Enjoy the cool weather in the summer and watch an open-air red movie in the community. While enriching cultural life, you can also learn the history of the party, understand your thoughts, and be grateful. On the evening of June 30, the Party branch of Xuefu Jiedong Community in

Enjoy the cool weather in the summer and watch an open-air red movie in the community. While enriching cultural life, you can also learn the history of the party, understand your thoughts, and be grateful. On the evening of June 30, the Party branch of Xuefu Jiedong Community in Wucheng Subdistrict carried out the theme activity of "Watching Red Movies and Looking Back on Prosperous Years", organizing party members and the masses to watch red movies, review revolutionary feelings, and celebrate the party's birthday.

At the beginning of the activity, all party members in the community reviewed the oath of joining the party under the party banner and accepted the purification and baptism of their souls. Afterwards, everyone watched the movie "Sniper", which tells the story of China's resistance to U.S. aggression and aid to Korea.

An old party member saw the outdoor cinema and recalled his childhood. "When watching movies at that time, manufacturers with better conditions came to the village with playback equipment. Everyone moved small benches and sat around, watching and chatting about the plot. It was very nostalgic. Nowadays, we elderly people rarely go to the cinema. We old party members and veterans like today’s outdoor movies very much. "

The process of watching the movie is like witnessing the war, and it is a profound spiritual baptism and revolutionary education. Young party members and activists in the community have expressed that they must keep history in mind, fulfill their duties, be dedicated to their work, actively play a pioneering and exemplary role, and serve the residents wholeheartedly.

Source Taiyuan Evening News Reporter Wang Dan Correspondent Jia Zhixia