chairman Mao arrived at HT6 City, Xingguo County, HT5.

The people in Xingguo County were very happy after hearing the news. They always believed in their hearts: The Red Army is an army of poor people and an army that makes decisions for the poor!

For this reason, the people rushed to tell each other and took to the streets together to welcome the arrival of the Red Army. Xiao Hua was also happily sandwiched in the crowd, carrying various condolences to the Red Army station.

Picture丨Chairman Mao

In rejuvenate the country, Xiao Hua met Chairman Mao, the founder of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army for the first time!

After Chairman Mao came to Xingguo, people flocked to Chairman Mao's residence to see what he looked like. Under such circumstances, the local county party committee leaders sought Chairman Mao's consent and announced to everyone that a mass meeting would be held tomorrow for Chairman Mao to meet and chat with everyone.

Early the next morning, more than 5,000 people crowded under the makeshift rostrum. When Chairman Mao and the cadres of the Red 3rd Column arrived, the audience burst into warm applause. Xiao Hua came early. He occupied a front-row seat and could clearly see Chairman Mao's speech.

Xiao Hua is no stranger to Chairman Mao. He has heard stories about Chairman Mao from many revolutionary comrades. However, this was Xiao Hua's first real meeting with Chairman Mao. He listened carefully to Chairman Mao's speech and firmly remembered Chairman Mao's words:

Each of us Communist Party members must chant this at any time and at any time. 'Winning over the masses' is the Communist Party's magic weapon to protect itself and the fundamental magic weapon for the Communist Party to remain invincible. Throw away this magic weapon, the revolution will fail, and the Communist Party will accomplish nothing...

Picture丨Chairman Mao

In the days that followed, Chairman Mao personally drafted the "Agrarian Law for Rejuvenating the Country". In order to organizationally cultivate a group of backbones for the agrarian revolution, correct To implement the Agrarian Law, Chairman Mao held a training class for Agrarian Revolutionary Cadres with more than 40 participants. Xiao Hua, who was only 13 years old, was the youngest student in this training class. The

training class was opened at Chairman Mao's residence. Each trainee participating in the training was given a pass printed with a red cloth strip. They brought their own document bags, lunch bags, lanterns and straw sandals. They lived in a nearby small building and everyone slept there. Thatched bunk. Paper was scarce at that time, so Xiao Hua and other students found some red and green paper and form paper from the waste paper dumped by the Kuomintang county party headquarters, and turned it over to print the handouts.

Most of the textbooks they studied were written by Chairman Mao himself. This study left a deep memory for Xiao Hua.

Every morning, Chairman Mao would take the students for a walk in the woods, morning reading, etc. Chairman Mao and the third column commander Wu Zhonghao and political commissar Cai Xiemin attended the class in person. Every time he attended class, Chairman Mao's speeches deeply attracted Xiao Hua. Decades later, Xiao Hua still clearly remembered some details of Chairman Mao's lectures.

Picture丨Xiao Hua

In this training class hosted by Chairman Mao himself, Xiao Hua's class consciousness and revolutionary consciousness were further sublimated. Later, due to changes in the war, Chairman Mao led the Fourth Red Army to march into western Fujian.

When Chairman Mao left Xingguo, Chairman Mao deliberately left two Red Army cadres to continue working in Xingguo. Because of his outstanding performance, after a period of testing, Xiao Hua was appointed Secretary of the Youth League County Committee in December 1929.

After Xiao Hua took over as Secretary of the Youth League County Committee, he continued to take on the work of establishing Youth League organizations throughout the county. In the days when the Youth League organization was being established, Xiao Hua had to visit districts and villages almost every day, going from village to house to mobilize young people to join the Youth League organization. It was working on the front line that gave Xiao Hua more training. Of course, he has not forgotten Chairman Mao's education and has always adhered to the belief of serving the people.

After the establishment of the Chinese Communist Youth League organization in Xingguo County, it not only made the Chinese youth work work prosperous, but also did a lot of work in cooperation with the armed struggle. It was with the cooperation and support of the people of Xingguo that the guerrillas and the Red Guards finally defeated the White Army and the Jingwei regiment stationed in Xingguo. After the test of the storm, the revolutionary regime of Xingguo was further consolidated.

Picture丨Xiao Hua

And Xiao Hua showed his outstanding talents in the position of secretary of the county Youth League Committee, and his name was also well known by Chairman Mao and others!

In mid-March 1930, Chairman Mao led the Fourth Red Army to Xingguo for the second time, still living in the place where he lived last time. After Chairman Mao arrived in Xingguo, he presided over a meeting. Leaders of the local county committee, county revolutionary committee and other units attended the meeting. At this meeting, Chairman Mao explained to everyone the current situation of revolutionary development and the next steps.

Shortly after the meeting, Chairman Mao's bodyguard came to Xiao Hua and said, "Are you Comrade Xiao Hua? Chairman Mao wants to see you for something?"

After hearing the words of the bodyguard, Xiao Hua felt a little excited. For this reason, he asked: "What does the Chairman want from me?"

The guard replied: "I don't know. You will know when you meet Chairman Mao."

In this way, Xiao Hua followed the guard Let’s go to Chairman Mao’s residence together. On the way there, Xiao Hua was deeply revered in his heart. Although Xiao Hua had met Chairman Mao when he first came to Xingguo and was a student in the training class he ran, this was the first time the two had talked.

Picture丨Chairman Mao

After Chairman Mao saw Xiao Hua, he quickly stood up from his mount, walked forward with a smile and said: "Are you the very capable Xiao Hua?"

After listening to Chairman Mao's words, Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed.

After seeing Xiao Hua's reaction, Chairman Mao sat him down, and the two chatted about home affairs. After seeing that the atmosphere relaxed, Chairman Mao asked Xiao Hua: "I came to you today mainly because I want to know about the work of the Xingguo Communist Youth League."

When he first answered the question, Xiao Hua was still a little reserved, but As he talked with Chairman Mao, Xiao Hua slowly relaxed and answered Chairman Mao's questions fluently. Chairman Mao was very satisfied with Xiao Hua's answer. He nodded while listening and encouraged him to continue speaking.

After Xiao Hua finished telling what he knew, Chairman Mao nodded repeatedly and said yes. After the conversation, Chairman Mao specially stayed with Xiao Hua to have lunch together. After the previous conversation, the whole atmosphere was very pleasant.

Picture丨Xiao Hua’s old photo

This private conversation between Chairman Mao and Xiao Hua had a great impact on Xiao Hua. There was a revolutionary friendship between them similar to that of teachers and students, which began one day in March 1930. It began, and this feeling lasted throughout Xiao Hua's life!

Chen Yun became Xiao Hua's direct leader

After Xiao Hua experienced the Red Army period and the Anti-Japanese War, he gradually grew into a capable general in the People's Liberation Army. During the War of Liberation, Xiao Hua and Chen Yun established a profound revolutionary friendship.

On September 12, 1945, Xiao Hua, who was at the frontline headquarters, suddenly received a telegram from Luo Ronghuan to "return to the military area quickly".

The counterattack has reached the final stage. At such an important juncture, the frontline commander was ordered to return to the military area. Xiao Hua immediately realized the urgency of the matter. After Xiao Hua explained clearly the work at hand, he immediately drove back to the military area. After returning to the military area, Xiao Hua went to see Luo Ronghuan without having time to rest.

At this time, Luo Ronghuan could only lie down all day because of illness. After seeing Xiao Hua, Luo Ronghuan was very happy. For this reason, he held Xiao Hua's hand tightly and said, "You have worked hard all the way. I am looking forward to you!"

Picture丨Xiao Hua and Luo Ronghuan

Xiao Hua After asking about Luo Ronghuan's condition, he briefly reported the situation on the counterattack front, and then asked urgently: "Is there something urgent about the organization asking me to come back?"

Luo Ronghuan said with a smile : "If there is no emergency, how dare you When the two armies are fighting, what about bringing the commander back?" After finishing speaking, Luo Ronghuan handed the two telegrams to Xiao Hua and waited for his opinion.

It turns out that in these two telegrams, the Party Central Committee was preparing to mobilize elite troops and generals to enter the three northeastern provinces of : : The central government decided to mobilize four divisions and 12 regiments from Shandong, totaling 25,000 people, to disperse and move into the Northeast via sea routes, and sent Xiao Hua there. Unified command.

After reading the telegram, Xiao Hua felt a heavy responsibility. He looked at Luo Ronghuan with pensive eyes. "The central point is that I urge you to come back because of this matter." Luo Ronghuan said.

Xiao Hua thought for a while after hearing this, and then said to Luo Ronghuan: "It's time to say goodbye. Please give us some instructions about the situation in the Northeast."

Picture | Luo Ronghuan

Luo Ronghuan thought for a while and said to him:

You When leading a team to the Northeast, under the leadership of the Northeast Bureau, we must first control rural areas and small and medium-sized cities, stabilize social order, and establish base areas. When you go there, there is a world of two people, the situation is complicated, the people do not understand us, and the difficulties will certainly not be less. You must be mentally prepared for a long-term struggle, and even prepare for guerrilla warfare, and you must have the determination to speak out independently...

Xiao Hua is here After listening to Luo Ronghuan's words, he nodded. In this way, Xiao Hua embarked on a journey to the Northeast!

After arriving in the Northeast, Xiao Hua and his party went to the Northeast Bureau according to the location explained by Luo Ronghuan.

Northeast Bureau Secretary Peng Zhen, Chen Yun, Ye Jizhuang and other leading comrades were very happy after seeing Xiao Hua. Chen Yun, Ye Jizhuang and Xiao Hua are all very familiar with each other, and they often meet each other when they are in Jiangxi Soviet District and on the Long March road. During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, we were on opposite sides of the world. The old leaders and old comrades reunited after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, which was particularly cordial.

Picture丨Peng Zhen

Peng Zhen and Xiao Hua met for the first time. He held Xiao Hua's hand and joked affectionately: "Oh, you are Xiao Hua, you 'baby commander' I have admired for a long time!" "

Xiao Hua said: "I am reporting to you."

Xiao Hua reported in detail to Peng Zhen and Chen Yun the situation in Shandong after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Shandong troops' dispatch of troops to the Northeast. By the time they finished chatting, it was already getting late. Peng Zhen and Chen Yun learned that the people brought by Xiao Hua were still waiting outside, so they quickly sent someone to arrange a place for them to stay so that Xiao Hua could have a good rest.

Not long after, Peng Zhen and Chen Yun met Xiao Hua again and had a cordial conversation. During this meeting, they made arrangements for Xiao Hua's work:

In order to unify the command of the troops transferred east of the South Manchuria Railway , the Northeast Bureau decided to establish the East Manchurian People's Self-Defense Force and establish the East Manchuria Provisional Command. Xiao Hua serves as the commander and political commissar, leading the work in this region on behalf of the Northeast Bureau.

Picture丨Chen Yun

I have to say that Xiao Hua has a strong working ability. After arriving at the workplace, he quickly made results. However, due to changes in the situation later, in order to strengthen the unified leadership of the struggle in South Manchuria, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Northeast Bureau decided to send Chen Yun, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, deputy secretary of the Northeast Bureau, deputy political commissar of the Northeastern Democratic Alliance , and alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Democratic Xiao Jinguang, deputy commander of the coalition forces, went to work in southern Manchuria.

After the arrival of Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang, the Northeast Bureau decided and approved by the Central Committee to establish the South Manchuria Branch of the Communist Party of China. Chen Yun served as branch secretary and political commissar of the Liaodong Military Region; Xiao Jinguang served as deputy secretary of the branch and commander of the Liaodong Military Region; Xiao Hua served as deputy secretary of the branch and commander of the Liaodong Military Region. Deputy Commander and Deputy Political Commissar of the Military Region; Cheng Shicai serves as Deputy Commander.

In this way, Chen Yun can become Xiao Hua's direct leader.

Xiao Hua was very excited when he learned that Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang were coming to work in Nanman. After Chen Yun and his party arrived at Linjiang , Xiao Hua immediately reported to Chen Yun the current situation in southern Manchuria.

Picture | From left, Xiao Hua, Luo Ronghuan, Xiao Jinguang

As the first deputy of Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang, Xiao Hua assisted Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang in convening the first meeting of the military and local responsible comrades in the South Manchuria area shortly after their arrival, officially establishing Established the South Manchuria Branch to unify and lead the party, government and military work in South Manchuria.

At the meeting, Chen Yun conveyed the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau on the work in South Manchuria, affirmed the work achievements of the Liaodong Provincial Committee and the Liaodong Military Region in the past year, and also pointed out existing problems. Regarding the debate among leading cadres about whether they could persist in Southern Manchuria, Chen Yun did not draw an immediate conclusion, but asked everyone to unite as one, no matter who came first or who arrived last. After the meeting, Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang went to the army separately to conduct investigation and research.

During this stage, Xiao Hua also assisted Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang in re-adjusting the military region's leadership organs. In the years that followed, Chen Yun recognized Xiao Hua's ability and praised Xiao Hua many times.

At that time, Xiao Hua actively assisted Chen Yun in the advancement of various tasks. Xiao Hua continued to go deep into various units to guide wartime political work , carry out meritorious campaigns, implement prisoner policies, help solve logistics supplies, and carry out mass work.

Picture丨Chen Yun

One time, Chen Yun said to Xiao Hua's wife, Wang Xinlan: "That Xiao Hua of yours, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my eyes and ears are no longer working. Commander Xiao Jinguang also needs him, and half of his chops are given to him." He gave me half and gave half to Commander Xiao. "

In fact, from Chen Yun's words, it is not difficult to see that he recognizes Xiao Hua's ability! In the following war years, Chen Yun and Xiao Hua forged a deep revolutionary friendship. They fought side by side and moved forward hand in hand in the battlefield of Northeast China!

Chen Yun learned that Xiao Hua died of illness

After the founding of New China, although Chen Yun and Xiao Hua did not work in the same unit system, the friendship between them did not dissipate, but became deeper and deeper.

The two of them would sometimes meet and chat in their free time, talking about the difficulties they encountered at work, or interesting things that happened during the war years, etc. Whenever they recall the past, Chen Yun and Xiao Hua will be filled with emotion. They will think of the days when they fought side by side and their sacrificed comrades...

In April 1985, Xiao Hua was admitted to the hospital due to physical reasons. For every comrade and subordinate who came to visit him, Xiao Hua told them about his condition with an optimistic attitude, hoping that they would not worry about him.

Picture丨Chen Yun

After Chen Yun learned that Xiao Hua was hospitalized, he also went to visit him and asked him to recover well and not to think too much. However, at 8:15 a.m. on August 12, 1985, General Xiao Hua's heart stopped beating. The passing Xiao Hua looked peaceful and calm. He finally completed his life journey at the age of 69.

After Chen Yun learned the news of Xiao Hua's death, he felt very sad. For this reason, he took the initiative to call Comrade Xiao Hua's widow Wang Xinlan and stated that he wanted to attend Comrade Xiao Hua's memorial service: "Xiao Hua is "A good comrade, I will keep climbing."

This shows how deep the friendship between Chen Yun and Xiao Hua is, and how uncomfortable Chen Yun is about Xiao Hua's death.