At 10:15 a.m. on October 20, 1969, Chen Yi and his wife Zhang Qian, together with their secretary Shi Guobao, guard Gong Hengzheng, and driver Li Jiyuan, and a group of five people, lightly packed and simple, left Beijing by train and headed for Shijiazhuang.

At 10:15 a.m. on October 20, 1969, Chen Yi and his wife Zhang Qian, together with their secretary Shi Guobao, guard Gong Hengzheng, and driver Li Jiyuan, a group of five people, lightly packed and simple, left Beijing by train and headed for Shijiazhuang.

After Chen Yi arrived in Shijiazhuang, he stayed at the Qiaoxi Guest House in the city.

The main leaders of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee were very indifferent to Chen Yi and did not introduce anything to him; at the same time, they were also cut off from the central government. They could no longer see central government documents, even newspapers and periodicals such as the International Communist Movement that they subscribed to. He was also detained in Beijing.

According to the arrangements of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, Chen Yi went to Shijiazhuang Railway Factory to participate in worker activities three and a half days a week. In his free time, he and his wife studied Marx's works and "Selected Works of Mao Zedong".

More than half a year has passed in a flash. In July 1970, Chen Yi felt a dull pain in his abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea. The doctor at a large railway factory prescribed some painkillers for him, but they didn't work after taking them.

Zhang Qian felt pain in her heart when she saw Chen Yi losing weight day by day. She discussed with Chen Yi and originally wanted to report to the Central Military Commission and request to return to Beijing for medical treatment, but she postponed it because she had to attend the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Unexpectedly, this delay lasted a whole year!

Not long after, Chen Yi fell ill and flew to Lushan from Shijiazhuang, together with the provincial leaders in North China, to attend the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee from August 23 to September 6.

It was not until October 26 that Chen Yi was admitted to the hospital.

Chen Yi was hospitalized for 56 days, but no problem was found. Instead, he was diagnosed with appendicitis before surgery, which was obviously a misdiagnosis. Colon cancer was discovered during the operation, and the surgical plan was hastily changed, which delayed treatment.

Later, the hospital felt that it did not pay enough attention to Chen Yi’s treatment and examination, so it took the initiative to write an examination.

After Chen Yi's death, there was a rumor that the doctor deliberately left part of the tumor during the operation without removing it. This statement is unfair.

When the doctors performed the surgery, they discovered that it was colon cancer and tried their best to remove the cancerous part. However, it is possible that the surgical plan could not be completely removed due to temporary changes in the surgical plan.

After Chen Yi's surgery, he suffered a heart attack and was given special care and no visits were allowed.

After about a week, the incision was basically healed and the heart disease improved, and then we were allowed to visit the ward.

One afternoon, secretary Du Yi went to the ward to visit. This was his first time visiting Chen Yi in the hospital. Although Chen Yi was lying in the hospital bed very weak after the surgery, he was in good spirits.

He lifted up his clothes and let Secretary Du see it. He said to him optimistically: "Look, the incision is already scarred. It's intestinal obstruction . It doesn't matter. It will be fine after surgery."

The term "intestinal obstruction" was given to him by the doctor. Because after the operation, in order to avoid a sudden mental shock to the patient, the doctors did not tell him that it was cancer .

However, cancer treatment requires active cooperation from patients and cannot always be kept secret. To this end, the medical staff also used their brains.

They took a roundabout approach to make patients gradually know that they have cancer and build confidence that cancer can be cured.

The method is that when the nurse is on duty in his ward, she takes a magazine about cancer treatment and pretends to read it. Before leaving, he deliberately "forgot" the magazine in the ward and asked the patient to read it by himself.

After some time, in order to make the patient cooperate with the treatment, the doctor explained the condition to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said: "If you don't tell me, I can guess how much. It doesn't matter, it's cancer, just remove it, and then remove it if it grows back. It's no big deal!"

Chen Yi fully trusts the doctor for the next step of treatment. He said to the doctors: " The cancerous part has been removed. How to treat it? You can treat it yourself! You can use me as an experiment to find out my experience."

After a period of treatment, the wound healed better. . Chen Yi's mental state is very good.Every time the secretaries visited the ward, he always asked for any news, and also requested that " reference news " be sent to him to read every day.

Chen Yi has always been optimistic, open-minded and approachable. His old comrades and colleagues all love to call him "Mr. Chen".

One night about two months after Chen Yi's surgery, Zhou Enlai was preparing to rest after working all night. He closed his dry eyes and opened them again after a while.

Suddenly, Zhou Enlai's eyes lit up, he picked up the phone on the table and dialed the number of an ordinary resident in urban Beijing.

"Are you the president of Wu Huanxing ? I am Zhou Enlai. Mr. Chen has colon cancer and has undergone surgery. I want Mr. Chen to be transferred to your hospital for treatment. Do you think it is okay?"

"Yes. Our hospital The hospital conditions are poor, but the treatment conditions are not bad. Outpatient treatment can be taken. I will personally diagnose and treat Mr. Chen." Zhou Enlai let out a long sigh of relief after putting down the phone. At this moment, how he hoped that Dean Wu Huanxing could create a miracle on Chen Yi!

Entrusted by Zhou Enlai to treat Chen Yi, Wu Huanxing felt both honored and responsible. He made up his mind to come up with the best technology and the best plan and do his best to treat Chen Yi well.

To this end, he reviewed all of Chen Yi's medical records in the hospital and carefully studied all the valuable examination results recorded in the medical records. However, when he found that the home page of the medical record recorded "weight loss of more than 20 kilograms in two years", which was an important symptom of cancer, but there was no record of expert consultation in the medical record, Dean Wu was shocked and angrily Sigh: Mr. Chen’s illness has been delayed! After doing the math, it was a total delay of 81 days.

Director Wu’s calculation of “81 days of delay” was based on the day Chen Yi was admitted to the hospital on October 26. He was first hospitalized for 56 days for physical examination, and then returned home for 25 days. In fact, Chen Yi's treatment was delayed for more than 81 days!

In the winter of 1982, when the old director Wu Huanxing recalled the past treatment of Chen Yi, he still said with great sadness and regret: "Mr. Chen's illness can be summed up in one sentence, which is indeed a delay. After Mr. Chen's death, according to Marshal Ye Jianying's instructions, According to the instructions, we held a discussion meeting in of 301 Hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses who participated in the treatment, care and rescue of Mr. Chen participated. They analyzed the medical history and treatment process in detail, and reviewed the enema films again. If you were more careful at that time, you could detect the symptoms of cancer early.”

Although he was seriously ill, Chen Yi still actively participated in various activities of the central government. On September 20, 1971, the General Office of the Military Commission informed Chen Yi that he would go to the Sanzuomen Conference Room for a meeting on the morning of the 21st. After that, for several days in a row, Chen Yi fell ill and participated in the symposium of veteran comrades held by the Central Committee.

In the conference hall, Wang Zhen was the first to speak. Chen Yi suddenly interrupted Wang Zhen's speech and said: "Wang Beard, let me speak, it counts the two of us!"

Chen Yi took out the speech in the hospital I wrote a few lines of outline, full of indignation and impassionedness, and I spoke for more than two hours at a stretch.

The next day, Zhou Enlai put forward the suggestion of recording the spokesperson, and Chen Yi firmly agreed: "I hope to save the recording as a kind of archive, which can be used as a reference when writing military history and party history in the future... There is no basis for saying so, and the recording is "Certificate."

Chen Yi seemed to have forgotten that he was a cancer patient and gave another 30,000-word speech, which lasted all morning.

As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of bright red blood poured out of his nose. After this desperate struggle, Chen Yi lay down and never got out of bed again.

html On September 29, secretary Du Yi went to the hospital to see Chen Yi. As soon as he entered the ward, he found that Chen Yi was working on his desk revising a manuscript.

Seeing the secretary come in, Chen Yi put down the pen in his hand and said to him: "There is one thing that is top secret and cannot be passed down according to regulations. Now, the central government has decided to expand the scope of dissemination. You will also hear the dissemination in a day or two. Let me talk to you today, and I want you to do something for me."

" I know it's confidential. What do you need my help for? "

" In recent days, the central government held a symposium for veteran comrades. I made a speech at the meeting. The conference secretariat compiled the shorthand drafts of my two speeches and sent them to me, asking me to revise and finalize them. I talked about it verbally at the symposium, but I felt that I still had not finished talking about it. When the manuscript is compiled, there will be quite a lot. You see, it’s such a thick stack and it’s really hard to modify. My energy is running out, can you help me sort it out? "

" Of course, it is not a problem to do some editing and modification of the text, but I don't understand some issues in history and it is not easy to deal with.

Mr. Chen thought for a while and said: "Yes, what I talked about at the symposium are historical issues. We should strive to be accurate on such issues. There are some things that you don't know, which is not easy to handle." Now I am recuperating from illness and have nothing else to do. I have plenty of time, so I might as well put some effort into revising it slowly! "

html On September 30, Mr. Chen asked for leave from the hospital to go home to celebrate the National Day.

In the morning, while walking in the courtyard of No. 20 Yongkang Hutong in front of his new home, he said to his secretary: "I thought about it last night, and the long manuscript is waiting for me to revise and send it. Central Committee, it will take some time, and the Central Committee and Chairman Mao hope to see such materials as soon as possible. So I thought it would be better to prepare some concise and to-the-point materials and send them to you first. In the afternoon, you come and help me. "

html On the afternoon of the 130th, Chen Yi and his secretary started working together.

Chen Yi said: "Lin Biao made ten mistakes during the war years. I must report to the Central Committee and Chairman Mao. For the sake of caution, I will dictate it and you will write it down. Then, you will think about it and revise it one by one, trying to express it correctly in words. Do you think it will work? "The secretary nodded in agreement.

So, Mr. Chen started to talk about the first point. He said very excitedly: "Lin Biao was once a deserter. "

Then, he slowed down and narrated what happened: "After the setback of the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, Mr. Zhu led more than 2,000 people to Dayu, Jiangxi, to reorganize and prepare to continue fighting. At this time, the man was pessimistic and wavered. Among them, some officers who were graduates of the fourth batch of Huangpu Military Academy , including Lin Biao, tried to escape. "

" At that time, Lin Biao was the commander of the 7th Company of the 73rd Regiment, and I was the instructor (party representative) of the 73rd Regiment. Lin Biao brought a group of officers who graduated from Huangpu University to me. He said that now that the troops are in ruins, they cannot be touched and will collapse at the first touch. Instead of being taken as prisoners, it is better to leave in plain clothes and go to Shanghai or other places to do it. "

" others echoed. They also advised me to leave too. Lin Biao also said to me, you are also an intellectual and have never fought in a war or formed a team, so you might as well go together. "

" I told them clearly that I will not leave. Now that I have a gun in my hand, I can kill the local tyrants and evil gentry. As soon as I leave the team, the local tyrants and evil gentry will kill me. I also told them, if you want to leave, you can leave, but keep the guns and we will continue to work on the revolution. As long as the team exists, so can we. "

"Revolutionary soldiers must have a revolutionary spirit, stand firm in difficulties, withstand tests, and make personal sacrifices. There is hope for the Chinese revolution. It is most shameful to run away with a gun! Several other company commanders were dissuaded by me, but Lin Biao, who had been shaken for a long time, still deserted. "

" On the day when the troops left Dayu, he and a few wavers fled toward Meiguan. On the way to escape, he found that the landlord's armed team was closely guarding the pass. They not only searched and interrogated suspicious people, but also snatched things, beat people, and even shot them. Lin Biao was frightened and felt cornered, so he was forced to return to the army that night. "

" I criticized him at the time, but I still welcomed him back and asked him to return to the company as company commander. When Lin Biao was the company commander, he often complained and complained that he was not promoted despite being the company commander. Soon after, during the promotion, someone proposed that Lin Biao be the leader of the regiment. I knew that Lin Biao's quality was not good, so I disagreed.Later, because the war was brutal and the Red Army suffered heavy casualties, and the troops needed to be constantly replenished and expanded, Lin Biao was appointed battalion commander. Later, because Wang Erzhuo, the commander of the 28th Regiment, died, Lin Biao was appointed battalion commander. Head of the group. "

After Chen Yi finished speaking, he asked the secretary if he had written it down. The secretary said that he had written it down.

Mr. Chen said that he would put down this paragraph for now and wait for a while to modify the text. Now he will talk about the second one.

Mr. Chen spoke again. : "Lin Biao once cowered in the battle. It was January 1928, and Lin Biao was already the commander of the 28th Regiment. The enemy attacked Dayu County , and Lin Biao led the 28th Regiment to retreat. "

" After seeing this, Commissar Mao (called Commissar Mao to Chairman Mao at the time) asked Lin Biao why he did not resist, and ordered Lin Biao to return to the 28th Regiment to block the enemy. Lin Biao emphasized that the troops had retreated and looked troubled. Comrade Mao firmly said that even if we withdraw, we must pull it back. I also told Lin Biao that the main force must resolutely resist. Lin Biao just squatted still. "

" At this time, I stopped a platoon leader who had just retreated and ordered him to lead the troops to rush forward to resist in order to cover the retreat of the large troops. I said, Comrade Mao is still here, and you are so afraid of death! Fortunately, the platoon leader rushed forward with his troops to fight and blocked the enemy's offensive. "

Then, Mr. Chen also asked a question: "When Lin Biao was the company commander, he gave the company's food expenses of 120 yuan silver dollars to his orderly (his cousin). Later, the orderly ran away with the money, and the company's food money was gone. The regiment leader wanted to punish Lin Biao, and it was I who told him the truth. "

" That orderly was later captured by our troops. Not only did Lin Biao not punish him, he also made him carry a rifle and became inseparable from him, becoming very affectionate with him. "

" Also, He Tingying, the party representative of the 28th regiment, was injured in the battle. I told Lin Biao to take good care of him. After the troops marched in a hurry, I couldn't find He Tingying, so I asked Lin Biao where the party representative was. Lin Biao said calmly: Lost it. "

Mr. Chen said ten items in one breath. Two people spoke and memorized. They recited and revised what was not clear. They carefully considered every word and sentence. They worked from the afternoon to the evening and finally finished it.

In October 1971, Chen Yi's condition was basically stable. He continues to stay in the hospital for treatment. In the hospital, he is still concerned about domestic and international events and reads the "Reference Materials" every day. On October 25, the 26th United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of 76 votes. With 35 votes against and 17 abstentions, Resolution 2758 was adopted, which "restores all legal rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and immediately expels representatives of the Kuomintang group from the United Nations and all its institutions." After the secretary received the news. , immediately went to the hospital to report to him.

Mr. Chen was very happy to hear the good news that the United Nations General Assembly had restored my country’s legal seat in the United Nations.

He said: "Great! After more than 20 years of fighting, we finally have an outcome. This proves that our country's diplomatic line of pursuing independence, opposing imperialism and colonialism, and uniting the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America is completely correct. "

Mr. Chen continued: "The issue of seats in the United Nations has been solved. The problem now is to end the movement as soon as possible, concentrate on the economy, and promote our economic construction. As a permanent member of the Security Council, it does not rely on a large country and a large population, but on the country's economic strength and strong economic power. Only by speaking with weight in the international community can it play its due role in the Security Council . "

Just when people were happy that Chen Yi's condition was stable and hoped that he could be discharged from the hospital soon, Chen Yi's condition suddenly worsened from November 6.

At 23:55 in the middle of the night on January 6, 1972, Chen Yi's heart stopped beating , died.
