Under the leadership of Brezhnev, the Soviet Union gradually entered a dead end. Economic development stagnated, the system became rigid, and bureaucracy became prevalent. Behind this false prosperity, we are actually digging our own graves, and it is only a matter of time when w

During the 18 years that Brezhnev was in power, the Soviet Union's national strength and influence reached its peak. However, this prosperity and prosperity was overdrawn by the wealth accumulated during the administration of Stalin and Khrushchev .

Under the leadership of Brezhnev, the Soviet Union gradually entered a dead end, with economic development stagnating, the system becoming rigid, and bureaucracy prevalent.

Behind this false prosperity, we are actually digging our own grave, and it is only a matter of time when we will be buried.

Throughout Brezhnev's life, this man can be called a man of great luck.

did not pay any price, did not use any tricks, and did not suffer any suppression or persecution. He just rose to the center of power in the Soviet Union like drinking water.

Khrushchev, who had been in power for 11 years, was Brezhnev’s benefactor.

It was the "fitter" who never abandoned Brezhnev, never gave up, and promoted him all the way, which made his career smooth sailing.

It stands to reason that in the face of Khrushchev, who was so kind to him, Brezhnev should be respected even if he did not say anything disrespectful or make a promise with his body.

Brezhnev said no.

The way he chose to repay his kindness was to replace it.

In most people's minds, when talking about "fitter" Khrushchev, their first reaction is: reckless, uneducated, low-quality, ignorant, rude and arrogant. Is the

"fitter" really that bad? How could

be so unworthy that it could be reused by Stalin?

is so unbearable that he can kill Beria and suppress Malenkov to become the third head of the Red Empire?

It is true that Khrushchev has a low level of education and a flammable and explosive personality, but he is by no means a fool with well-developed limbs, a simple mind, and ignorance.

On the contrary, he has the political courage to take action, a keen political sense, and cunning conspiracy skills.

It can even be said that he is a kind person and a tolerant ruler.

Compared to his predecessor Dalinzi, who frequently resorted to "physical destruction" on political opponents, Khrushchev's approach to political opponents was much gentler.

In most cases, they are simply dismissed from official positions and sent to remote areas.

has never killed them all or eradicated the root causes.

According to the memories of people around Khrushchev, this short, fat "fitter" with a rude manner was actually a rare and kind person at heart.

Unfortunately, kind people often do not end well.

Especially in the power arena.

Politics is not about good or evil, it is about fighting chaos.

Khrushchev's kindness was replaced by his younger brother Brezhnev.

After Khrushchev came to power, he completely denied Stalin, and even directly said "NO" to the privileged and corrupt system established by Stalin.

He ordered the abolition of bureaucratic privileges and the implementation of tenure and rotation systems for cadres. This was the first time the Soviet Union declared war on corruption.

From this point of view, Khrushchev brought a long-lost fresh air to the Soviet Union.

But the air is too turbid and the water is too deep. Even someone as powerful as Khrushchev can’t beat four hands with two fists.

Because he failed to control the intensity of reform, Khrushchev's behavior completely violated the interests of 's vested interest group .

They are like an undercurrent, brewing conspiracies in the shadows of the empire.

This group of people gathered around: "How about deposing him."

But there is a question before this group of people: who will be the boss after Khrushchev is deposed.

did not come up with a result after a lot of fighting.

At this time, a wise man came up with an idea and said: Let's find a spokesperson and help him come to power. We will be the boss behind the scenes. It's cool to think about it.

Therefore, Brezhnev, who had been an obedient mediocre cadre for the first half of his life, had no lofty ambitions, and just wanted to live a good life without fighting or robbing, became the spokesperson of the vested interest groups in the Soviet Union.

How can I say that I am blessed with great luck.

On October 14, 1964, Khrushchev - a potato lover, corn addict, agriculture, rural issues expert, and nuclear bomb enthusiast was forced to retire with a monthly pension of 500 rubles .

html The 258-year-old Brezhnev unexpectedly ascended to the top of power in the Soviet Union and became the fourth head of the Red Empire.

This "puppet spokesperson" who seems ordinary and has no desires unexpectedly develops superb power fighting skills.

I can neither fight nor grab, but I am not a fool either.

I am a person who survived Stalin’s era. I did not fight or grab anything before, and I had no desires and desires. But now that I am the boss, why do you fight with me?

The two bosses of the interest group, Gray Suslov and KGB Chairman Xie Leping, thought they could safely be the "Emperor" behind the scenes, but they were directly knocked out by Brezhnev.

Brezhnev’s cleverness is that he defeated the two big bosses who restricted his power, and he also did not forget to give sweets to interest groups.

He announced that he would inherit the Stalin model, abolish Khrushchev's reforms, and restore the official appointment system and tenure system of the Stalin period.

Are you satisfied?

You let me live well, and I also let you eat and drink well, so that everyone can live in peace and share the peace of the world.

After appeasing interest groups, Brezhnev also began a series of economic reforms, such as the "New Economic System" launched in 1966.

mainly involves reducing mandatory planned economic indicators, reforming the management system, reducing taxes on farmers, increasing purchase prices, exempting farm debts, etc.

Its essence is to use market mechanisms to a limited extent within the framework of a planned economy, and to manage the economy with administrative means supplemented by economic means.

However, this new economic system did not make fundamental changes to the Stalin model. At the same time, in order to safeguard the interests of vested interest groups, they rejected learning from the West and believed that only by adhering to the Stalin model could their interests be safeguarded.

Therefore, this "new economic system" reform was terminated.

But this reform achieved obvious results, promoted the development of the Soviet economy, and brought the Soviet Union's economic strength, military strength, and national comprehensive strength to the peak.

What we have to admit is that the happiness index of the Soviet people during the Brezhnev period was the highest in the history of the Soviet Union.

When Brezhnev first came to power in 1965, the average salary in the Soviet Union was 96.5 rubles, which rose to 170 rubles by the end of his administration.

In the 1970s and 1980s, all over the world:

Only in the Soviet Union, working hours could not exceed 8 hours.

Only the Soviet Union has free medical care for all.

Only the Soviet Union has free education for all, free books, free food and housing.

Only the Soviet Union has free housing for all, and all tap water and heating are free. The Soviet people once did not know what a "water meter" was.

Only the Soviet Union has affordable sanatoriums. After all, Lie Taizu said that people who don’t know how to rest can’t work.

Brezhnev spent 10 years to achieve electrification, gasification and road network in rural areas of the Soviet Union, changing the dilapidated and backward appearance of rural areas in the Soviet Union.

Brezhnev was very self-aware. He knew that he did not have Lenin's talents, Stalin's evil intentions, and Khrushchev's willfulness. He knew that his abilities were limited.

Therefore, we will unswervingly follow the Stalin model, seeking no merit but no fault.

It took him 18 years to maximize the potential of the Stalin model.

created a "prosperous age".

In this prosperous era, the life of the Soviet people seemed fascinating, but the price was quite high and could not continue forever.

, a kind of high welfare that is not available in Europe and the United States, requires money, and a lot of money can be spent to maintain it.

Everyone knows what the economic level of the Soviet Union is. Outside, it still has to confront the United States Cold War . Inside, officials are corrupt, and the people still need high welfare.

What did Brezhnev rely on?

is oil.

During his 18 years in power, Brezhnev's favorite thing was to explore oil fields and natural gas .

Given the Soviet Union’s vast territory and abundant resources, these oil fields and natural gas are the source of energy for the normal operation of the red empire—its currency capacity.

During the Brezhnev period, the Soviet Union used 30% of its gold reserves to purchase grain every year.

Due to the three consecutive years of grain production reduction from 1977 to 1980, the amount of gold used to purchase grain in 1980 reached as high as 156 tons.

Countless oil underground has been exchanged for a lot of dollars and gold, as well as a large amount of food and light industrial products.

The economic boom and the "prosperity" of the country are enough to cover up all the shortcomings of Stalin's model.

Behind this false "prosperity" lies the stagnant economic development of the Soviet Union, the rigidity of Stalin's model, and the prevalence of bureaucracy.

During the 18 years that Brezhnev was in power, the Soviet Union lost a rare opportunity for revival, and the shortcomings of the Stalin model have become increasingly serious.

On November 10, 1982, the 76-year-old Brezhnev - Stalin's favorite handsome man, oil field exploration expert, self-awarded Guinness record holder, forced kiss lover, Soviet literary giant, in Died in his sleep in the bedroom of the villa.