Since ancient times, China and Japan have shared the same spirit, the wind and the moon, the same sky. If they are in harmony, they will create a good story together, but if they fight, they will become scorched earth. Today, the four "evils and monsters" do not understand the na

Since ancient times, China and Japan have been in the same breath, and the wind and the moon are in the same sky. If they are in harmony, they will create a good story together, but if they fight, they will become scorched earth. Today, the four "monsters" (the United States, Japan, India, and Australia) do not understand the time of the day and go against the times. They are like clowns and show their ugly appearance. If the Japanese help the evil tyrants, they will surely be in trouble diplomatically and lose the support of the people at home.

Since ancient times, "stones and eggs cannot be defeated, dragons and snakes cannot fight", we are no longer a decadent Manchu . Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, we were poor and white, fighting internally and externally, and we could not win with all the strength of the country. Today

is among the five permanent members. One word can determine ten thousand words, and this is the ultimate victory. In

, ruling the country by law, following the example and following the example, and uniting as one, this is the victory of literature.

China's sea embraces all rivers, multiple ethnic groups coexist harmoniously, and a wide area communicates what they need. This is victory. In

, science strengthens the army, nuclear weapons strengthen the army, and the will is firm. This is the victory of force. In

, work hard to conquer the enemy without fighting. This is to win.

Don't think about past grudges and do good to your neighbors. This is how you can win. In

, self-interest does not forget to help others, and does not seek anything in return. This is virtue. In

, seeking common ground while reserving differences and respecting each other's cultural systems is a righteous victory. In

, those who are good at reading history are wise, and their civilization is undefeated. This is the victory of wisdom. In

, we insist on peaceful development and seek economic cooperation. This is the way to win. There are ten victories in

. You cannot fight with them. If you fight with them, you will lose.

China, the United States, and Russia all possess magical weapons and cannot fight with the enemy. You are now being deceived and willing to be chess pieces. Don’t you know that "the pawns crossing the river advance or retreat?" If our heavenly soldiers descend, you will become abandoned pawns. , when the blood flows for thousands of miles, you will be irreversible. Think about it and be careful.