"Falling leaves return to their roots" is a traditional Chinese thought. What is surprising is that this group of Koreans actually came to China to return to their roots. Their trip was to return to their hometown of Fengzheng Village to recognize their ancestors.

On June 29, 2004, a group of guests from South Korea came to Fengzheng Village, Guangping Prefecture, Handan City, . The leader was Tian Wenjun, the president of Korea Koryo Shipping Co., Ltd.

"Falling leaves return to their roots" is a traditional Chinese thought. What is surprising is that this group of Koreans turned out to be who came to China to return to their roots. Their trip was to return to their hometown, Fengzheng Village, to recognize their ancestors.

The delegation then received warm hospitality from the villagers. Looking at the people in the village, everyone in the delegation burst into tears. Many people will have questions, why is the hometown of a group of Koreans in China?

Picture | Koreans who "return to their roots"

"Koreans" who recognize their ancestors

The time goes back hundreds of years. Before 1706, a Korean came to the Qing Dynasty for diplomatic exchanges. However, his intention on this mission was not on work. Instead, he wanted to take this opportunity to come to China to inquire about the Guangping people.

Who is this Korean, and why does he have relatives in China? His name is Tian Huiyi, and his father Tian Haoqian is Chinese. went to North Korea to escape the war when he was young, so he settled in North Korea.

Tian Haoqian's last wish was to hope that his son Tian Huiyi would return to China to recognize his ancestors. Therefore, the first thing Tian Huiyi did after arriving in Beijing was to inquire about Guangfu officials.

Tian Huiyi also encountered obstacles at first. Later, someone suggested that he could find it in the imperial examination. Because the students taking the imperial examination come from all over the country, you can see if there are any members of his tribe.

Picture丨People who fled

This method really worked. After many searches, Tian Huiyi finally found a student named Tian Siqi. Hearing this surname, Tian Huiyi felt a sense of intimacy.

But unfortunately, Tian Siqi's mother has just passed away, so she has now returned to her hometown to observe mourning. In desperation, Tian Huiyi entrusted his father's portrait and some letters to a friend and handed them over to Tian Siqi.

When Tian Siqi received something related to Tian Haoqian, the whole village became excited. Then the villagers wrote all Tian Haoqian's descendants in North Korea into the genealogy of the Tian family in Guangping . The same family branches of the Tian family in North Korea finally recognized their ancestors in a special way.

After this meeting in the air, the Tian clan people in China and North Korea began to exchange letters , and the contact between the two sides began to become increasingly closer.

Picture丨North Korea

The good times did not last long. In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the corruption of the Qing government, China began to fall into constant wars, and the exchange of letters between the two tribes was interrupted.

The villagers in Guangping's hometown were worried about their compatriots in North Korea, so they sent people to North Korea to look for them. It was a pity that North Korea had been occupied by Japan at that time, and all the borders were blocked by the Japanese army. In desperation, the villagers had no choice but to return to their hometowns.

A few years later, Guangping Prefecture received a letter from the Tian clan members of North Korea. The letter stated that North Korea was currently very dark and divided under the rule of Japan, and the people of the Tian clan were living in dire straits. They hope to move back to China and reunite with their people in their hometown.

After reading the letter, the villagers immediately sent a letter to Chosun Tian to reply. Unfortunately, they never received a reply after the letter was sent. At that time, China was engaged in the Anti-Japanese War, and the letters were probably lost during the war.

Picture丨The Anti-Japanese War

Until the 1980s, North Korea split into two countries. The Tian clan people in North Korea also became the Tian clan people in South Korea. Although their nationality is changing, they have never forgotten the last wish of their ancestors to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan.

At that time, Tian Wenjun, the 19th generation descendant of the Tian family, became the president of Co., Ltd. of Korea's Koryo Shipping Co., Ltd. He has been at the forefront of searching for relatives, asking around about the situation in his hometown.

In 1994, many offices established by Koryo Shipping Co., Ltd. appeared in Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao and other places. After Tian Wenjun learned about it, he immediately entrusted the Qingdao office to help him find news about Guangping Prefecture.

Unfortunately, due to the changes of the times, the office was unable to find relevant information about Quang Binh Province for a while.

Picture丨Korea Shipping Co., Ltd.

After ten years of searching, the Qingdao office finally found Fengzheng Village in 2004. At this time, Fengzheng Village had been renamed Zuofengzheng Township. Tian Lianping, secretary of the local party committee, was very excited after learning the news. The Korean Tian tribe member who had been searching for decades had finally been found.

Tian Lianping immediately came to Qingdao with the genealogy, and at the same time compared the genealogy with Tian Wenjun who was far away in South Korea. finally determined that the two were members of the same clan.

The two of them excitedly told the tribesmen in both places, and everyone was very happy. At this time, the Korean Tian family has been away from their hometown for 381 years, and now they are finally returning to the embrace of their hometown.

Then the Tian clan people in South Korea couldn't wait to return to their motherland to recognize their ancestors. On the other side, the villagers of Fengzheng Township were also actively preparing for the reception. For them, this matter was the top priority of the clan.


The scene at the beginning of the article appeared on June 29, 2004. A total of nine Korean delegation members headed by Tian Wenjun returned to their hometown of Fengzhengxiang.

These nine people are not small. Among them are Jeon Kwang-hyun, the president of Dankook University, Jeon Deok-joon, the president of the chemical company, and other Korean social elites. The Jeon clan in South Korea has also developed into a large family of 200 people. , there are many talents with high achievements emerging.

9 people's eyes couldn't help but moisten when they looked at their relatives in their hometown, and then they knelt down in front of their ancestors' graves. They were finally able to comfort their ancestor Tian Haoqian’s spirit in heaven, and Tian Haoqian’s last wish was finally fulfilled.

htmlThe separation in 1381 was so long ago, and the road back home was so difficult. Since is so difficult, how did our ancestor Tian Haoqian leave his hometown?

Picture | Worshiping ancestral graves

Tian Haoqian, the ancestor of the Tian family in South Korea

In 1610, Tian Haoqian was born in Fengzheng Village, Guangping Prefecture. He is the ninth generation descendant of the family. Tian Haoqian's ancestors had extremely brilliant achievements, and their ancestral home was not Guangping Prefecture. This can be traced back to the early Ming Dynasty.

In order to develop some remote areas, the government at that time encouraged people to actively migrate and cultivate and develop local areas. The Tian family in Hongdong County, Shanxi is no exception. Some of their tribesmen migrated to Guangping Prefecture and became the first generation ancestors of the Tian family in Guangping.

The Tian family has had good family training since childhood. Those who study in the family are hard-working, and those who do business make money well. Therefore, the Guangpingtian family developed quickly, and it was not until the seventh generation that the family finally reached its peak.

At that time, two Tian family members held important positions in the court. Lao Santian Yingbi was the imperial censor, and Lao Liutian Yingyang was the minister of the Ministry of War.

Picture | Tian family genealogy

That’s not all, there are 10 archways standing on the pipelines in Fengzheng Village. You must know that it is a great thing to be able to build an archway, and the Tian family has 10, which shows the glory of the family's past.

Tian Haoqian also inherited the excellent genes of his ancestors. He was very smart since he was a child, and he was well-read in poetry and books. He was not only handsome but also extraordinary in bearing. Coupled with the Tian family's prominent background, Tian Haoqian is definitely a "tall, rich and handsome" by today's standards.

Not only that, after hundreds of years of development, the Tian family has now blossomed into both officials and businessmen. There are people in the court serving as senior executives, and there are large tracts of fertile land and countless inns and shops in the countryside. In this way, no matter which dynasty or generation the family is placed in, it will be a proper noble family.

At that time, Tian Haoqian could choose to go into politics or business, but Tian Haoqian, who was talented and intelligent, preferred to make money in business. So he started running around all day long, so busy that he had no time to rest.


With his efforts, the family business is also developing rapidly, and the business scope is getting larger and larger. Tian Haoqian often needs to travel to other places to discuss business.

If Tian Haoqian was born in a peaceful era, his name will definitely be left in the history of local rich people. It is a pity that everyone is so insignificant in the face of the torrent of history.

In 11637, Tian Haoqian planned to go to the Northeast region to handle business. What no one expected was that Tian Haoqian would go and never come back again in his life. It was not until the 21st century, more than 300 years later, that Tian Haoqian was able to "return to his hometown."

At that time, the Ming Dynasty was already on the verge of collapse . Successive natural disasters caused great damage to agriculture across the country, and the people lived in dire straits.

Picture丨People in dire straits

The house leaked but it rained all night . Officials in the DPRK and China became corrupt and failed to provide disaster relief. As a result, peasant uprisings broke out across the country.

While the imperial army was suppressing the domestic peasant uprising, the Manchu people far away from the customs began to rise, and then the troops with pigtails began to enter the customs and swept across the country. Later, because of Li Zicheng's outrage, the whole country fell into the hands of the Manchus, and Chinese history began to enter the era of the Manchus.

At that time, the whole country was in chaos, At this time, Tian Haoqian was still on his way to the northeast, but he encountered an attack by the Qing soldiers on the way.

Tian Haoqian could only follow the refugees around. Fortunately, he came to a remote place and temporarily escaped the Qing army, and his life was saved.

Picture丨Qing Bing

But at this time, Tian Haoqian was also lost. There was no navigation at that time, and Tian Haoqian didn't know where he was now. After asking about the results, Tian Haoqian found out that he had arrived in North Korea. It was no wonder that there were no Qing troops here.

At this time, Tian Haoqian didn't have half a dime on him, and he was unfamiliar with the place, could only survive by begging every day.

He once thought about going back to his hometown, but due to the chaos in the country at that time, and the lack of someone to transport him, it was estimated that the Qing troops, bandits and refugees along the way would kill him.

Not to mention that I can’t even remember the way back now. If I go in the wrong direction, I’m not far from death. In desperation, Tian Haoqian can only live temporarily in North Korea, and then find a way to return to his motherland when the situation stabilizes.

Picture丨North Korea

However, North Korea was not so peaceful. Because the King of North Korea refused to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty sent troops to attack North Korea.

Tian Haoqian once again joined the ranks of refugees and begged for survival. One day, the team came to the gate of a military camp to beg. In order to humiliate the refugees, the soldiers deliberately poured the leftovers on the ground for them to eat.

Looking at the refugees' miserable appearance, the soldiers began to laugh. Only Tian Haoqian had the backbone of a scholar and would rather starve to death than eat food off the ground.

The soldiers saw such a special person among the crowd, so they came over curiously and asked Tian Haoqian. Tian Haoqian replied directly: " I was born in a land of Eastern etiquette, and I would rather starve to death than behave like this. "

Picture | The Land of Etiquette

So Tian Haoqian's story quickly spread throughout the army, and North Korean General Gu Hong also knew about it. After General Gu learned that Tian Haoqian was so stubborn, he immediately asked someone to invite him to his camp, and wanted to get to know this strange person well.

He didn’t know this without asking. After asking, he found out that Tian Haoqian was born in the same family. The great talents from the official family were not only knowledgeable but also well-informed. This was definitely a master-level talent in the North Korean army, which could not read a single word at that time.

Tian Haoqian was also very calm and calm when he saw Gu Hong. Although he had a humble status at this time, he answered the general's questions fluently.

Upon seeing this, General Gu thought Tian Haoqian was a very useful talent, so he kept him by his side to advise him. Gold always shines. Tian Haoqian transformed from a refugee to a consultant, which is inseparable from his super ability.

Picture | Military Advisor

Tian Haoqian found a rare place to settle down without having to experience a life of ups and downs, and then he became a military advisor next to Ju Hong with peace of mind. But the good times did not last long. At that time, North Korea was still in war, and the Qing army quickly broke through the North Korean capital.

After the defeat, the King of Korea reluctantly surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. This also caused his prestige in the country to plummet, so some people began to want to overthrow the king and replace him.

644, General Shen Qiyuan launched an uprising. He planned to overthrow the king and establish a new king.

Gu Hong happened to be Shen Qiyuan's boss. Seeing his younger brother's rebellion, he naturally wanted to suppress it himself. Tian Haoqian repeatedly performed extraordinary feats during the suppression process and helped General Ju quickly suppress the rebellion.

Picture丨Suppressing the Rebellion

Gu Hong saw Tian Haoqian's military talent in the process of suppressing the rebellion, and then recommended him to the king . The king was very happy after learning about Tian Haoqian's achievements.

The king decided to reward Tian Haoqian, and then made him a general official. The position of is not small, it is a dignified third-grade official.

Later, Tian Haoqian made great achievements one after another, and his official position soared accordingly. served as the Dragon Guard Guard of the Korean Kingdom , and was officially a second-grade official.

Tian Haoqian's reputation in North Korea gradually became famous, and he became a famous figure. So does Tian Haoqian, who is in a high position, still plan to return to his motherland? What kind of efforts has he made for this?

Picture丨Looking for Roots and Asking Ancestors

Caring about the motherland but finding it difficult to return

Tian Haoqian quickly gained a high status in North Korea by virtue of his personal abilities. At this time, he not only served as a high-ranking official in the court, but also received numerous awards. He had land and land at home, and a perfect and happy family.

Now Tian Haoqian's performance is no worse than in his hometown, and his achievements are even much more than those in his hometown.

If you want to ask him what he is missing now, it is probably to return to his hometown and reunite with his family. At this time, Tian Haoqian's only wish is to return to his hometown, and the homesickness of falling leaves returning to their roots continues to wander in Tian Haoqian's heart.

However, there are currently two major factors restricting Tian Haoqian's return to China.

Picture丨North Korea

First of all, it is the serious situation in the country. At that time, Li Zicheng had captured Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen committed suicide, and Wu Sangui introduced Qing troops into the pass.

At that time, people all over the country were caught in the flames of war. It was naturally very difficult for Tian Haoqian to return to his country. In addition, no one knew whether his family members in his hometown had left their hometown to avoid the war.

The second is North Korea’s obstruction. At this time, Tian Haoqian was already an important minister of the Kingdom of North Korea, and the king would never allow him to leave North Korea at will.

Moreover, Tian Haoqian had already married a wife and had children in North Korea at this time. There were four boys and three girls in the family, and he could not bear to leave his family and return home alone. Due to the fetters of family and the obstruction of the court, it is even more difficult for Tian Haoqian to return to China.


Although Tian Haoqian cannot return to his hometown, Tian Haoqian has never forgotten that he is Chinese. During every New Year and festival, he will come to the seaside to kowtow in the direction of the motherland.

Tian Haoqian often tells stories about his hometown to the children, telling them that he is Chinese and that he must return to his hometown if he has the opportunity in the future.

Not only that, After getting old, Tian Haoqian also restored the appearance of his hometown, Fengzheng Village, near his home 1:1 , to comfort his homesickness.

Relatives far away in China have never forgotten Tian Haoqian. ’s mother cried in tears all day after Tian Haoqian’s disappearance. In her later years, she even went blind from crying. The wife missed her former husband very much and often went to the Northeast to look for Tian Haoqian, but she never found him.

Picture | Worshiping ancestors

1 In 1687, 77-year-old Tian Haoqian was lying on his bed at home, with his family surrounding him. At this time, Tian Haoqian was already terminally ill and was about to die soon.

However, before he died, he still called his son Tian Huiyi to his side, and used his last strength to tell him: " Our roots are in China, and our hometown is in Fengzheng Village, Guangping Prefecture. We must Find your roots! " After that, Tian Haoqian passed away with regret.

After Tian Haoqian's death, the descendants of the Tian family in North Korea have never forgotten the last wish of their ancestor before his death, let alone the clan members far away in their hometown.

So when Tian Haoqian's son Tian Huiyi went to China by chance, he began to inquire about news about his hometown , and then the previous story appeared.

Picture丨The Tian family monument

After more than 381 years, the Korean Tian family finally returned to their hometown.

In order to make up for the years of separation, the descendants of the Tian family in South Korea decided to make some contributions to their hometown after recognizing their ancestors. Tian Wenjun founded the "Minghuan Foundation" to help the descendants of the Tian family study hard.

then used his personal connections to open up the economic and trade route from South Korea to Fengzheng Township, promoting the development of his hometown there.

For many years since then, descendants of the Tian family in South Korea have been supporting the construction of their hometown. has the money and the ability to contribute. After all, for them, they have waited for this moment for too long.

Picture丨Tian’s Ancestral Hall


There is a bright moon in my hometown, how can I envy the roundness in a foreign land.

Tian Haoqian relied on his own efforts, After achieving great achievements in a foreign country, he still did not forget his homeland. This spirit deserves the admiration of all Chinese people.

Tian Haoqian's patriotic sentiments have also touched countless wanderers. For them, no matter where they go in the world, their hometown will always be in their hearts.

Just as the lyrics say: Even though I am wearing a dress, my heart is still Chinese!