Mao Zejian shouted loudly in front of the villagers: "If you kill one of me, there will be thousands more of me who will stand up. Justice cannot be killed, and justice is undefeated!"

Mao Zejian

Mao Zejian shouted loudly in front of the villagers:

"If you kill one of me, there will be tens of millions of others who will stand up. Justice cannot be killed, and justice is undefeated!"

Mao Zejian is Mao The chairman's cousin is also the first martyr in the chairman's family to sacrifice for the cause of our new democratic revolution.

was less than 24 years old when she died.

When New China was founded in 1949, Chairman Mao recalled his relatives who sacrificed for the revolution and said sadly:

"It is a pity that Ju Meizi died. She was a good comrade!"

So, how did Mao Zejian change from ignorance? How about a "peasant girl" growing up into a "female hero" full of revolutionary passion?

The story is very long and needs to be told slowly.

1. Born as a child bride

In October 1905, Mao Zejian was born into a poor family in Shaoshan, Hunan. October was the time when the chrysanthemums were in full bloom, so her parents gave her a nickname, "Ju Meizi".

Her father died young due to overwork, and her mother had amblyopia and could hardly see clearly. There were four younger brothers and sisters in the family. Fortunately, Mao Zedong’s mother liked her very much and took her home to raise her as a daughter.

In 1919, Mao Zedong's mother passed away, and the next year, his father also passed away. At that time, he was on a business trip in Beijing and would not be back for a while.

Mao Zejian, who was only 14 years old, could only return to his mother. Her mother really could not afford five children and felt that she was not too young even at 14 years old. So he followed other people's advice and sent her to the Xiao family in Yanglin Township to be a child bride.

In the old days, child brides were called “daughter-in-laws” at best, or “domestic slaves” at worst. Mao Zejian had to do all the dirty and tiring work at Xiao's house, and he didn't even have a few minutes to rest all day long.

Even though she was so tired every day that she couldn't straighten her back, her husband's family still scolded her at the top of their lungs, deliberately found fault with her, sometimes even refused to let her eat, and often punished her corporally.

Young Mao Zedong

In 1920, Mao Zedong returned to his hometown in Shaoshan, , and made a special trip to Xiao's house to pick up Mao Zejian and promote the revolution to her and his brothers Mao Zemin and Mao Zetan.

He said:

"In recent years, the country has been in chaos and the people's lives have been very difficult. Why is this happening?"

Mao Zejian replied:

"It's because there are too many people like my mother-in-law."

"That's right! It is because there are too many parasites like this that our country has no hope. And what we young people need to do most is to make revolution, and only revolution can take this path."

After finishing speaking, Mao Zedong asked. Mao Zejian:

"Sister Ju, what are your plans for the future?"

"Brother, I don't want to be a child bride anymore. I want you to take me to study and make revolution!"

"Yes, yes. Ju." Girl, you are ambitious! I will help you redeem yourself and take you to study in Changsha!"

Mao Zejian was so happy that he almost jumped up:

"Thank you, brother!" "By the way, you need a name to study. Sister Ju, you don’t seem to have a name yet. !"

"Brother, my father died young and my mother was uneducated, so she always had the nickname Ju Meizi."

Mao Zedong held her hand, thought for a moment, and said:

"Brother, I will give you one!" "

Mao Zejian. He said excitedly:

"Thank you, brother."

"You and I are of the same generation. There must be the word 'Ze' in your name, so just call me 'Mao Zejian'!"

"It sounds great, thank you for giving me the name." "

2. Joining the revolution under the guidance of his brothers

Young Mao Zedong

In 1921, with the help of Mao Zedong, Mao Zejian finally got rid of the shackles of his child bride. She and Mao Zedong came to Changsha and entered Chongshi Women's Vocational School to study.

During her two and a half years in Changsha, she completed six years of primary school and also participated in many social activities, such as promoting books and periodicals for Cultural Book Club , printing flyers and posting slogans for groups.

She often used holidays to consult Mao Zedong and Mao Zemin. Under the guidance of her two brothers, she understood what "imperialism" was, what the "exploiting class" was, and what the "proletariat" was. Her ideological consciousness continued to improve, and she officially joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in 1921.

Once, the party organization asked several progressive young women and a male worker to go to the station to pick up a batch of propaganda materials shipped from Shanghai. Other young women, you look at me and I look at you, they are not willing to accept this task. They feel embarrassed that men and women are not close to each other.

Mao Zejian recommended himself and decisively accepted the task. Under the cover of the male worker, she escaped the enemy's search and retrieved important documents sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the party organization in Changsha.

Mao Zejian, who had participated in many severe struggles and tests, was quickly listed as a key development target by the party organization. When she learned the news, she studied revolutionary theory more diligently and consciously accepted the party's test.

In the first half of 1923, Mao Zejian, who was only 18 years old, honorably joined the Communist Party of China under the introduction of He Shuheng, starting her short 6-year revolutionary career.

In the autumn of 1923, Mao Zejian was assigned by the Southern Hunan Special Committee to come to Hengyang, where he entered the Hunan Provincial No. 3 Women's Normal School and served as the student party branch secretary.

During this period, she asked party members to vigorously cultivate party activists to strengthen the party's strength. She herself took the lead in making friends with classmates who had progressive ideas and poorer backgrounds but were diligent and studious, and worked hard to develop them into party members.

Usually, when she writes letters to relatives or classmates, she would draw a sword next to her name. For this reason, her classmates were very surprised and curiously asked her about her intention. She explained:

"'Jian' and 'Jian' have the same pronunciation. I just want my name to become a sharp sword that pierces the hearts of reactionaries!"

Hunan Third Normal University (today's Hengyang Normal University)

Hunan Third Normal University Ou Minggao, the principal of the school, is a hypocrite, but he is good at pretending. A small number of classmates saw his true face clearly and hated him with itch. Most of his classmates didn't notice his hypocrisy and treated him with respect.

Because the school food was getting worse and worse, Mao Zejian took the initiative to stand up and reveal his true face. Let the evidence that he embezzled student meal funds be made public.

Mao Zejian mobilized students to surround the principal's office, forcing Ou Minggao to agree to spit out the stolen money and improve the students' meals.

One day, Ou Minggao, who had been completely disgraced by Mao Zejian, gathered the students in the school auditorium and invited an old monk in his 60s to teach them Buddhism in an attempt to control the students mentally.

Mao Zejian saw through his conspiracy and questioned him:

"Principal Ou, do you think our third division is a nunnery or a school? Are you the abbot or the principal?"

Ou Minggao was caught off guard by her question:

"Of course... School, I am also the principal!"

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Mao Zejian continued to ask:

"Since it is a school, isn't our main job to learn cultural knowledge? Since you are the principal, why do you ask monks to teach us? Do you want to train us to be nuns?"

The students in the audience quickly responded to Mao Zejian. They shouted:

"We want to learn culture, not Buddhism."

"We want to be builders of the country, not to be. Nun! "

Ou Minggao could only send the monk back, but he hid in the office and did not dare to come out.

After the "May 30" massacre in 1925, Mao Zejian launched a class strike, organized students to take to the streets, and promoted mass strikes and market strikes.After the representatives of the Hunan Federation of Students were arrested, Mao Zejian led students from the Third Women's Normal University to bravely rush into the Hengyang County Yamen, forcing the county magistrate Chen Qixiang to release the arrested representatives.

During the struggle, Mao Zejian became resourceful and brave, and won the respect and trust of her classmates. Everyone affectionately called her "our female pioneer". Mao Zedong, who passed by Hengyang, also praised her kindly.

During the fierce revolutionary struggle, Mao Zejian met Chen Fen, one of the leaders of the Shonan Student Federation, a student of the Third Men's Normal University, and a member of the Communist Party. In the winter of 1925, she married Chen Fen through Mao Zedong.

Chen Fen

After her marriage, Chen Fen followed the instructions of the Southern Hunan Special Committee and returned to her hometown of Leiyang, Hunan to launch the peasant movement. Mao Zejian revolutionized with him.

Chen Fen and Mao Zejian mainly carried out propaganda work in Chenjia Village, Chen Fen’s hometown. Although Chenjiacun has a beautiful environment, bandits and evil gentry are running rampant.

When the couple first arrived in Chenjiacun, they heard about the local biggest bully, Lu Qingxuan, who beat tenant farmer Chen Zhiqiu to death.

Mao Zejian discussed with her husband that the evil spirit Lu Qingxuan must be cured (Lu Qingxuan was called Lu evil spirit by the villagers).

On the second day after the incident, the two people went to the market and posted slogans, "Lu Evil Ghost killed someone to pay for it with his life!" and "The villager Chen Zhiqiu's family must be given an explanation!"

People in the market gathered to watch, and Mao Zejian saw this He ran to the stage, the highest point of the market, and told everyone how Chen Zhiqiu was beaten to death by Lu Evil Ghost, which attracted people to gather together consciously. Under the guidance of Mao Zejian and his two men, they went to Lu Evil Ghost's house. Seek justice.

I saw that the door of the Lu family was closed tightly, and everyone was shouting outside, but they ignored it.

Mao Zejian threatened Lu Qingxuan:

"If you don't open the door, we will set your house on fire, and no one will be able to talk to the fire!"

He had no choice but to ask his servants to open the door, and everyone rushed into Lu's house. Find him. But no one noticed Lu Qingxuan's figure.

Mao Zejian ran to a miscellaneous room and saw an unsealed coffin inside. She guessed that Lu Qingxuan must be hiding inside.

She asked several villagers to lift the coffin lid, intending to close it for him. While exerting force, she said to him in the coffin:

"If you don't come out, then you will never come out again!"

Lu Qingxuan begged her tremblingly:

"Don't close the lid, I'll come out right away, come out right away!"

Lu Qingxuan, under the supervision of Mao Zejian and Chen Fen, paid Chen Zhiqiu's funeral expenses and compensated Chen Zhiqiu's The family members have more than 300 pieces of and ocean .

In the first half of 1926, the party organization arranged for Mao Zejian to carry out activities in Hengyang County, promote communist doctrine, and lead the local rural areas to launch a vigorous peasant movement.

Under the leadership of Mao Zejian, the farmers stood up and felt proud, but the landlords and tycoons could only accept her transformation willingly.

There is a big landowner named Luo Jiping, nicknamed Luo Laoba. He has two brothers who are officials in the Kuomintang government. Relying on this relationship, he works both covertly and covertly with the Peasants' Association.

After the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party began, Luo Laoba suddenly became a member of the Kuomintang District Party Committee. He sold dog meat at the expense of others and opposed the Farmers Association's policy of reducing rents and interest rates.

Everyone believes that Luo Laoba must be found out in order to bring him down.

On the day of Luo Laoba's 50th birthday, he invited his relatives and friends to drink and eat, and he was very happy.

His friends, who used wine to express their "grievances", all said that the world had changed, the farmers had risen up against them, and that they could no longer live any longer.

Luo Laoba listened to them all sighing, slapped the table and shouted:

"Don't say these depressing words, I don't think these peasant associations can last long, and they will be driven away sooner or later."Two of my brothers who were officials in the Kuomintang wrote to me and told me that they also hated the peasant movement and felt that the Communist Party’s movement had gone too far. "

Just when they were talking enthusiastically, Mao Zejian and the pickets broke in.

She asked Luo Laoba:

"Can you plead guilty? "

Luo Laoba smiled sinisterly:

"Sin? I do my best to support the peasant movement, so why am I guilty? "

" Shut up! It's better spoken than sung. You said you support the peasant movement? Talking in plain words is not enough, you need to have written evidence. "

After she finished speaking, she spread out a couplet with very reactionary words written on it.

The first couplet was: "Farming turned around, and hybrids of rice, beams, millet, and wheat millet appeared."

The second couplet was: "The venue expanded, horses, cattle, sheep, and chickens Pigs, dogs, and livestock swarm together."

Farmers' Association (not real-life)

This was written by Luo Laoba when he was releasing the sullenness in his heart. He originally planned to hang it in the hall on the day when the Farmers' Association fell. He never thought that he would be killed by his own maid. He stole it out and gave it to Mao Zejian.

Luo Laoba knew the saying "a wise man makes a wise man", and he showed his kindness to Mao Zejian with a smile:

"I am old and confused, and my mind is numb and unenlightened. I will give the Farmers Association whatever it wants. This is the key to the warehouse. I leave it to you..."

"Put it away. You refuse to implement the Farmers Association's policy of reducing rent and interest, hindering the national revolution, and writing a reactionary The couplets should be paraded through the streets with signs hanging on them. Come on, take them all away! "

After this fight, Luo Laoba withered from then on. He no longer dared to hinder the peasant association, and the local peasant movement was successfully completed.

In May 1927, after the "Mari Incident" in Changsha, the CCP in Hunan The party organization was severely damaged. Mao Zejian gathered the peasant armed forces to form the Hengbei Guerrilla Division. In the mountainous area of ​​Miaoxi Village in Hengyang County, he carried out multiple night attacks on the local tyrants and evil gentry and the regiment defense armed forces, severely punishing the reactionary forces organized by

local regiment defense director Zhong Yajie. Going up the mountain to "suppress the bandits" several times ended in failure.

The frustrated Zhong Yajie personally led a large number of troops to go up the mountain to encircle and suppress the guerrilla divisions of Mao Zejian and others.

Mao Zejian and Xiao Juexian discussed countermeasures and felt that they could only lure the enemy deep and then catch the turtle in the urn. , catching them off guard.

Mao Zejian sent people to spread false information, saying that the guerrilla division was resting in Alchemy. As expected, Zhong Yajie's scouts were fooled. He was overjoyed and brought the false news back to the camp.

At this time, the guerrilla division had already ambushed under the cliff of Alchemy Ji. As soon as his troops arrived, they rushed up to attack him. Zhong Yajie was killed by the guerrilla division in the melee.

3. The couple died heroically

In early 1928, within the CCP's Southern Hunan Special Committee. Traitors appeared, and the two were transferred to Leiyang due to their identities being exposed. It happened that they met the workers' and peasants' revolutionary army led by Zhu De. After entering the army Jinggangshan , Mao Zejian and her husband stayed in Leiyang to continue fighting against the enemy. With their unremitting efforts, they took down some enemy strongholds, executed Zhao Shuisheng, Li Shan and other reactionaries, and effectively supported Jinggangshan from the rear.

html In early May, Mao Zejian led the guerrillas to carry out activities in Xiatangpu. Chen Fen also passed by to meet Mao Zejian. Before they could finish greetings, they happened to encounter the Leiyang County Youth League Defense Bureau, and the two sides started a fierce battle. Arrested.

On May 5, Chen Fen was shot by the enemy.

Because she was 8 months pregnant and had difficulty moving, she could only stay at the house of an old woman in Xiatangpu, waiting for delivery. Soon, she gave birth to a boy, and she named the child Yansheng.

One night, the enemy came to the village to search, and the child's cry attracted their attention, and Mao Zejian was arrested again.

Because she was Mao Zedong's sister, the enemies believed that she held an important position in the Communist Party before and after the "Ma-Japan Incident" and decided to interrogate her strictly.

The interrogator was Lu Qingxuan, whom she had offended before. She was extremely jealous when her enemies met.

Lu Qingxuan said hypocritically:

"If you tell your true identity, I will let you go."

Young Mao Zedong

"My name is Communist Party, I am Mao Zedong's sister, Chen Fen's wife, no other Identity!"

Lu Qingxuan saw that she refused to eat the toast and was fined with alcohol , so he ordered her to be tortured to extract a confession. But Mao Zejian was not afraid of death, let alone pain. She wrote in blood in prison sentences such as "Swear to the death for the party" and "Mao Zedong has great hope, and the revolution will surely win", which showed her revolutionary enthusiasm.

was tortured by the enemy for nearly a year, and Mao Zejian was dying.

The enemy released news that Mao Zejian was about to be executed. Chen Fen's sister Chen Shuyuan heard the news and came to see her for the last time dressed as a farmer.

Chen Shuyuan knew that Mao Zejian wanted to see her son. In fact, her son had died long ago. In order to comfort her, Chen Shuyuan borrowed a baby of about the same size from a farmer's house and brought it to see her.

Chen Shuyuan saw that Mao Zejian couldn't let go of the baby and didn't want her to die with regrets, so she had to tell her the truth.

Mao Zejian said coldly:

"I guessed it, thank you for bringing this child to see me."

On August 20, 1929, under the escort of the reactionaries, Mao Zejian was taken to Ma Miaoping outside the south gate of Hengshan County.

Before the execution, the reactionaries wanted to get some information about the Communist Party from her mouth. Mao Zejian said righteously:

"Don't try to get useful information from me."

The executioner said with a ferocious face:

" Even when you are about to die, you still keep talking! "

"Compared with my mouth, my faith is more worthy of being as hard as steel!"

"What else do you have to say in the end?"

Mao Zejian shouted loudly in front of the villagers. :

"If you kill one of me, there will be thousands of others who will stand up. Justice cannot be killed, and justice is undefeated!"

Mao Zejian died generously at the age of 24.

The villagers secretly buried her body in Jinzifeng.

After the founding of New China, The Hunan Provincial Party Committee expanded the Mao Zejian Martyrs Cemetery near her cemetery to commemorate her contribution to the revolution.